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The Supreme God of Martial Arts

Chapter 2798
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"That was not good. This is where the battle took place!"

As soon as Austin approached the Immortal End World, he frowned in deep thought.

There were traces of a fierce fight everywhere outside the Immortal End World. Deep shocking cracks that ran horizontally and

vertically covered the whole place.

The whole place was entirely destroyed while the starry sky in the space was in a mess.

The shock wave caused by the battle would occasionally turn into turbulent hurricanes, wildly flooding the space. Due to its

frequency and unpredictability, the creatures with a low cultivation base didn't dare to go near it, or they would be at risk of being

smashed to pieces at any time.

It was obvious that there had been an earth-shaking battle there.

What made Austin even more furious was that there was a gaping hole on the dwhich was meant to protect the Immortal End


That meant that the Immortal End World was vulnerable and unguarded so invaders could break in or attack them at any time.

'Did they invade the Immortal End World? The chaos in this place is not a good sign!"

Austin was startled by everything that he was seeing and the destruction was a bit worrying.

He stepped forward and appeared above the Immortal End Continent.

"Austin, there you are! Welcback."

Kevin, Zenith and other people immediately caught sight of him the second he showed up. They soared into the sky and flew

towards Austin.

Austin's demonic avatar suddenly appeared and cto Austin's side first.

When he was surrounded and attacked by many top-notch masters in the Central World, Austin had ordered his demonic avatar to

cback to the Immortal End World with his army.

Hence, as soon as Austin was back, he contacted his avatar first to check and confirm if everything was okay.

"Master Kevin, have we been attacked by outsiders?" Austin asked still worried by what he had seen.

With the help of his spiritual sense, he quickly perceived the situation in the Immortal End World. He was much relieved to find out

that all the creatures were good and actually leading a peaceful life. They were simply occupied with their own everyday tasks and


The Immortal End World was very important to him.

Austin didn't want anything bad to happen to it.

"Yes, we were attacked.

Shortly after your avatar brought the army of the Immortal End Alliance back here, the troops of the underworld and the Universal

Allied Army attacked us.

Fortunately, Humpty, Dumpty, and all masters at the level of the sect ancestor from the Immortal End Alliance fought bravely and

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desperately resisted the invasion from the foreign enemies, driving them back and out of our territory.

In addition the robe that you gavehad also gathered a lot of the power of faith. When | put it on, my combat effectiveness had

improved beyond reproach. | felt invincible,"

Kevin replied.

As soon as he finished speaking, Kevin summoned the Taoist robe with his mind. Within a short time, a white light flashed, before

the robe flew forward and floated beside him.

What calong with the robe was the overwhelming magnificent white power of faith, which filled the whole sky over the entire

Immortal End Continent.

The instant Kevin put on the Taoist robe, the gust of aura he emitted was extremely robust and powerful, billowing through the

whole continent.

Austin checked the elder's strength using his spiritual sense and found that he was stronger than any ordinary sect ancestor when

he wore the robe.

The more power of faith the Taoist robe absorbed, the more energy it would provide for anyone who wore it.

"Where are the eight holy trees and the Eight Stone Saints? | haven't seen them around," Austin asked.

After a while, he found that many masters of the Immortal End World, were away except for Kevin and other elders who were in

charge of administrative matters in the Immortal End World.

"They went to the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Several days ago, people spotted three magic trees in the Ancient Forbidden Land and everyone raced there to confirm.

So they went there to look for the three magic trees inadvertently saving us.

The troops from the underworld and the Universal Allied Army that had been camping outside our territory followed them there.

Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to live in peace like this. We would constantly be fighting the enemy and preparing for an

attack any time,"

Kevin replied.

"Is that so? So, they rushed to the Ancient Forbidden Land and inadvertently took the enemy with them too. | can't believe there

are more magic trees in the Ancient Forbidden Land!"

Austin was amazed.

