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The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 317
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Chapter 317: Midnight

Lush greenery perturbed by the wind from helicopter blades, the grass cried for it was a tornado. Meters away from touch down, the tall figure of a man stood atop a balcony. Overwhelmed by being picked up in a helicopter, Clarise, Flein, and Rhee got off with the vehicle now silent. The noble district and a massive mansion to boot, the trio made their way accompanied by a guard who stood with pitch dark glasses and a gun.

“Welcome to my mansion,” said Staxius who now waited on the ground floor. A nod to the guard signaled the man to stand down, of which he stood near the door. “I hope that the journey was pleasant,” courteously, he led the way into the lounge where the curtains were drawn. Amber and warm, a fireplace lit with a snap burnt smoothly. Every so often, the wood would crack, amidst said atmosphere with no maids nor butlers, Staxius brought drinks of which were Whiskey and tea to name a few. Flein took fondly to the strong blend as for Clarise, she preferred the aroma of the tea. Rhee chose to partake in tasting the alcoholic beverage.

Seated around a rustic feeling table, Staxius was at the head whilst Clarise and Flein were on his right and Rhee opposite. Twirling around the whiskey, Staxius took a few whiffs before drinking as to appreciate the taste further. To complement the room and fireplace, soulful piano pieces of a renowned composer played seamlessly. Taking a sip, he crunched on the drink to have a better feel of its strength. A burning sensation of the inner cheek till he swallowed. The aftertaste presided as if the last survivor of a brutal war, fueled by anger and swallow, a mellow feeling of rest.

“Shall we get to the matter at hand?” breaking the ice, Rhee’s visage after she took a sip was one of discomfort. Hard was it for many to swallow and not make any facial movement whilst drinking – a clear example of a novice. She coughed with her contours seemingly more prominent. Flein on the contrary had a look of delight for he had relished the taste and wished for more. One after the other, the glass kept on being refilled whilst Staxius took the time to appreciate the beverage.

“Please do,” said Flein with a smile.

“Before we begin; there’s something that is needed to be known. Phantom has taken a step into the world of Arms development, rather, I should say, will from this day forth. And it’s today’s discussion.”

“Do tell,” said Clarise with a peaceful stare, the piano served to calm her ordinarily overbearing personality.


“Alchemist Sect, I’d like you to meet your newest colleague, the head researcher of GateSix,” normally one would have begun with introductions – that said if the day was normal, however, for Staxius, it was further from the truth.

“Please to meet you,” they said to one another. Flein’s ears perked as if a hunter noticing prey, “-did you say GateSix?”

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“Yes, formally of GateSix,” laughed Rhee, “-we’re members of Phantom, thus a new name should be more adequate,” to which she faced Staxius with a nod.

“You mean to tell me that, the GateSix, rumored to have been closest to matching the Cobalt unit, has joined Phantom?”

“I’d not take rumors for what they are worth. It’s true we did develop many weapons and formulized many theories – our research was taken away; guess one could say GateSix is but a shell of what its formal glory.”

“You meant it,” interjected Clarise who peered towards the leader, “-you meant when big words of taking down the Cobalt Unit was spoken,” placing her glass on the table, she stood to bow, “-I’m ashamed to have doubted you, sir.”

“There’s no need for formalities,” the face seemed relaxed, “-now that I presume introductions have been made, here’s the deal. I have purchased various weapons of war. Mainly, tanks and fighter planes, besides arms. I wish not to use said properties, they’ll be given to you for reverse engineering. The hope is not to have weapons but the theory and knowhow behind how they were made. We’ll gather everything into one pile to make into something far greater.”

“The same as if opening the mind of the inventors who created said items,” smiled Flein, “-I like the prospect.”

“What do you hope for the Alchemist sect to accomplish?” asked Clarise

“What is it that you hope for GateSix to do?” asked Rhee in turn.

“Referring to each individual party is hassling, from today forth, thou shalt be referred to as Midnight, the research group under Phantom.”

“Sticking to the Phantom theme,” voiced Flein, “-it will be as you wish,” pale skin now flushed, the master alchemist had had more than a few drinks.

“Details of what each individual will be decided by Flein and Rhee. I won’t bother to cross-checking thy men since thee know best. My duty is to provide money, assistance, and men power, I’ll also join in where help is required. For the most part, I wish not to hear complaints,” squinted, he referred to the money spent in acquiring them.

“Any particular we must focus on?” asked Rhee.

“Here,” a few flyers slid across the table, “-Phantom has acquired three Delta-F and the XR-T0,” upon hearing the names being uttered, three jaws dropped simultaneously. “Judging by thy reactions, thee know of the vehicles. Hence the mission, a hangar at the airfield will be converted into a makeshift lab until plans for another building are made. I can vouch for its protection, I do apologize for the place is so far from the capital. Arrangements could be made to allow a few to stay at Rotherham. The town’s reputation doesn’t seem hopeful. Thus, either make the trip back and forth using the train or see with Cake for anything that would make the process easier.”

“I appreciate the concern,” interjected Rhee, “-we’re used to working far from home. In perspective, what we have now is better living conditions than Dreqai. There is no problem with us.”

