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The Wrong Woman

Chapter 638
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The weather was perfect for Cole and Phoebe's wedding day, with sunny skies and a light breeze. It took two hours to get to the venue. Mila, Nathan, the Morrisons, and the Hoffises were all invited. The generosity of the Morrisons and Hoffises was staggering, their gifts alone could have easily bought Cole and Phoebe another house.

Mila presented Phoebe with a million-dollar jewelry set, while Nathan surprised Cole with a luxury car of the svalue.

The Gilberts were thrilled and overwhelmed by the grandeur of the event. They never imagined that their humble rural wedding would attract such esteemed guests, including the wealthiest family in Norvania, the Norvanian general, and several other dignitaries and military comrades.

Cole's parents had underestimated Cole's role, believing he was just a regular assistant to Nathan. The prestigious guest list filled them with pride, giving them something to boast about for the rest of their lives.

Norvanian weddings were steeped in tradition. Mila found immense joy in experiencing it, almost as if she were witnessing her own daughter getting married.

She couldn't help but cry tears of joy as she witnessed Phoebe gracefully partake in the intricate wedding customs.

Cole extended an invitation to Cameron but not Fenna. However, Fenna managed to deceive Cameron into believing she had also been invited, so he brought her to attend together.

Phoebe's and Cole's discomfort was apparent upon spotting Fenna at the reception.

"I con my own. Congratulations," Fenna said.

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Only then did Cameron realize Fenna had deceived him once again. She seemed to seize every opportunity to meet Nathan.

Despite their inner turmoil, Cole and Phoebe knew they couldn't afford to show displeasure toward their guests, especially on their wedding day. So, they politely invited Fenna to join the banquet.

The wedding banquet was held outdoors, where having meals in the sunlight lent a unique charm to the event.

Nathan was enjoying himself, reconnecting with old comrades he hadn't seen in years over drinks.

Daniel slowly felt his way toward the empty seat beside Mila and asked, "Is this Nate's seat?"

Mila smiled in response. "Yeah, but Nathan's meeting up with old comrades for drinks. Feel free to take a seat, Daniel."

Daniel sat down, then paused before asking, "Will Sienna be joining us, Wanda?"

It was only then that Mila

understood Daniel's concern. She

quickly looked around before

responding, "Phoebe sent her an

invitation, and I called her, too. But I haven't spotted her yet."

Daniel's expression grew somber.

Right then, Mila's excitement bubbled over as she grabbed Daniel's arm. "Daniel, Sienna's here. She-"

But her words abruptly halted, and she fell silent.

Daniel's muscles tightened as he waited for her to speak, his heart aching with longing.

"She cwith a guy." Mila's voice grew softer.

Daniel couldn't see anything. His mind beca void, his heart ached, and his fists tightened without his control.

Mila continued, "Sienna noticed you. She smiled, nodded, and waved but didn't seem keen on joining us."

With each word, Daniel's heart sank deeper.

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Mila stood up nervously. "She gave a gift and is leaving. I'll see if I can get her to talk to you."

Daniel gripped her wrist and said, "Mila, it's fine."

Mila felt sorry for him. "But... you..."

Daniel's love for Sienna ran deep, but

his insecurity stemming from his

blindness held him back from,


confessing or taking steps to be

with her.

He knew their previous encounter had ended badly and they were not meant to be.

Daniel already felt worthless, and the misunderstanding during their last meeting, where he offered financial support to Sienna, only caused her to view him in a more negative light.