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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

Part 2 Chapter 79

Nora’s POV

“Melinda, is your daughter” I say and he nods.

“Yes but she doesn’t know that” he says and I nod and look at the castle.

“You must recognize her. I mean for real, let her be a princess; and..” I begin to say when he growls

“I can’t do that” he says and I look at him.

“Then the curse can’t be broken “I say sadly. He looks atconfused

“Do you trust me?” I ask him and he nods.

*Helios, Ares, I need your help. Can you coutside?* I mindlink them.

“What are you going to do?” the king asks and I smile sadly

“I am going to make you see” I say and he growls higher as my mates walk outside.

“You are not telling them” he says and I shake my head.

“No, they are just going to help us” I say and he nods.

“Nora, is everything okay?” Ares asks at the stthat Mariah also comes out and she looks at us nervously.

“She knows,” I whisper and the king nods.

“Yes, of course she does,” he whispered back at me.

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“Mariah, can you make a binding spell betweenand the king?” I ask and she looks at us and then she nods.

“Of course, Nora” she answers

“Good, Helios, can you mark me?” I ask Helios and he seems confused.

“But it won’t hold” he says and I nod

“I know but the power will sendwhere I need to go and to take your father withI need to bind your father to me” I say when I am interrupted.

*Why do you go the hard way instead of asking us? We are your link to Selene anyway* Lillie huffs and Aurelie whines.

*She didn’t know that, Lillie* aurelie answer her and Lillie huffs again

*Fine helpthen* I say to them.

*Take his hand* Aurelie says and I nod.

“Helios, Mariah, I will let my wolf try first, okay?” I say and they tilt their heads atand I just smile.

“Please, take my hand” I say and reach out for the king.

He takes it and I close my eyes.

*Aurelie, Lillie, now* I say and they howl together and I feel this burning sensation.

“Nora, open up your eyes” I hear the moon goddess say and I


“Selene, I need your help. I know how to break the curse” I say and she nods.

“Finally” she says and looks away from me.

“King” she says curtly.

“Moon goddess” the king says and bows his head.

“Don’t let go of Nora’s hand or the link might break. I will take you to see them now” she says and we walk after her.

The moon goddess land is big and wild and beautiful as it stretches so far and yet so short. We walked to a waterfall and I recognized this place at once. I was here with my mates one time.

But now I see another woman that I too recognize. Helios and Ares’ mother. She is playing in the water with her daughter. The king takes a sharp breath and I smile as the little princess

notices us.

“Letknow when you have talked “the moon goddess says

and I nod at her.

“Mate” the queen says.

“I have missed you so much”

“My queen” the king says and we walk together towards them and she looks at our hands

“Yeah, if I let him go he can’t be in this realm” I say and she looks atand smiles.

“I understand, Nora, thank you” she says and I smile at her. She is so beautiful.

“My love, I am so sorry. It is my fault that you died and our princess died because ofas well” the king says and reaches out his hand and touches the queen’s cheek.

“Daddy?” the little princess says and he nods.

“Yes, my little darling” he says and we sit down on the rocks while the little princess crawls up in his lap.

“Will you givemy nnow?” she asks and he seems confused

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“But don’t you have a nalready?” I ask her and she nods.

“Yes but mommy couldn’t ask daddy if he liked it” she says and I giggle. Such a smart child. I wonder how she can grow when she isn’t alive.

“If you would have stayed, my darling. I would have named you after my grandmother, if your mother would have liked that” he says and now I am curious at the nwhen the queen laughs.

“We had the sidea then. Why don’t you present yourself?” she says and the little princess looks at us.

“My nis Gaia and I am the princess of the silver kingdom” she says with so much pride in her voice.

“I love you, Gaia,” The king said and hugged her.

“My queen. I have a serious question for you” I say and she smiles and nod

“I know about the curse and about Melinda. I think that Noral is right. Take her as the princess of the kingdom and break the stu pid curse, I want to see my grandchildren soon” she says and laughs and I blush.

“But her lycan, we killed it” the king says and I shake my head.

“No she is just dormant, I can bring her forth” I say and the queen nods.

“Thank you, Nora. Or should I call you goddess Nora?” she says and bow her head.

“Goddess?” The king says surprised and I blush,

“The moon goddess shared her powers withand I am almost equal with her.” I say and he looks to be thinking.

“Do you know what that is called in our world?” He asks and I shake my head.

“High priestess” he answers and I look surprised at him. The very title that Mia wanted.

“A high priestess is the moon goddess’ proxy” the queen clarified.

“So we will break the curse then when you recognize Melinda as your daughter and I will break the curse when my heat begins” I say and smile and blush.

“Yes, and you should return now, Nora because you are creating quite the chaos down there” the queen chuckles and points at the water with a laugh.

We look down and see ourselves unconscious on the ground While both my mates have shifted and try not to go crazy over

my scent while Mariah is protecting the king..

Oh sh it