“As for us,” added Flein, “-no need to trouble thyself. Midnight will come to an arrangement as we’ve got the technology to bounce information back and forth. Leave it in our hands, we’ll prove that we’re far superior to the Cobalt Unit,” the same fire of passion burnt. A direct challenge to those who were in power, one that would change the world for the better.

Ended, the trio returned leaving the door open. The helicopter took-off with loudness, alone with a whiskey in hand, the eyes shut. Lessened by the moment, the glass slipped his grip and broke, fatigue and agony jolted back and forth. Each with the forced that made ripples, the pain of one getting kicked in the groin multiplied by ten.

“Don’t you want to kill?”

“No blood for so long, I’m thirsty.”

“Wake up, god of death, tragedy awaits.” Figures loomed around the room, hallucinations induced by pain, “-damn it,’ he gritted, *Void Aspect,* unholstered, Tharis’s barrel rested against his forehead, “-the only way to deal with this,” clenched, *BANG,* exploded, the bullet hit the glass-shelves in the bar. Ones on which rested bottles upon bottles. Crashed down, the bar’s flawless décor perturbed and destroyed. Brain matter splattered across the floor, the body fell with blood forming a puddle.

“What’s the matter?” awoke in said puddle, Adete screamed at what laid before her.

The process of regeneration took more than a few hours as the clock would soon strike midnight. Warmth on either side, ‘-this ceiling,’ the sleep broke, ‘-it’s familiar,’ eyes opened, Lizzie slept on his left side whilst Xula was on the right. Xula seemed distraught, her eyes had remnants of having cried a lot, as for the babe, she slept without causing trouble. The wife’s hold was great for she never wanted to let go.

‘I guess I killed myself because of the overwhelming pain,’ he thought with a smile and relaxed breathing, ‘-I do wonder how I came here.’ At ease, the mind wandered into the realm of sleep without further trouble.

The creation of Midnight, Phantom’s research division. A breeze that would soon turn into a raging tempest was birthed. Not only did Phantom make moves around the kingdom. Kreston did so as well, provocations from Queen Gallienne had outstayed its welcome. After the apostle was found, she made rallies and spared no effort in blaming their province. Long past were the days of peace talks, immediate actions had to be taken, tis was her mind. Spies of the Order, namely: Whisper, with efforts of Staxius in contacting Duke Hawkins – a one-way channel was created. From there on, the Duke could expose what happened in the province. Many lives were lost under the name of god. The pope grew to take power from nobility, the Hawkins family held no respect. The military grew, as a result, this was the duke’s revenge for the many years of bloodshed.

Viewed as unbeatable, the pope ordered arms from other countries behind Gallienne’s back. Fighter planes, tanks to name a few, preparations for war were on their way. The issue was brought to Emperor Paradus who shrugged off the matter completely. ‘I’ve no matter dealing in the business of a continent who doesn’t abide by the laws we’ve put in place.’

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A reference to the Royal family not wanting to give the emperor any more favors into the continent. Said refusal has gotten them into his unfavorable list of allies. Scheming continued, Kreston grew to be more than an annoyance. The first step Gallienne made was to block access to their Province, no trades, none were allowed to deal with the fanatics as she called them. The news spread throughout rather rapidly, it reached Ange Hamel who had a burst of anger.

Stomped inside the cathedral, the angel stood with a devilish aura. “Have you heard of Duke Hawkins’s treachery?”

“I have already killed his wife and taken the life of his bloodline, what is there more to do?” hands pressed faithfully in the presence of the statue they worship, charred corpse laid on the altar.

“What of the Duke?”

“He’s getting readied to be sacrificed,” smiled the Pope, “-bring him, servants,” strung to a cross, the man was placed next to his dead family. No regret nor pain in the eye, the duke was given a drug before the procedure. A slow-acting poison that had taken the lives of his family. All under the guise of dinner, the Pope’s informant knew of the back-stabbing.

“So, what shall he become?”

“We’ll use his family to call forth the Archangel of Clarity, the judge of all who presides over life and death.”

“You mean to say you are to call forth Erna?”

“Yes,” he smiled.

“Thou must know that Erna is known for her bloodied way of dealing with justice. Many o’ tales speak of her short-tempered mind. Referred as a dark-angel more than the true justice seeker you pray.”

“That’s precisely why,” he laughed, “-that’s why I am to call upon her judgment. She will rectify the mind of those undevoted. Those who wish to pray to a false god, the one known as Syhton. Burn may she for her presence is but an insult to our god.”

“If tis power you wish,” relaxing his wing, particles of white-dust flowed till it reached the pope. From there on, he prayed and recited many passages until a large screeching came from Hawkins’s unconscious body. “The time of awakening is here,” clapped, countless devotees who were called forth from the refuge were on their knee, praying as the Pope recited said passages. Ultimately, taking a red-hot blade into the man’s chest, his eyes glowed bright blue. Dying to only be reawakened, the shell of a man opened to give birth to the sight of a naked Angel. Bearing her sight on the devotees, a single slash had them beheaded, “-who dares summon me?” she asked with fountains of blood falling to the floor.

“Tis I, a humble servant.”