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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Melinda POV,

Ugh all of this is so messed up. My sister is even more crazy than before. Perhaps it’s because she never had a magic core herself or perhaps it’s because she is just crazy. I don’t get it. We have never been close to each other, Maya and me. But people often compared us. Maya was a good girl, she did everything that people asked her to do while I stayed in her shadow.

I helped her overcmagical troubles so no one would suspect that my mom had a powerless witch for a daughter. didn’t mind staying out of sight, people thought I was shy just because I didn’t say anything.

But then Maya and I turned 16 and Maya moved out and she was gone for four years when she suddenly cback with a newborn baby girl in her arms. She was devastated, told us that she almost killed her daughter to get her magical core and that she wanted help.

I took Mia and raised her as my own daughter while mom took Maya into ssort of self help thing. It is a very closed thing and those who don’t know they don’t need to know either.

Mia was a gifted child but I could see that she was very much like Maya except Mia’s magical core was strong. Her magic was a dark color so I started to suspect that Maya had done something stu pid while being pregnant.

Perhaps she thought she had discovered her magical core and borrowed magic from Mia when she was s still inside her mothers womb. It’s pretty disgusting and sad to think about. Maya’s daughter gave her energy and magic and then when she was born and Maya becdepraved enough that she considered killing her own daughter just to get that little flare of magic back.

I taught Mia to never hold anything back, no secrets and to always tell us how she felt and if there were any difficulties. She often complained that I was boring, I didn’t take her to parties and such stuff that children at her age would go to but I guess I never was that kind of girl to start with.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I tried to explain to her that I didn’t like that and that she would need sfriends to discover things with so I met sof the other witches that had children around Mia’s age. and Mia got herself three best friends in a matter of 10


Mia used to go over to them and sometimes they would cover to us but as Mia cup in her teens the interest for boys started and she had a clear goal. She told us that she had seen him on the castle walls and she had felt him attractive but he never looked at her.

I thought it was a childish crush on one of the guards so T chuckled and told her to try harder. A few weeks later one of the castle guards knocked on our door and he toldto go to the castle with him.

At the castle I was furious, Mia’s childish crush was the prince. Helios, She had tried to make contact with him but he didn’t care for her and she wanted to make him see her so hard that the spell she sent him went a bit wrong.

The spell clearly said “you will see none other than me” and

then the spell took effect and blinded the prince It was a

petty spell and I forced her down on her knees while I took away the spell.

Her punishment from the king was lenient, she wasn’t allowed to speak for a month and she wasn’t allowed near the castle for another month at that. Then she met prince Ares when he had shifted and ran through the forest.

Then the real troubles started. Ares and Helios are identical twins and Mia fell in love again kind of. Ares took Helios place and the bad boy he was, he had no problem playing around with Mia. But one good thing cfrom Mia, she drove other girls away from the twins.

So here we stand now, Mia’s mother and my crazy sister are on her way to start a war between her and the kingdom. But I suspect that she has salliances with another kingdom and this kingdom has a traitor or two.

This Tristan boy that mom was suspicious of, his father was not a banned prince, more like a pl ayboy prince. He knocked Tristan’s mother up and left her later on, bas tar d. This is the fun part now, he cfrom the skingdom that Nora’s grandparents did, the blaze kingdom.

Tristan and Nora are cousins on his fathers side. I wonder what she will think of that later on. I don’t think he is a traitor though, it’s impossible for him to lie and he can spot a lie from a mile away.

So while I was talking with the king and mother I watched Tristan walking toward the back garden but turned around and looked pale and nauseous. I walked up to him and

touched his shoulder to heal him before he threw up.

“Thanks” he said but still he looked pale.

“Don’t like blood?” I ask and he shakes his head.

“Nope, I even have a hard twith my lycan when he is hunting” Tristan says and shivers.

“Go take a hot shower and if you want I can make scalming tea?” I say to him and he nods.

“Oh I would like to try your tea but please not the stea as the one you made during the oath” he laughs and I snicker as well

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“No, I promise,” I say and smile. I watch him walk away

towards the castle and then I turn towards my mother who

looks concerned.

“I should head back to Mia, she isn’t doing well, cvisit your niece soon, Melinda.” mom say and I frown at her

“She is my daughter, mom. I raised her” I say and glared a bit

at her.

“I know but technically” Mom begins to say but she doesn’t finish the sentence when she sees my face.

I watch as my mom disappears in the sun and I turn to speak with the king when I feel it. Maya’s magic and I look up at the castle with a tilt of my head. I look at the king and notice that he is mindlinking someone now.

“We need to go now. Helios thinks that there’s something wrong in Ares’ room. His lycan is warning him from going inside. But Tristan is there with him now but I would like it if

you calong with me” he says and I nod.

I was going to find Ares tonight to perform the spell by linking his mind to Nora’s anyway. We walk rather fast through the castle and towards Ares’ room but I stop the king as I feel my sister’s magic. It is strong here.

“Magic” I whisper to the king and he nods.

But as we stand in the doorway and look inside the room we are shocked at the scene itself. Ares has shifted and is attacking a bleeding Helios that lays on the floor so I send out my magic to stop Ares from hurting his brother even more and I fling him into the wall while I throw myself onto the floor next to Helios.