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The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 296
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Suddenly a large dome of energy rised up and the earth started shaking from it.

As it gets bigger everyone felt the threat of it but what they do not know in the center of it was two figures.

The orc king who was gritting his teeth and was trying to overpower Shadowslash.

Shadowslash who was using all he got to also overpower the orc king.

*Boom* The dome exploded causing a powerful explosion that created a powerful shockwave that even affected those that were fighting in the battlefield.

Sans and the remaining powerful elite orcs were the people who were affected the most as they were thrown towards the outer side of the battlefield.

Thankfully with their berserk or forbidden ability activated they managed to regain their footing without harm.


On the other hand those that were also thrown crashed into the people they landed.

Back in the fight between Shadowslash and the orc king both flew into opposite direction.

After rolling for a while they quickly stood up but both felt their hand were numbing.

Using combination attack isn’t that simple and adding to the fact they striked each other with it of course they feel some damage.

On the other hand because of the aftereffect the whole are around them was destroyed there was even a pit on the ground they were standing when they clashed.

Shadowslash’s expression turned into one of that is shocked as he finally saw the appearance of the orc king once again.

This time it was wearing a full set of golden armor with an embedded crown on top ofits head.

The two started at each other before charging the orc king stops fighting in a long range combat as it knew that it couldn’t defeat Shadowslash if it did not truly hacked him.

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Shadowslash was firing [Flame Bullets] as he charged but the orc king received the attacks head on without any harm.

Shadowslash was amazed pf how tough its armor is since even suffering from countless hits it doesn’t have a scratch on it.

Since he couldn’t harm the orc king with a couple [Flame Bullets] he decided to see how tough its armor is by firing hundreds of [Flame Bullets].

[Rapid Fire Flame Bullets]

Suddenly countless [Flame Bullets] flew towards the orc king.

The orc king quickly pointed its sword and shouted “Brilliant Sword Art! Sword Ray!”

A powerful golden ray was fired from the its sword as it obliterate the jncoming [Flame Bullets].

Shadowslash quickly steps sideward just barely dodging the ray.

He was stunned by such attack but when he saw that the orc king looks somewhat pale he immediately realised that attacks on that caliber couldn’t be used that easily.

Realising this he sighed and relief and charged towards the exhausted orc king.

There distance between each other was too large to cross in just a couple of seconds so the orc king somewhat recovered its strength so it also charged towards Shadowslash.

When the two finally clashed the ground beneath them which was already destroyed from the earlier impact caved in as the two sunk.

Shadowslash then went for the body but the orc king quickly blocked it using his huge sword not only that it sent its fist crashing down towards his head.

He blocked it using his other sword he then used his tail to attack.

[Elemental Tai]

Elemental Tail (High Rank): Fast barrage of attacks using the tail that was strengthened by elemental energy each element causes different effect. Fire deals both damage and burn and Dark increase the speed of the attacks and could also used to bind enemy.

Duration: 1 Minute

Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Usage: 400 Mana

As his tail became hot red he started whipping the orc king but its armor was truly durable.

Not only that but now that he is close to the orc king he feels that the Mana around them was stifling.

It causes him a lot of headache since it decreases the amount of Mana he could recover.

A glint then flashed his eyes as he looks at the orc king seriously its armor would glow slightly every time it was hit.

Not only that the Mana that was in his tail and also from his attack disappeared immediately once hitting the orc king armor.

Shadowslash expression turned gloomy seeing this the orc king flashed him a smile before headbutting him.

*Bam* The attack caused Shadowslash to retreat the orc king wouldn’t let this chance go it charged at him raising his huge sword and slash downward.

Shadowslash quickly raised his two sword and blocked the attack.

The orc king then raised its foot and kicks Shadowslash’s body only to be blocked by his tail.

What the both of them did not know is that as they fight the deeper they get and the earth shook.

Shadowslash grits his teeth as he tries to throw the orc king’s sword away while the orc king tried to push Shadowslash down.

Shadowslash was also attacking using his tail he already realised that Mana is somewhat being destroyed by the armor that is why the orc king only used combat technique other than the first combination strike it did not use any skill anymore.

But Shadowslash wouldn’t give up that easily even though his Mana js being destroyed the power of his tail was also not to be look down for.

As he continue attack the orc king started to feel the impact vibrating in its body but it was an orc not to mention its body was tempered by numerous battles and training.

The both of them went into a stalemate as the orc king was presurring Shadowslash with its sword while Shadowslash was using his swords to stop the orc king’s sword.

Just as a minute gone by and yet the two of them still hadn’t move.

Suddenly Shadowslash used his other sword to slash at the orc king even though this caused his legs to scrunched up a little bit the orc king on the other was quite startled by this turn of event.

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*Peng* His attack only made the armor sparks but the orc king wouldn’t let him continue on attacking since after fighting Shadowslash it knew that even its father the orc emperor would have a problem with him.

Not only that what the populance didn’t know that the orc king was more powerful in direct combat compared to the orc emperor since the orc emperor is actually a orc shaman.

The orc king retreated but Shadowslash wouldn’t let him he continue his assault the orc king also started attacking.

Sparks flew in the pit the two of them formed as they fought the deeper the pit get.

While the two of them were hacking at each other but judging from their fight they were going to take a while before knowing who will be winning.

Back in the battlefield the orcs finally managed to breached the first line of defence even though the archers tried to stop them the orcs were just unafraid of death as they forced their way through.

The orc shamans and the catapults wittle down their forces as the mage in their side were starting to run out of Mana.

Just as they were despairing dark clouds started gathering the smokes from the battlefield have already dimmed down the sky but together with the dark clouds it feels like it was now night.

Suddenly chill biting energy started to scatter around the battlefield affecting everyone other than the undeads who relished the atmosphere.

As everyone was confused by the changes in the distance a dense amount of figures started charging towards the battlefield.

The dense mass of figures looks like a wave as they started charging towards the battlefield.

The Dragon Kingdom soldiers felt despair and fear as they saw the appearance of these figures.

They were all undeads, there were different kinds but all of them were considered their enemy.

Suddenly from the city numerous figure flew up and they were all the leaders of different associations as they look down the orcs below and started attacking.

The members of the associations that were standing in the city started charging towards the battlefield.

The leaders of different associations have already stated that they will only take action aftet the Necromancer Association showed themselves.

Each association leader have different attacks the Alchemist Association guild leader created a gigantic fireball as he throw it towards the orcs.

Gloria released her monsters one after another Mittens the barrier cat, a giant flaming bird, a snow white wolf, a winged horse, two pairs of beautiful butterflies and finally a white dragon.

The Mage Association guild leader started firing different elemental attacks.

The Healer Association guild leader started chanting as a white knight in a beautiful stead appears and brandished its sword instantly killing three orcs.

Now that the situation have changed the soldiers of Dragon Kingdom were now more confident as they fought much more ferociously.

They left the problem regarding the Necromancer Association to the Allied Associations.