He had run into the suprholy tree in the Ancient Forbidden Land.

And now three more magic trees had been spotted there.

"That's true.

Many of the people who went there were wondering whether there would be another palace of Peterson the Taoist Ancestor in the

depths of the Ancient Forbidden Land.

Otherwise why would there be more trees in the Ancient Forbidden Land? After all, the trees have always been connected in some

way with the elder.

As a result, many creatures from this universe entered the Ancient Forbidden Land, in an attempt to find Peterson the Taoist

Ancestor's palace and look for treasures,"

Kevin confirmed.

"Wow! Now | understand."

Austin nodded.

No wonder so many people swarmed towards the Ancient Forbidden Land. Last tmany creatures had a great harvest when

they explored the Celestial Palace, one of Peterson the Taoist Ancestor's dwellings.

They acquired so many things including many precious natural resources, divine pills, unique and limited editions of manuals of

martial arts, rare crystals and so on.

As known to all, Peterson the Taoist Ancestor was one of the most powerful and richest persons in all universes.

He owned many palaces, and the value of the treasures in any of them could make lots of creatures fight for them to own even a

single treasure.

"Well, | will immediately join them in the Ancient Forbidden Land and meet them there,"

Austin said.

Then, Austin went back to the headquarters of the FlHoly Land to meet with Caroline, Ivy, Sue, Evan, Herbert, the gnand

Violet. He wanted to let them know that he was safe and sound, so that they wouldn't worry about him too much.

Austin had been attacked in the Central World, and his closest friends and family had been worried about him. They kept praying

for him day and night and hoped that he could return unscathed.

The FlHoly Land was now considered the strongest and largest sect in the entire Immortal End World.

Many of its members were excellent cultivators who were experts in various areas and martial arts skills.

Soon Austin arrived at the headquarters of the FlHoly Land.

Everyone were overjoyed to see that Austin was back safe and sound and he looked as if he had all his limbs intact, meaning he

hadn't suffered too much.

Caroline, Ivy, Sue and Violet even cried with joy when they saw him, not believing that he had survived the brutal attack.

"Austin, | can't believe what | am seeing."

While Austin was busy filling his friends and family members on what had happened to him during the battle, a familiar voice

reached his ears.

"That's Steward Murray!"

Austin jumped up and turned around when a familiar figure appeared in front of him as soon as he turned.

It was none other than Murray!

"Steward Murray, when did you chere?" Austin inquired, elated.

He stepped forward and bowed to Murray as a show of respect to his elder.

Austin valued and respected Murray greatly because he played an important role in Austin's life.

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When he was an orphan wandering around in the PrMartial World, it was Murray who found Austin and took him back to the

Sun Sect. With his help, patience and gentle guidance, Austin had becan official disciple. He had even taken his tteaching

Austin all the martial arts skills he knew in person.

Later, Austin was maliciously set up. His head was injured due to an assault and he becmentally ill for three years. Many core

members of the Sun Sect proposed for Austin to be expelled, however, Murray could hear none of it and persisted in keeping him

as a member of the sect.

Murray was both like a master and father figure to Austin!

In fact, Austin had invited Murray to live in the FlHoly Land so that he could take good care of him.

However, Murray continuously refused his generous offer and invitation for he had a deep bond with the Sun Sect such that he

couldn't bear to leave it. Besides, he wasn't after for wealth and he preferred to lead a peaceful life. Austin also didn't insist

because he respected his decision.

Besides, the people living in the PrMartial World were safe and the world was also safe because it was under the protection of

the Immortal End World. So Austin seldom visited him to avoid disturbing his life.

He had never expected that Murray would ever visit the headquarters of the FlHoly Land in his own volition.

As soon as Murray showed up, a large group of high-level figures from the FlHoly Land appeared and kept their very important

guest company.

They all knew about Austin's past in the PrMartial World, and how important Murray was to Austin. So none of them dared to

take the elder lightly.











