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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 258
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Chapter 258 Hearing the announcement, the people in Rest Area A waited nervously.

The male host in a suit walked onto the spacious stage.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, contestants, and judges, welcto the annual Solterra Cup Garment Design Contest.” “Over the past few years, this competition has produced many excellent designers. They have spread our culture to several countries through their designs.” “Today, we're lucky enough to have sbig names in the industry. We have Flora, president of the Fashion Designers Association of Solterra, Sherry, editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, Tess, president of the Women’s Wear Association, Maylin, president of Fashion Times, and Hans, CEO of Collins Corporation. Let's give them a round of applause” The audience broke into fervent applause.

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“Also, among the two hundred spectators below, we have the cream of the crop in the industry. Famous designers, seasoned fashion scholars, fashion experts, fashion gurus, etc. They will be voting on site to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the competition.” “Arabella, I'm kind of nervous,” Molly said, looking at the stage from the back of the crowd, her body slightly trembling.

“You're not scared when you're live streaming in front of so many people, but now with only two hundred spectators, you're nervous?” Arabella said, while still engrossed in her mobile game.

“You've got snerves.” She even had the mood to play mobile games! The designers around them looked pale with tension.

“What can we do? Does being nervous help?” Arabella asked casually.

Molly shook her head..

“Since being nervous doesn’t help and only affects your performance, why not adjust your mindset and face it courageously?” The designers around them seemed to have an epiphany upon hearing Arabella’s words. It made sense.

She looked so young, but her thinking was so clear? “Today, there are 120 designers participating in the competition. Now, | will announce the rules for the first round. Every 20 designers will form a group and compete together. In the end, only 30 designers and their assistants will advance to the second round.” The news caused a stir in the crowd.

Even the contestants felt the pressure.

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“Out of 120, only 30 can advance to the second round. That's three-quarters eliminated at once!” “That's horrifying!” “The competition hasn't even started, and the atmosphere is already stifling.” “I heard that swell-known grassroots designers are participating today. | wonder what kind of works they will bring.” “I heard that the designer Molly, who does live streaming, is also participating.” “Really? | love her. What's her number?” “I don't know.” With a radiant smile, the host announced, “Now, let's welcthe first group of contestants with a warm round of applause.” Sitting on the judges’ seats, Hans, CEO of Collins Corporation, turned his gaze to the big screen emotionlessly.

The first group consisted of 20 designers, each with an assistant. He first scrutinized the faces of the designers. None of them looked like Arabella.

“What number is Arabella?” He asked quietly to the person beside him.

Maylin, the president of Fashion Times, was obviously clueless. “Arabella? I've never heard of this name. Mr. Collins, do you know her? Letcheck.” He looked through all the information but couldn't find the nArabella among the 120 designers.

“Letsee.” Hans took over the information and checked the list of designers first. Still no Arabella. Could she be an assistant? He checked again and noticed number 16.

He looked up to see a strikingly beautiful face on the stage.