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Their Lycan Queen by Foxtail

Chapter 131
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Part 2 Chapter 49

Ares POV

Yep, so it has been a week now since I felt Nora mark Helios, I bet she had enough of those h orny

female wolves at the blaze kingdom. Well we have a promising time now in the sapphire kingdom. All

of us are currently held hostage, yep, so much for going smoothly.

It seems that king Isaac has gone missing on his way back here so they have imprisoned us, believing

it’s our fault and I kind of understand how they are thinking.

We come knocking and want in when their king is out and after two days they hear that the car where

their king was in has been smashed from the road and the king is missing while we are searching for

something in their kingdom,

I would have believed we were the bad guys as well even if we aren’t but it’s easier to believe that than

finding out if anybody else wants to harm their king.

So right now we are confined in a part of the castle. I wouldn’t call it prison cells since I am a royalty so

they can’t treat me badly and since all my companions are from my kingdom and with me to protect me

even if they can’t. The sapphire

kingdom’s people can’t harm us so they locked us up in the east wing.

It’s kind of mediocre here, and I know Daniel is on the verge of losing his mind, by being so close to his

missing mate and he can’t go to her. I think the sapphire people are waiting for any

of us to do anything but I have just simply told them to relax and wait everything out.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

There is some sort of commotion outside and I hear them running past our wing when the door opens

up suddenly just to reveal king Isaac’s beta, Todd. He stands there panting, like he has run around and

not being able to take a break because of that.

“We need your help” he says trying to catch his breath.

“With?” I say and glance at him.

“The sapphire witches have begun attacking the lycans and wolves in this kingdom, they are burning

down houses faster than we can put out the fire” he says and I see Mariah standing up.

Our witches still have the anti magic bracelets on and they have been losing their energy steadily over

these past days.

“I thought the sapphire witches were all water elementalists” Mariah says and Todd nods at her.

“Yes, they are but there are two witches amongst them that wield fire magic” Todd looks scared and I

understand him.

“Take off the bracelets then and you will have three witches that can defend against fire” I say and raise

my eyebrow at


“Prince Ares, even if he takes off the bracelets, we are too

weak to do anything,” Carol says and sighs.

“Melinda explained something to me before about energy and magic. She also said that you can

borrow energy from things,

like lycans” I say and look at her and she nods with a smile

“Have Melinda given you lessons about magic?” Mariah asks and I nod

“Yes, I was curious when she told me that even lycans can wield defense magic and then she gave me

book to read and she have helped me by answering my questions and such” I explain and shrug

“Well, in that case we can help you, but on one condition” Fa nny says and smiles.

“Okay, anything” Todd answers and removes their bracelets.

We walk out of the wing and out of the castle and I shift, alongside Daniel, Grey, Andrei and Anton. Fa

nny touches my hand and I feel my energy being zapped and the feeling of getting a bit hungry washes

over me.

*Huh, that was a kind of rush Kilian snorts and I laugh at him

I see Mariah and Carol zap energy from Grey and Andrei as well and I notice their auras growing


I look out over the villages and see the fire spreading rapidly. I tilt my head and concentrate on listening

when I growl. Maya is here!

Helios POV

-Da mn Nora’s mark is effectively good. No female wolf has

approached me with their original intentions and I can finally go with Felix on his round around the

castle without being afraid of being jumped on.

Nora has gotten pretty far in her training and Felix is happy

that she is a fast learner. Nora can now tell a lie from a mile away and she can see in combat when the

opponent is lying when they try to lure her.

She reads body language better than anyone else and even I am a bit scared of her but I love her more

than anything. I have also been able to take a run with Felix and I have helped him with the kingdom.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Political stuff and so on.

Soon it’s time to plan another mateball and this time it is held in his kingdom and he doesn’t look

forward to it but he knows it’s best for him to hold it. Well Kara is the one with the

problem, since she is Luna she will have to hold everything together and let me just say that she isn’t

that type of person to organize this stuff.

Nira laughed hard when Kara told the theme of the mateball and Kara became red as a tomato in the

face when Nora had -finished laughing her a*s off. Kara’s theme was stars, literally,


Nora instead gave her tips on themes and how to do the entire thing and put it together. And I was

reminded it was Nora’s theme at the last mateball and that she almost by herself put it all together.

So Kara sucked it all in and went over the themes with Nora and she likes two of them so now she just

needs to choose. Felix left when Kara tried to ask him about colors, saying that she is the one to decide

and she pouted as she watched him go out of the room.

Then she turned to me and I took the two papers and read the themes and the colors on each theme.

The first was a fire

theme, playing with their kingdom. I liked that one and the

colors were a mix of red, orange and yellow.

The other theme was pretty as well, ocean theme. Whereas the colors shifted in blue, purple and

green. I gave her this paper and I voted for it as well and Nora tilted her head at me when I said that

she could alter the theme.

I explained about giving it a shot with her stars and changing it to a galaxy theme instead and Nora

looked surprised at me. But she agreed when I explained.

The theme will be…

Gone in the galaxies.