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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 278
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 111.


288 Vouchers

“Feeling better?” Darryl starts in on me as soon as I open the bedroom door, dressed in joggers and

nothing else, I feel a little more like my old self but there is also part of me that just feels missing.

“Is that coffee?” I nod my head at the three cups sitting on the coffee table in front of Darryl and Rowan.

“It is, sit down and drink, Rowan was just telling me how you want to leave the American Packs.” I

throw a dirty look at Rowan as I grab a cup up and throw myself in the armchair, “want to tell me how

you want to leave what I’ve built?” I feel my eyes go wide as Darryl looks at me with an angry glare, I

knew he would take this plan personally. which is why I hadn’t mentioned it to him.

“It isn’t a done deal, it’s just an idea I was throwing around.” I look at Rowan with a glare. I hope he

knows it means he will be in a lot of pain later, seeing him shrink in on himself makes me smirk as I sip

at my coffee.

“I’ve built these Packs up with my blood, sweat and tears. Why the hell do you want to take Everfur out

of it, hell your Pack provides coal and produce to half of the Packs.” Sighing I sit forward, I know he

means well but he hasn’t had The Elders ti nker in his life.

“And yet we can’t do anything with The Elders sticking their da mn noses in, they came in and took my

mate Darryl. They just pulled up and took her and I couldn’t do a da mn thing to stop them because of

some bullsh it law.” I can’t keep the bitterness out of my tone as I slam



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Has Rogue Denega Chapter 111.

the coffee


down on the coffee table, “was this your plan? To have us policed like a bunch of children, I understand

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

that they were needed. back in the day but what have they done for us recently?” Now that I’m

speaking my mind I can’t seem to stop my words, Darryl and Rowan are both just staring at me. “I’m

the second Alpha is the last few years. that they have tried to f uck over, they havent even stopped The

Shalamayne, they are still taking our women and messing with our Packs.” To say I’m angry is an



agree.” I almost stop breathing as Rowan actually spits coffee out of his mouth.

“You do?” Rowan asks as he tries to wipe his mouth with his shirt, “Goddess that was hot.” Darryl

chuckles as he leans forward to put down his coffee, I don’t know what the hell is going on, apparently

the world has turned upside down.

“I’ve been thinking about it alot lately and The Elders were put in place by my grandfather’s generation

to stop all this kind of stuff happening.” Darryl shakes his head and runs his hand down his beard as he

sighs deeply, “now they are just attacking Packs with out of date laws and without listening to them. I

agree they are getting too big for themselves but there is nothing we can do.” All three of us just sit in

silence as Darryl’s words settle in, on one hand it’s great to know the biggest Alpha in America agrees

with us. However, if there is nothing we can do about it then is there any point in even trying to fight

them if we will just lose anyway.

“What if we each pulled away? Stayed together but pulled away from The Elders, the less Packs they

have control over the less power they have,” Rowan leans forward on the sofa as he thinks out loud.

“Once all of us were done pulling away we could lead the Packs how the Alpha’s choose to do it.”

Darryl is shaking his head before Rowan hast even finished.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 111

“Won’t work,” Darryl says quickly. “Some of the smaller Packs rely on them too much, it would mean

alot of over taking and absorbing which would put some Alpha’s on the outside and we all know how

well that works out.” He’s not wrong so I nod my head agreeing with him. Alpha’s who have their Pack

taken from them have a habit of going, rabid, I’ve heard stories of Alpha’s who have had to be put

down in the past. “Speaking of, how’s Storm taking Eva being away from you?” 1 I shrug my shoulders

because honestly, I’m not sure, I’ve been in a drunken stupor for so long that I haven’t actually spoken

to Storm for a few weeks.

“He’s been pretty quiet thanks to the drink.” Darryl raises a

judgemental eyebrow at me as Rowan jumps up from the sofa. “What’s going on?” He doesn’t get a

chance to tell me what’s wrong because the door to the basement flies open and a blur of blue scrubs

and blond hairs comes running down the stairs.

“Do people often bust in on private meetings around here?” I ignore Darryl’s exasperated sigh as

Selena lands on the bottom step and starts to pant for breath.

“It’s Eva. Thomas called and said she started having pains and passed out. I know where they have

her because they need a Doctor and I’m the nearest Pack Doctor.” She’s not even finished speaking

before I’m running back to my room to grab a shirt and some trainers.

“Why is Thomas there?” I hear Darryl ask as I hunt for my car keys.

“Apparently he was visiting as an advocate for Eva, Fraction sent him considering him and Anna can’t

be there.” I make a men tal note to call Fraction and thank him as I locate my car keys under the bed

next to a suspicious smelling pair of socks.

“Nevermind Thomas, how’s Eva? Did he tell you anything?” Rushing


His Roque Omega: Chapter 111

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back into the lounge I see Darryl and Rowan are just standing around as they talk to Selena. It’s kind of

annoying considering I want to already be on the road to Eva.

“I’m sure, after what I saw on the last scan it could be a number of things or it could be perfectly

normal. I need to get to her so I can check her out.” Closing my bedroom door all three turn to me, I

can already tell by the look on Darryl’s face that he’s not coming.

“You’re really not going to come?” It’s hard to keep the disappointment out of my voice.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I shouldn’t but I am, you and Eva need me more than I need to keep to an agreement.” If I wasn’t so

absorbed in my own crisis I would probably ask what is going on with him.

“You three go, I’ll stay here and keep the Pack running with Heath.” clasp Rowan on the shoulder as I

head up the stairs. I’ve had a few moments where I thought I made a good choice in making Rowan my

Beta but right now I’m really glad I made the decision.

“I’ll call as soon as I know when I’m coming back.” I don’t hear Rowan’ s response as I open the door to

the lounge, the Pack members that are sitting in the lounge look at me with sad eyes. Ignoring them all

I head for the door, it isn’t until I’m standing next to my SUV that I realise I have no idea where I’m

going and Darryl’s black Impala is blocking me


“Want to move your car?” I growl at Darryl as he comes through the front door closet followed by

Selena and Rowan.

“Alright, I’m coming. Not like you can go anywhere without Selena.” Shaking my head I unlock my car

and jump in as Selena and Rowan do a quick goodbye before she takes her medical bag from him.



His Rogue Omega Chapter 111,

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“I’ll call as soon as I know how she is.” She calls out as she flies down the porch steps and jumps into

my passenger seat. I try to stamp down my annoyance that it’s not Eva next to me, I can feel Storm

getting annoyed at another female sitting in our mates seat.

“Come on, come on.” I rev my car as Darryl slowly backs his car out of the driveway, it seems to take

an age but eventually I am skidding out of the driveway and accelerating towards Eva.

“I’ve set the sat nav up, it should direct us. Try not to panic, Cas, it could be anything or it could be

nothing.” I don’t answer Selena as she tries to soothe me, instead I just tighten my hands on the

steering wheel as we hurtle through Midsey.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!