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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 125
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Part 2 Chapter 43

Ares POV

The girl were crazy, I can’t be her mate, Nora is my mate. Daniel helped me to get the girl off of me but

the priestess, Sophie, didn’t like how I refused the girl.

“I already have a mate and my lycan doesn’t recognize you as my mate” I assure the girl and she looks

strange at me and then she runs off crying.

“Sorry” I say to priestess Sophie.

“It’s okay, she will have to deal with it, she is my granddaughter but if your lycan doesn’t recognize her

then that’s it” she says and seems to think about something.

“Can we get inside somewhere so we can send the lycans before us?” Mariah smiles and Sophie

smiles as well

“Of course, I will ask who is going with you” Priestess Sophie said and she signed for us to follow her.

We all went after Priestess Sophie and Grey grunted and huffed all the time. At last I got enough and

turned around just to see that Andrei and his mate were eating each other’s faces.

“Enough, Andrei!” I bellow at him and he jumps away from the girl and straight down kneeling by my


“Sorry” He says and doesn’t lift his head.

“Think about your actions here until we are ready to leave and you are forbidden to lift your head.” I say

and let my aura out so his lycan can’t protest and he hang his head down in


“Wait, this isn’t just his fault, I mean I could have walked away as well” The girl protests and I turn to

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glare at her and she looks away.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s your fault as well. I have set up a punishment for ignoring my orders and he will

remain there until I say otherwise and it’s best for you not to touch him in the meantime” I warn the girl

and she nods.

“But we can talk then?” She says and glances up at me.

“Fine, but you are not allowed to be closer to him than 2 meters” I say and she smiles and nods


“I will agree to that” she says and smiles largely.

Strange girl, I shake my head and glance at Andrei but he remains in the same position. I tell the others

to follow me and they do but I can feel Grey’s hesitation about leaving Andrei there. But he sighs and

follows me in the end.

Priestess Sophie had a little house prepared for us so we can put our bags down and take a rest before

we are moving out again. A girl comes in after knocking and she lays out a map on the table along with

a crystal.

“Which one of you is a mate to the missing witch?” she asks

and Daniel reaches up a hand and she nods.

need a drop of your blood then” she tells him and takes out a small knife and hands it to him.

Daniel pr icks his finger and touches the crystal, effectively smearing blood on it. The girls seem

surprised but nod.

“So let’s see, you said east of here..” she begins to move the crystal and when it comes further east it

starts to glow.

“Just in case I will try the other directions” she says and moves the crystal north, south and west but it

doesn’t glow.

“East, how far east?” she mumbles to herself but we can hear her since we have very good hearing.

She moves the crystal slowly in the direction of east but when it begins to fade in its glowing she moves

it back and it starts to glow again.

“Oh, sh it” she says and looks up at us.

“What is the problem?” I ask and try to understand the map. It is different from ours. Instead of

kingdoms it shows witch


“She is around the cerulean coven and trust me you don’t want to fight with those witches and they

aren’t friendly either” she explains.

A knock on the door makes us turn towards it and the girl opens it and Mariah comes in.

“Hello, I have a more specific map with me and all of you are staring at the other map like you have

seen a ghost or something” she laughs and then she looks down at the map.

“Oh hell” is all that she says.

She takes forward one map and gives it to the girl and she nods in return.

“This is a more close map of the water covens, lets see where she is exactly” Mariah explains and I


“You are her mother?” the girl asks and Mariah nods and


The girl holds the crystal in front of Mariah and she touches it with her own magical energy. Then she

puts the crystal over the map and we see it glow brighter and brighter when it lands on the center of the


“Oh my goddess, we will need all the help we can get,” Mariah says and I look at her with confusion.

“This coven is the main coven in the sapphire kingdom” Mariah explains and I stare at her in shock.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

We are so f**ked!

Helios POV

I watched as Kara splashed Nora with water and it took Nora about five seconds to chase Kara down in

the restaurant and I laughed when Nora got a hold of her. But I did choke on my laughter when I

realized what Nora did.

She licked Kara in her ear and Kara looked like she was gonna throw up and Nora laughed her heart

out. I have missed this side of Nora, no one can believe that she is supposed to be 20 years old when

she can be really childish at times. But I love this side of her.

It took about ten minutes and then lunch was served. I remember Nora’s shocked expression when she

realized that she had slept through almost the whole ride over. I chuckled at her silly expression.

But the food was great, we had no problem eating up everything. But I have to remember that Nora

doesn’t like pickles and ketchup on her burgers. Onions and mustard was fine though, strange girl but


She liked the fries and the fuzzy bubbly thingy which is normally called soda but she was really cute

when she drank it for the first time. She formed a little “o” with her lips and when she swallowed it she

said she had a cold bubble bath inside

her mouth.

Cute, right?

Ares called me when we took our seats in the car again but now I had Nora back with me since Kara

ate too much and Felix was the only one that could help her with the pain in her stomach.

Ares told us that they had located Melinda but when he told us where she was, we groaned. Well we

do know one thing that Isaac wants, and that is Nora.

But I will never allow her to sacrifice herself to help Melinda but perhaps we could offer something else.

And this thing I know he has chased for years and years at end.

The name of his fated mate!