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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 91
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Don’t go.
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“You’re sure you want to do this?” I ask, Anna for what be the
mus tenth time this morning. I’m trying to beg her to stay with my eyes but cach time she just brushes off the question.
“We’ve gone over this.” Anna says with a sigh as she closes up the small duffel bag she’s packed, I notice the shirt she’s been
sleeping in on her pillow. It’s one of mine, picking it up I notice it’s the Metallica t- shirt I thought I’d left in the woods during a shift.
“Don’t forget this,” I tell her while holding out the t-shirt, she leans over the bed to reach where I’m sitting. Taking the shirt from
me, she walks over to the laundry basket and drops it in. I can’t stop the fear creeping into my b*dy at this simple action.
Something must show on my face because she walks around the bed and cups my face.
“I have two more of your shirts already packed.” parting my lips I go to speak but she places a finger over them to silence me.
“This is not goodbye forever, I just need to figure some stuff out and right now that is easier to do away from you.” I just nod as
she still hasn’t removed her finger from my lips, I’m not sure how long we stand like that staring into each other’s eyes but far too
soon the horn of a car is blaring outside.
“That’s my cue,” Anna says with a sad smile, she goes to pick up the bag but I reach across the bed and grab it for her. She
doesn’t say anything about me carrying the bag for her, she just nods her head and leads the way out of her bedroom. Much too
soon for my taste we are standing on the porch and watching Mac put his bag in the back of his car, Darryl already has Jefferson
in the back of his own SUV.
Don’t go
“You with Mac or Darryl?” I ask Anna.
“Darryl so I can help if Jefferson wakes up,” although I’m not jumping with joy over her leaving I’m at least glad it’s not with the
male who has been living in her house. I’m not sure if they ever got round to starting her training but now I know she wants to
leave. I can’t say I’m overjoyed with the idea of her rolling around in the grass with Mac.
“Fraction?” I blink rapidly when I hear my name called and see Anna has already made her way over to the SUV. With the way
Mac is looking at me it’s safe to say he knows where my thoughts are heading, he gives me a chin nod from where he sits in his
car. I don’t take my eyes off Mac until I am at Darryl’s SUV, noticing the lack of space thanks to Jefferson across the backseat. I

keep walking until I’m at the trunk. Popping Anna’s bag in, I close it and walk round to the passenger side.
“You’re sure?” I ask Anna for the last time.

“Yes, please try not to worry and give Thomas a big k*ss for me,” Anna tells me as she pats the hand I have on the door frame.
“We have to get going, Darryl wants to get Jefferson back before dark.” I nod my head. and duck down to place a simple quick
k*ss on her lips, I don’t miss how quickly she breaks the k*ss. Looking over at Darryl I look him. dead in the eyes..
“You keep her safe,” it’s not a question, it’s a warning and he knows it.
“With my life.” Darryl says before starting up the car, closing the passenger door I watch the black SUV drive away with a
massive chunk of my life.
I don’t stand around mourning the remnants of my life, instead I stomp over to Mac’s car and rap on the driver side window.
“Do I need to say it?” I ask him once he’s rolled the window down.
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“Probably not but why don’t you go ahead and say it anyway. Might make you feel better,” Mac says, putting his elbow on the
open window with a smug smile on his face.
“You’re a smug ba stard.” I tell him. “Don’t you dare touch her or no one will find your b*dy. You hearing me, Mac?”
“I have no interest in a female that has a mate, that being said. If Anna was to show an interest I wouldn’t say no and you can be
d amn sure I wouldn’t leave her for some w hite tr ash who re.” I grab him by his shirt and half drag him from his car.
“That’s not how it happened and you da mn well know it,” I get close to his face and I watch as a bead of
rolls down the side of his face. I’ve got him scared but he’s enough of a warrior to not back down, even from an Alpha. “Just keep
your hands to yourself.” I let him go with a push and he rocks backwards into the driver’s seat, he takes the reprieve to start the
car and peel out of the driveway, he turns so quickly he kicks stones up from the ground.

Once the sound of cars is gone I don’t bother going back into the house, i think if I go back in there I won’t ever leave. Instead I
let Leo. take over and run us back to the Pack, it’s not too far and will do us both good to have some time on four paws.
‘You just let her go,’ Leo says after we have been running for a while.
‘Should I have chained her to the railing? It was her choice, everything is really hard for Ana at the moment.” I tell him, I
understand why she’s left, I don’t have to like it but I understand it.
‘My connection with Winter will weaken and die if she’s gone too long. and what if she finds a second mate? We won’t be there

to challenge them?’ Leo asks me.
‘How quickly you forget Max, she already has a second mate out there
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Dont go
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in the world. I already won the right to mate with her. She is mine and no one is taking her.’ I remind Leo of the Alpha who tried to
claim Anna against her will a few years ago, thanks to the Elders he’s now banished and not able to enter the country.
‘If she’s yours then why has she left?’ I don’t answer Leo’s question, instead I stay silent as he runs us back onto the Pack land.
The path we have taken has brought us out at the very far side of the Pack, I walk onto the yard of a very run down red house.
The paint is peeling from the wooden panels and the garden looks like it hasn’t been tended to in
‘You smell that?’ Leo asks me, I just nod my head at him.
‘The car, that’s Jefferson’s.’ Now I’ve been around Jefferson for more
than a few minutes. I can scent him much easier, Leo walks over to the silver sports car and sniffs around it. All I’m smelling is
Jefferson, fuel and cigarettes.
“Alpha?” Leo turns to see Faye walking down the unkempt steps. leading from the rundown house. “What are you doing here?”
‘I knew she had something to do with this.’ I tell Leo as Faye walks closer to us, swinging her hips in a seductive manner.
‘Lie to her, if she knows we are onto her she will run.’ Leo says before withdrawing himself and pulling me forward, faster than

normal I am standing n*ked in front of Faye. I watch her eyes glide down my b*dy with lust, I have a desire to cover myself which
is a new one to me. Being n*ked is very normal for a shifter, especially around Pack
“Faye, baby there you are.” I say with an ease I don’t feel.
“You were looking for me?” She asks once she is close enough that I can feel her breath on my torso, I resist the urge to shiver
at the
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thought of her being close to me.
“Anna has gone back to the Grey Pack with Darryl, she won’t be around to bother us anymore.” I say pulling her close to me.
“Is she really gone? Can we be a proper Alpha and Luna now?” Faye asks, looking up at me full of adoration.
“She is. I just need to tell James and then me and you... well we can make it official.” Faye leans up and places her lips against
mine, it takes everything in me to not throw up in her mouth but somehow I manage to give her a convincing k*ss. I just need to
keep her on the h o ok long enough to figure out what to do now I know she was. definitely involved with Jefferson’s
imprisonment and torture..