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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 132
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Chapter 132

Part 2 Chapter 50

Dave’s POV

The days float into each other and I feel like everyday is the same. I start the morning with Anna by my side and the day ends with Anna by my side. Training the warriors on the day and trying to find comfort in my mate. She keeps the violent side locked in myself.

But lately I can feel my control slip bit by bit and I am afraid that it will break totally and I will lose myself and my lycan will take over again and I am so scared that it will happen. I don’t want to be swallowed by that sdarkness again that was a big part of my life for so many years at the end

But I feel my lycan more closely and it all started when Noral went away, she seemed to take her light with her on this trip. and I feel this crazy thing. I want to follow her. I want to be by her side so bad that I want to keep her locked up somewhere I only know.

But I know that my thoughts are irrational as well, she isn’t mine, I can’t do what I desire with her but I don’t feel so well when I don’t know where she is.

So I bury myself within work, like that guard that is baby Hannes father, Anna fought so hard to keep baby Hannes but his father didn’t give in and so he took baby Hannes with him and even changed his name. My brother gave out the order that the father couldn’t leave this kingdom with baby Hannes.

But there was one thing he didn’t say to the father, he could

still leave this village that surrounded the castle and two nights ago that was the first thing he did. He left with baby Hannes and we have no idea as to where he is. Anna has been devastated about this and I can see her sorrow on the outside

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and feel it on the inside.

Baby Hannes was something more than another lycans baby, he was Anna’s baby. I learned that day that she had lost two babies and that she really loved baby Hannes as her own. The grief from a mother that has lost her babies is strong but their love will never die.

My brother has been thinking about sending us away on a small trip and I think I will take him up on his word right about now. So I went to find him, it wasn’t that hard as I heard his voice coming from his office, loud and clear.

I knocked on his door and he toldto cin so I opened it and saw that he was speaking on the phone so I went and sat down on the sofa while waiting for him to hang up but instead he crushed the phone in his hands. Oops.

“So I assthat wasn’t what you wanted to hear?” I say and he nods while pouring up whiskey for both of us.

He handsa glass and I take a sip of the burning liquid and I enjoy it.

“The sapphire kingdom is holding Ares and the others. hostages because king Isaac fell off the world and cant be found right now” my brother says and sighs as he sits down.

“Hmm, yeah, I would have gone in those thoughts as well but still isn’t it a little bit harsh? Are they in the dungeons or cells or whatever they have there?” I ask him but he shakes his head


“No, they have the east wing for themselves” he says and I


Good, since Ares is still a prince and should be handled with care even if he kills their king or something like that. But to a king to disappear without a trace?

“What did you want to talk about, brother?” he asks and look up at him

“You know, ever since baby Hannes was taken away from Anna and me, we have been missing him and something bigger. Anna is just doing things on routine, she doesn’t even seeanymore.

I can be right in front of her and she can’t see me. So I thought about that gift you gave us when I marked her. Going away you know” I say and I feel Anna’s sadness bleed intoand I knew she was crying again.

“That is a good idea and guess what, I know where that ba stard took baby Hannes.” he says and I look up and smile.

“Where?” I ask him and I feel a new hope bloom up

“Nora’s old pack” he says and I smile.

“Well then, it’s tto invite her parents to cover here and I will go find my son on the sroute” I say and drink up everything in my glass in one sweep.

“Go, find him and bring him back” my brother says and I nod and stand up.

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“Wait, take this. It is all your money on this card.” brother says and givesa black card which I take and nod at him before

I leave his office.

I let the bond taketo Anna and I found her in our room sitting on the floor next to our bed. She had her eyes closed and didn’t even move when I closed the door. I started to look for my overnight bag and hers as well. Finding them I also found the baby bag that Ben had bought for baby Hannes.

I fought with myself for a second but I left it in the closet and instead began to take down clothes for both of us. I heard Anna move around until she cinto the closet and I

glanced over my shoulder at her.

“What are you doing?” she asks with scuriosity but I just shrug.

“Don’t, please don’t leave me” she says and I look at her while I tilt my head and then I shake it slowly while I walk up to her and hug her.

“No, Anna I am not leaving you but you are coming with me. We are going to travel to Nora’s old pack and meet her parents” I say and she tenses in my arms and I thought it was weird but I didn’t care about that.

“Nora’s old pack?” Anna says and I kiss her forehead.

“Yes, silver stream, I think it is called” I say and Anna gasps

“But that is my old pack as well” she says and stare atand I stare back

Oh sh it!