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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson

Chapter 92
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“You’re sure?” James asks me as I close the office door.
“Definitely, it was his car and Mac smelt Jefferson on her the day. Thomas got hurt. We got her, I can finally get the bi tch out of
here,” I have this idea in my head that Faye will be booted and Anna will come running home to be with me and her Pack.
“I don’t think it will be that easy Alpha.” James tells me as he slumps. back in his chair, “she’s not the only one who lives in that
house. Between the time she spends in the Pack house and at the day care she could argue that she knew nothing about
Jefferson being there.” With at roar I swipe my hand across my desk and everything goes flying. I watch as the snow globe Anna
got me last year falls in slow motion and crashes to the floor. it doesn’t totally shatter. It sort of cra cks up the side and I can see
the snowy liquid slowly dripping out of it..
“I wont get her back now.” I say watching the liquid slowly drip and soak into the red carpet. “She won’t ever come back while
Faye is here and there is no way to get rid of her. Just when I think I have her by the neck she wriggles free, why can’t we pin
anything on her?”
I sag back into my chair as James starts to pick things up, “maybe you just need to find a way to make her comfortable, females
always chat when they are comfortable.” I know he doesn’t like what he’s saying because he won’t look up from the pile of paper
he’s sorting on the floor.
“What do you mean comfortable?” I ask him while checking my phone, not seeing any messages from Anna, I slam it back into
my jeans.
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“You’re not that dense, Fraction. Intimacy, women talk after they are intimate.” I blink at him as if he’s just grown three extra
“I’m not f ucking her,” I can literally feel Leo growling in my head, het wont let me even if I wanted to. He’s still too strongly
connected with Winter, at least for now.

“Jesus.” James stands up from the floor putting the paperwork back on my desk before giving up on the rest and dropping

himself into the chair across from me. “I didn’t say S**, I said intimacy. A hot bath, a nice meal, be nice to her and let her think
she has a shot. Let her get comfortable and she will start talking.”
“There’s no way, the Pack treats her like shi t. They hate how she took the role from Anna, I can’t just start pretending she walks
on rainbows,” I tell James, pulling the papers
he put on my desk towards me. “See these? These are complaints about her.” I wave the paperwork at him. “not a single one
does not mention Faye in some way. She’s been a Luna for such a short time but she’s made so many enemies. already.” I drop
the complaint forms back on the desk and they thud onto the polished wooden surface.
“You’re just going to have to find your inner Alpha bas tar d, rather beg forgiveness from the Pack later than live with Faye as
Luna forever.” I close my eyes and scrub at my face with my hands.
I’m exhausted, after Anna came back to bed last night I couldn’t sleep, I just spent the whole night watching her sleep. “While I
do this I want. you and Patrick investigating around her home, I want to know
everything about Jefferson and how the hell they managed to
overpower him.” I can’t pretend like I won’t do what needs to be done, I know I already laid the perfect groundwork after she
found me in her garden.
“I suggest not telling anyone else, the less that know about this, the
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better I think. Do we know where he was taken from?” James asks me as he pulls out his ever present notepad.
“It must be from on the Pack land or else I don’t see how they got him and his car over to that run down house,” standing from
my desk I walk around it and pick up the now liquid free snow globe, putting it back on my desk I flick my eyes towards the

whiskey bottles.
“Don’t, you can’t bury yourself in the bottle again,” James tells me with a sigh.
“The last time I touched her it was while I was drinking, maybe it will make it easier. Anna isn’t here to judge me anymore.” I

know I promised Anna I wouldn’t drink as much anymore but if she doesn’t want to be here then I don’t need to keep my
promises as far as I care.
“And Thomas? What about him? I know Eliza and Patrick have been looking after him a lot lately but with his mother gone the
last thing he needs is his father running off too.” James voices the one thing I don’t want to think about.
“Jesus,” I sigh as I slush against my desk. “How will I explain to Thomas that his mother is gone and now I’m shaking up with a
hot pant wearing she devil?”
“Well hopefully you can keep him away from it, let Eliza and Thomas keep him at their house and you only see him there. That
way he won’t see any of it.” I nod my head, it’s not a bad idea just as I’m about to ask him how he plans to tell Patrick a phone
rings stup idly loud in the office. James pulls his phone out of his jeans and holds it up.
“Yeah?” James answers all business.
‘Beta, we have a problem on the west border. We can’t get hold of Patrick and you and Alpha are blocking us.’ I hear the voice of
one of my warriors over the line, I draw my eyebrows together as James looks.
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at me.
“What kind of problem?” James asks while shrugging his shoulders at
‘Six of them, two females, three males and a pup.’ He’s talking about rogues, it’s unusual that rogues would travel with females
and pups.
“Bring them to the Pack house. Escorted the whole way.” I say knowing the warrior will hear me.
‘Yes, Alpha.’ The warrior answers before the call gets disconnected.
“Why do I feel like this is going to be a massive headache?” James asks as he stands from his chair. “I’ll bring them in when they
get here.”
James leaves the office leaving me in silence, it’s the first time I’ve been alone since standing in Anna’s garden watching the
cars leave. I can’t deal with rogue drama right now, it’s part and parcel of having a big Pack, it always draws the loners in. They
always want somewhere nicer to stay but the truth is many of them are like Faye, completely in it for themselves. They think the
world owes them something and they will do anything they can to get it. Getting off my desk I make quick work of collecting the
stuff from my desk off the floor and back onto the desk, just because they are rogues it doesn’t mean they need to see my office

as anything but presentable. If anything it keeps my hands. busy and my mind from wandering into things I should be thinking.
about but don’t want to.