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The Return Of The God Level Assassin

Chapter 142 LUO JINS PLIGHT (II)
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LUO JIN turned left and almost tripped on something. If not for his good reaction speed, he’d definitely be lying, face first, on the ground right about now. He truly wanted to just curse out loud.

There were NPCs running about, panicking and screaming. Those men in black were still fighting the prince’s guards. There’s a tentacle monster capturing girls and probably doing something perverted to them. And all of these were happening with almost no lights around. In this kind of situation, what kind of person wouldn’t want to curse?

Ah, there’s probably one person who wouldn’t react much. The captain of the team he just joined in. Shen Ji Yun. That expressionless guy probably wouldn’t show any reaction even if he was entangled with tentacles and his body covered in slime. He shook his head. Just imagining it was already giving him goosebumps.

Then a notification prompt suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Mystery: What’s the origin of the green monster?]

Because of the sudden appearance of the prompt, he didn’t notice that one of the tentacles of the monster was coming to the place where he was standing. The moment he noticed, it was already too late. The tentacle was already about a few inches away from him.

He was about to move but before he could, someone pulled his arm hard. Before he knew it, he was already pushed to a wall.

"What the f—"

His words were cut off by the person who pushed him. "Sshh!"

Luo Jin looked at the person in front of him and his pupils immediately sank in. In front of him was Su Yuqi. Even though the surrounding was dim, Luo Jin could still see her clearly because of how close their bodies were to each other. She was leaning over him. One of her arms passed at the side of his face, landing on the wall behind him. Her forefinger was in front of her lips, a gesture telling him to not speak.

Because of her posture and the skimpy upper half of her dress, Luo Jin had a clear view of her cleavage. And quite a bountiful one too. He felt like all his blood just rushed up to his face. He quickly glanced away. Looking at anywhere but the young woman in front of him. If this was real life, he was sure that blood had already flowed down his nose. Not only that, he could even feel the uncontrollable beating of his heart.

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What was happening? Was this the result of his teenage hormones going on overdrive? He read from an article that teenagers were much more prone to crazy hormonal drive. Which led them to constantly think about R-rated things. It’s especially true for boys his age.

So, was this just his hormones talking?

"Do you hear that?" Su Yuqi suddenly asked, cutting off Luo Jin’s thoughts.


"Listen carefully."

Luo Jin did. But all he could hear was the same noise he’d been hearing since all the chaos started. The panicked voices of the NPCs, the clashing of swords, and the roar of a monster.

Su Yuqi seemed to notice that he didn’t hear what she asked him to hear. So she suddenly held his chin and moved his head towards a certain direction. "Concentrate."

He really wanted to but all he could hear was her breath blowing on his ear. "I can’t hear anything!" he said, trying to pull away from her.

Su Yuqi sighed. "Two men were discussing going after the prince. And by the sound of their footsteps getting farther by the second, they’re probably about to leave the ballroom."

That’s it? If that was all, she could have just told him about it from the very beginning. Why need to ask him first? If he didn’t have any IQ, he probably would have thought that she was seducing him or something.

"You could have just told me that," he complained, pouting a little bit.

Su Yuqi raised one of her brows and stared at him. Then she chuckled and patted his cheek. "You really can be cute sometimes, you know?"

"What--?" Luo Jin said, not sure of what just happened.

Instead of answering, Su Yuqi pulled him. "Let’s follow them. I’ll lead the way since your hearing seems to not be that good."

All Luo Jin could do was to follow, doing his best to ignore the warmth of the hand holding his. "Why do we need to follow them?" he asked.

"Remember the first Mystery prompt? It asked us to find the reason behind the actions of the men in black. So, we’ll follow and find out."

Well, that certainly made sense.

While they were making their way out of the ballroom, Su Yuqi suddenly asked, "Have you checked your Temporary Skills?"

"Temporary Skills?"

"Check your Status Window. I think we could use those skills while we’re here in this door, considering how we couldn’t use our game avatar’s skills," Su Yuqi answered.

Luo Jin didn’t know that. He hadn’t thought of checking his Status Window since he got into this door. Probably because he was so busy being pissed. "What’s your Temporary Skills?"

"Most are useless, like [Perfect Etiquette] and [Dance]. The only useful one was [Fencing]."

As she said that, she picked up a sword on the side of an unconscious guard.

Now Luo Jin was starting to worry what kind of skills he would get. The skills Su Yuqi mentioned were things that a noble lady would know which was what her current character was. But what about him? His character was just an illegitimate son of a count. His education would definitely not be so thorough.

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Instead of worrying about it further, he just opened his Status Window and looked into his Temporary Skills. He was dumbfounded after looking through it.

[Last Minute Courage], [Green Thumb], [Crying on Cue]. How the heck were these things helpful?

"Have you seen it?" Su Yuqi asked.

"They’re useless," Luo Jin said, dismissing the skills.

What the heck was the use of [Cry on Cue]? When they’re cornered by enemies, should he beat them up with his tears? It’s official. This game instance was the worse. The one who wrote the script of this door didn’t only have a hole on their brain, they’re probably also high on something.

"Give one example," Su Yuqi said.

"[Green Thumb]," he said, choosing one randomly.

"Oh, maybe you could tame the green monster. After all, it looks like a plant."

Luo Jin suddenly imagined himself trying to tame the tentacle monster. He immediately felt goosebumps all over. "Don’t even joke about it."

Su Yuqi just shrugged and continued to pull him out of the ballroom. Soon, they managed to find the exit and went out. They walked into one direction. Su Yuqi was still probably following the footsteps of those men she heard.

And then suddenly, a figure in black appeared in front of them.

"What are you two beautiful ladies doing out here?" the man asked, a seductive smile plastered on his face.

Luo Jin narrowed his eyes at the man. Looking at that annoying smile and that flirty attitude, he immediately recognized the guy.

It’s that frivolous guy – Alucard!