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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 1295
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'l know him! This elder in the green robes has helpeda lot, ' Austin remembered.

"Oh, it's you.

It's an honor to meet you again. I'm fine, thanks,"

Austin replied in a humble tone, cupping his hands at the two elders in a show of respect.

"Good, good. That's great to hear,"

the man replied with a nod.

"Julius, Peter, what's your relationship with this brat? Why do you keep coming to his rescue every tsomething's up?"

Baldwin questioned in a still furious tone, glowering at the two elders.

He knew that the two elders would stop him from taking Austin's life.

Julius, who was dressed in green, and Peter, who was dressed in red, were both powerful elders and he couldn't afford to fight them

and Austin at once.

In fact, the two of them were rather prestigious people in the South Continent and it wouldn't be wise to provoke them.

"Baldwin, what did this boy ever do to you? Why do you want him dead so badly?"

Peter countered without replying to Baldwin's question, rolling his eyes at the latter.


Baldwin was so furious at this that he ground his teeth hard, almost biting his lips in the process.

"Peter, don't even think for a second that | fear you. If we get into a fight, you might lose,"

he finally continued after a moment, staring at Peter with a disgruntled look on his face.

"I know that | am a bit old now, so | don't like resorting to violence and force. But if you insist, I'll not flinch in face of a fight," Peter


Apparently, he too wasn't afraid of offending Baldwin.

"Baldwin, just let this matter go, for my sake,"

Julius told Baldwin, cupping his hands to show that he didn't want to fight, but discuss matters amicably.

Baldwin's gaze flirted at Julius's face for a moment and then, with a hesitant look in his eyes, they turned towards Austin.

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'With these two old men around, it's gonna be hard forto take care of Austin.

What's worse, he has a strong helper on his side—that stupid demon!

Looks like | will not be able to end Austin; at least not today, ' he mused.


Julius, Peter, are you sure you want to take this brat's side?

You can see for yourself that he walks around with a demon who is amazingly powerful. Don't you think we should figure out what's

going on between those two? Why would a demon be on his side?

You also know that we had reached an agreement and appointed Colin as the commander of the city, but Austin played sdirty

tricks to take his place.

As one of the leaders of the Southern Alliances Army, | think | am within my rights to punish him if | find him guilty," Baldwin said,

looking at Julius and Peter.

He was trying to turn the tides in his favor through discussions now.

"Have you forgotten what we promised ourselves when we first organized the Southern Alliances Army?

We all agreed that everyone has to obey the rules and we are the ones who will make the decisions.

Anyone who breaks the rules will be punished accordingly, without discrimination, without partiality.

But now you are trying to protect this brat.

Exactly what do you want?"

Baldwin stated calmly.

"Ha-ha, Baldwin, don't be so serious."

Ca voice with a chuckle, as an elder, dressed in a silky white robe appeared beside Austin out of nowhere, with a calm smile

on his face.

"Godwin? !"

The sight of Godwin left Baldwin completely flummoxed.

"Have you chere to back up this brat too?"

Baldwin asked.

"Just what the hell's going on? Why are so many people trying to help this brat?’ he wondered.

Austin's mood lit up when he saw Godwin. Here was a man he could truly respect from his heart.

He was about to greet the elder very politely, but the latter stopped him.

"Be silent for now," he told Austin through his spiritual sense.

Although Austin was confused, he did as he was asked. He stood still silently, and let Godwin speak.

"You got me, Baldwin. | am here for him. Now, doa favor and spare Austin,"

Godwin replied, in his same, calm tone.

"Now that you all are speaking for him, | will spare his life today.

But | need to make one thing clear to you.

Austin has becthe commander of the Trinary Star City without our permission. We never appointed him to this post, so he

must resign from it.

Colin should continue to command the troops here, because he is the rightful commander.

We appointed him here, and that post is no child's play.

If everyone begins to follow Austin's example and steal their superiors’ place, the Southern Alliances Army would end up like a hell-

stew. In fact, in such a case, the Southern Alliances Army won't exist anymore.

If you insist on letting Austin be the commander, I'll back out and leave the Southern Alliances Army. And | won't be the only one, |

can assure you. There are going to be hundreds who'll followwithout question!"

Baldwin had given up on the thought of killing Austin for today. But that did not mean he had made amends. He still hated to see

him doing so well. That was why he wanted Colin to take Austin's place and be the commander. That would be at least one thing in

Austin's face!

"Con, Baldwin, there is no need to be like that. | am sure there are simpler and amiable ways to solve this,"

Godwin said, knitting his eyebrows.

‘Baldwin is quite powerful. And he has a bunch of followers in the Southern Alliances Army.

If he backs out, a lot of cultivators will leave us behind him too. It would mean the loss of quite a large number of cultivators and

hurt our alliances in the long run. I've got to think about us too, ' he contemplated.

Julius and Peter also raised their eyebrows, though they didn't know what to do now.

‘Looks like this guy is determined to givea hard time. Very well, so be it!" Austin thought, staring at Baldwin.

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After musing for a while, he reached a decision.

"Ha-ha. | understand what you want. You wantto resign from the post of commander.


You should know that | never asked for this position. The only reason | am here is because every single cultivator here askedto.

| was doing it for them, not me. So...

Anyway, you're the boss, so you have the say.

Gentlemen! From now on, I'm not the commander of the army in the Trinary Star City," Austin announced in a flat tone.

‘Perhaps it's better not to be in charge here. | feel relaxed already, ' he thought to himself.

However, Baldwin didn't even want to let him take the high road! "Austin, you're a liar and a cheat. You took the post against

everyone's will. Don't think you can fool us; we know what you are!"

Colin berated emotionally, pointing at Austin with his index finger in a warning tone.

"Humph! You're young, but you're tricky. You're not going to have a good ending!"

Baldwin tried to add to Colin's insult, casting an angry glare at Austin.

"Hang on! There's no need for unnecessary finger-pointing and conjectures! | can prove that Commander Austin is telling the truth.

We asked him to lead us in our fight against the demons.

He didn't use any dirty means to ensnare or trap us.

Everyone in this city is a witness to that fact," Clark suddenly spoke up loudly after hesitating for a while.

He took a step forward and then turned towards the cultivators in the city.

"Everyone, you were there, weren't you? Austin agreed to be the commander just at our request, right? Are you all witness to that

fact?" he asked in a clear and ringing voice.

The whole space quieted down for smoments.

Every single person who had fought beside Austin glanced at one another, waiting for someone to speak.

Moments later, not someone, but everyone did.

"Yes, he is right. We asked Austin to take charge of this place. He is here only because of us!"

The cultivators of the Trinary Star city bore witness in unison and announced simultaneously.

Over fifty thousand people spoke at the stime, their voices ringing loud and clear and shaking the earth and the sky.