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Their Lycan Queen

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

Chapter 80 Helios POV Ares’ mindlinked dad that Luca are attacking the castle but Melinda’s barriers are strong and keeps the castle safe. She also toldthat she has hidden Nora so no one exceptor Ares can find her. But as we run back I notice that the witches are also coming with us but they are using nature for help to get there faster. And they got to the village about five minutes beforeand it showed in the sky like fireworks. And it is raining fire as well, I glance at dad and I see that he is mindlinking someone. Probably Ares. Mariah shows up besideand is looking out at the castle and the village as well. “We need to hide Nora’s presence but I need your help” Mariah says and I nod. Mariah takes my hands and starts to chant. I have never heard those words before but I trusted Mariah. I felt my bond to Nora fade a bit but I could still feel her but | suppose Luca couldn’t as he stopped attacking the castle. A large bolt of lightning cdown from a clear sky and at once Luca disappeared. “He will be back” Mariah sighs and I nod. We walk down towards the castle but my lycan is restless, like something is amiss. Melinda opens up the barrier so we can get inside the castle and in there it’s chaos, utterly chaos. Ares POV

Hannah, cute name, it fit her so well. She seems about to burst with how huge her belly is. “Hannah, how long do you have left?” Anna asks and Hannah looks down and strokes her belly gently with a smile. “I think I should give birth in a week or so but lately I have had a huge pain in my belly and in my back” Hannah whispers and looks very tired. “Yeah, I am carrying you to the doctor and I will be by your side the entire time, okay” I say and actually lift her from the floor before she can protest. “I am also coming” Anna says and gets up.

We walk down to the doctors office and we are in luck as it seems that he just got back up here after eating. “So this is the young lady. Yes, she looks like she is ready to burst anytnow.” doctor says and I nod. I put Hannah down gently on one of the beds and I gasp as I notice that my bond to Nora faded a bit but I can still feel her and she is in the splace. The doctor approaches Hannah slowly and shows her all the tools and he leans into her stomach and listens. “The baby’s heartbeat isn’t as strong as I wished it to be but it could be because you are due soon enough. How long have you been pregnant and what species is the father?” the doctor asks and Hannah seems to think. “I have gone over seven months and the father is a lycan” Hannah whispers and all of us gasps “That can’t be, if the father is a lycan you are supposed to be pregnant for about six and a half months at the longest. I need to see the baby now” the doctor says and tells Hanna to pull up the dress while he takes out an ultrasound thing. He usually uses it on us when he sets broken bones in place but I guess he can use it to see the baby as well. The doctor prepares Hannah and uses the ultrasound and looks at the little monitor. “Yes, I was right, we need to take out the baby right now but we need to wait for Mariah, I will need her help.” the doctor says and Daniel rushes out of the office. “We have just heard that my dad is back and so are the witches” I explain and we hear ssmall explosions outside. I guess they are here and then everything went quiet and I can hear the castle doors open and then it seems to be chaos downstairs. Hannah gets down onto the bed and lays down and spreads her legs widely while Anna puts on an apron and helps the doctor prepare and I ask if I should go out of there but Hannah grabsand growls.

“You broughthere so you will stay and I will squeeze your hand until it falls off” she stares into my eyes and I feel a small amount of fear of pregnant women. I nod my head and take out a chair and put it next to the bed right beside Hannah. I talk to her while Daniel will get Mariah and then the doctor gives Hannah a shot and after a minute the labor started and she began squeezing my hand. I truly believe her words now, if she squeezes even more it will fall off. Help. Mariah and Melinda cinto the office and they know what to do without even asking. Melinda takes out a bottle with a red liquid and tells Hannah to drink it and she does. “It’s for the pain, it will be dulled a bit” Melinda says and I sigh, which makes everyone lift their eyebrow atand I smile awkwardly. The entire labor went fine except for the screaming, my broken hand and the baby was born, a big boy, Hannah was happy but just as she held him something went wrong. Melinda handedthe baby and threwout of the room. as Hannah started bleeding profusely. I looked down at the baby in my arms that were wrapped into a blue blanket, he looked up atand smiled. Big brown eyes, just like Hannah’s. “Cute baby, is it yours?” A voice behindsaid and I looked up just to see Helios and Daniel standing in front ofstaring at something behindand I turned around just to see the very person that we have all longed for. Nora. Nora looks at the baby and then at me, she tilts her head and smiles. “No he isn’t mine. How are you feeling, Nora?” I say to her and smile back but I can see her smile whither as she looks behind me and then atagain. “Can lask ..” Do I know you?” Nora asks and I just stare at her in horror and confusion “Do you know where I am?” End of part 1. Please just scroll to the next page to read part