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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 31
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Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Noras POV The second Linus carriedinside my room and putdown on my b*d I heard her, Mia. “Go to sleep” and then Linus actually fell asleep with a thud on the floor. “What are you doing here?” I ask Mia. “Well it’s a long story but let’s just say that the covens witches wants to meet with you so I am going to take you there” She says and looks angry for sreason “If that’s the case why didn’t they just ask me?” I retort to her “Yeah that was the original plan but I thought this was so much more fun so bye bye, I will take good care of Ares” Mia – waved and sent a dark green bubble thing atand I felt like an electric current insidebefore my room disappeared and I appeared in a … cave? Wow I really am in a cave I think. I stretched out my hand to touch the cave wall but it disappeared and revealed a large cabin. Cool. Magic is fantastic sometimes. The door opens and a woman in her 40’s opens the door, she has blonde hair with green eyes and glasses. She is wearing a blue dress and she is carrying a broom. Is she going to fly on it? But instead she takes the broom and sweeps away dust with it on the front-porch, three times only to the left side. “Hello, Nora, can you please chere and get inside before our protection barrier sets in place?” She asks and points up where I can see something coming down like a glass wall.

I hesitate a second but decide to do as she says and walk over to her and stop behind her and watch as the glass wall or rather protection barrier sets in place. “Wow”, I say. “I guess so but I am used to seeing it but sure it’s rather impressive I guess” she says and smiles at me.

“Do you like tea? Oh and my nis Helene” Helene says and I got this mother feeling from her so I nod at her. “Good then I will make som herbal tea, perhaps your lycan can draw sstrength from it” Helene says and smiles sadly and showsinside. It’s even bigger on the inside, incredible. I then notice that I aren’t alone. There are six more ladies in here and one of them’ is really familiar. “Hello Nora, my nis Maria, I am Mia’s grandmother” the elder woman says and I nod. “Take a seat Nora, we just want to talk to you and you can leave whenever you want.” Helene says and points on a cu shion that I didn’t notice. It was warm when I sat down on it. “Well you knownow, letintroduce you to the rest. This is Beatrice, Carol, Dinah, Fa nny and Jane. We are the coven’s elders, almost like a werewolf or lycan elder but we hold more Dividing into pages now ||| power than the younger ones.” Maria explains and points at everyone. Carol looks really familiar, I can’t put my finger on it but I still look at her until she begins to laugh. “Have you figured it out yet, Nora?” She asks and then it hits. me, I do know her. I almost fly over to her and hug her hard, gosh I have missed her and she hugsback just as hard. “I have missed you so much” I almost cried in her arms. “I know Nora, and I have missed you too. Afterall you were my best student.” She laughs and pats me on the head. I release her and look at her, she looks the sexcept she has got a few more strands of gray hair. “Sit down now Nora, before the other ladies think that I am taking you for myself” Carol laughs and I smile. “So you do know each other then?” the woman named Fa nny says and glares at Carol. “Well she was my teacher in the pack where I was born” I say and sit back down. “Here is your tea, Nora. May I ask what your lycans nis?” Helene givesa cup of tea, it smells strange.

“Her nis Artemis and if I may ask, why is the tea smelling like this?” “Well it’s a herbal tea, it does smell strange but it tastes better. Artemis will appreciate it.” Carol says and I nod. I blow on the Dividing into pages now III tea and take a small sip, it feels like I just drank a bit of the forest. It feels like I can taste the flow of the forest, when the wind goes through the forest and the animals take stroll and eat the grass. The flowers that wake up in the morning and the rain that falls down softly. “Nora?” Nora, are you here, sweetie?” Carol’s voice bringsback to reality and I look around to discover that Helene has sat down next toand there is fruit and sfood on a small table in the middle. “Hihi you are really just like Carol have told us, living inside. your own little bubble sometimes” Fan ny giggles and I blush. “Well shall we talk about why we sent an invitation for you?” Maria says and looks at me. “What invitation? Mia just popped into my room and sentoff?” I say and look at her. “Stu pid girl” “Insolent” “Rude” “Hey Maria, you better put a leash on that girl before we do something ” Maria sighs and shakes her head. “Stu pid little girl” “Anyway, we wanted to invite you here today so we can tell you about our ancestor, the very woman that actually cast the curse” Helene says and puts an end to the insults thrown at Mia in, her absence. III Dividing into pages now “I have seen the king’s memories already and the queen has toldalso. Is there any way forto see or talk to the witch in question?” I say and tilt my head “Yes in a matter of fact, we can summon her spirit and with your lycans help we can put her in your

body and in that way she can show you” Dinah says carefully. Have the witch spirit in my body?