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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Ares POV Maria did a minor spell to steady the connection between Nora and the surroundings, so now Nora can hear us more clearly when we talk to her and of course, Helios took the first turn and I waited out here patiently. When Helios finally comes out I can see that he has been crying. But I pretend to not see it and Helios pats my shoulder and I hug him. When he releases me, he givesa smile and a nod and I go into Nora. I see her laying on the bed and I sit down on the bed next to her, I take her cold hand in mine and kiss it softly while not trying to cry. “Hey, princess, I know that you can hearand I will probably sound like a broken record but I need to tell you that I love you and I miss you so much. I bet Helios told you about the thing I created for fun, a challenge tournament and to think that Helios was the first one to challenge me. He probably wants to see if he has becstronger thanbut I doubt it, you see it’s really rare for a lycan to have twins. Often the stronger twin will absorb the weaker one before birth but as you saw in the memories, the witch caused my mother to go into an early labor and both of us were still alive. But nothing to discuss. I am the stronger twin and as such I had tried to absorb Helios in the womb but I didn’t succeed. So Helios who was the weaker one has always been behind 1/4

my arms so hard that you can never leaveagain. I love you so, so much and I promise that I will never betray you ever again. I love you, Nora.” I say and then I kiss her softly on her lips before walking out and in the hallway I meet uncle Dave that was waiting for me. “I just wanted to sit with Nora for a while” uncle Dave says and I nod and walk toward the dungeons. Helios and our father are together with Mia’s mother and grandmother, Maria, waiting forto arrive. Father unlocks. the door down to the dungeons and we step in and down the steps until we cto the guards down there. I let them know that we are there to see Mia and they nod and one of them follows us with the keys. We walked past a bunch of rogue lycans and sintruders that tried to harm our people. All the way to the last cell, where Mia is sitting in the coldest cell and the only cell that blocks magic. Mia looked even worse than before, as she sat on the floor and her once blonde hair is almost black with dirt and she still ||| smells of puke, I look away from her as I try not to throw up again from the smell alone. “Oh pitiful child” Maria says and Mia looks up at us. “Grandmother, please, helpout of here” Mia pleads. “That is not forto decide, child” Maria answers and looks. at the king. “No, that is my decision and right now it pleasesto know that you are down here, in this cell” father says and I want to sigh because I really want to put her in a shower. “Dad, let her shower off that stench, before it kills everyone down here” Helios says and I look at him. *Helios, why are you calling father for dad? Have you beccrazy these days?* I mindlink my brother. *You are the crazy one these days and you know it. I call him dad because our dad is back, his lycan has withdrawn and he is happy that I call him dad and so should you do* Helios answer and I feel conflicted. The last tI called him dad, I was chained to a wall and I got 10 lashings for it. His lycan was furious and toldto show respect in front of others, I should have called him sir or father.

I shiver by the memory of what happened and miss when father actually allows Mia out of the cell to take a shower and get her something to eat. “Why can’t we get her a maid’s room and enchant it with anti- magic?” I suggest and all of them are staring at me. “We already-agreed on that, Ares. What would you think if you didn’t pay attention to what we said?” father asked and I looked down to the floor when I couldn’t say anything to explain why I hadn’t heard what they discussed. “Whatever I just want…” Mia started but Maria said a word and put her hand over Mia’s mouth and when she took it away. Well it looked like something out of a horror movie, it looked like new skin had grown over Mia’s mouth. Effectively making her mouth go away, no matter what she tried to make sounds nothing cout. What a nightmare. I could see how she was starting to panic but I turned around, refusing to see how she was tortured. “Well let’s get you settled in now then” Helios said and grabbed her by her arm and dragged her upstairs.