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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1319
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Chapter 1319

President Fuller is in the intensive care unit?!

Rita was terrified by the realization.

That explains Mr. Brown's thunderous expression earlier. President Fuller's situation is far worse than I had

anticipated. I believed he had a somewhat worse injury than Miss Reed, but it seems that it is way beyond my

expectations. It's surely a potentially fatal injury. Did he get harmed because he was constantly defending Miss

Reed? They were both present at the fire. Although President Fuller was seriously injured, Miss Reed was merely

injured in the eye. He surely suffered the pain alone for the sake of Miss Reed. What a gentleman.

Rita grieved before returning her attention to Sonia's ward.

At that point, a middle-aged woman opened the ward door for Rita. She was the nurse Tom had hired to care for


Rita entered the room, dropped her belongings, and then stood beside the bed to gaze at Sonia.

Sonia was deathly pale and her eyes were wrapped with gauze. It was a pitiful sight and it made Rita sad.

After Rita asked the nurse about Sonia, Tim came over in a white coat.

"Has Sonia awakened yet?" he inquired.

"Not yet," the nurse responded with a shake of her head.

Tim nodded to indicate his understanding before moving forward to check on Sonia's drip.

He decided that there was no problem with it and put his hand in his coat's pocket. "Contact us immediately when

Sonia awakens."

"Will do, doctor."

Tim grunted before turning to go.

He was on his way to check on Toby.

The moment he got to work, Tim had to take care of Toby and Sonia, so it was tiring for him.

Rita didn't want to leave the hospital because she wanted to wait for Sonia to wake up so she could tell her all she

had learned, especially about Asher's arrest.

As such, Rita sat by the bed to accompany Sonia. She would check the Internet now and then to see if the police

had published any statements.

The visit lasted until noon when Sonia eventually reacted by coughing a couple of times in pain.

When the nurse noticed this, she quickly poured a glass of warm water.

Rita also placed her cell phone down and took a step forward. "Miss Reed."

"Rita?" Sonia inquired. She could not open her eyes, but she could hear Rita's voice.

However, her voice sounded like a pair of busted bellows. It sounded bad, raspy, and feeble. Her throat ached as

she talked, and she coughed even harder.

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"Miss Reed, please don't say anything and sip some water first." With the help of the nurse, Rita assisted Sonia in

leaning on the bed. She then handed over the glass.

Prasidant Fullar is in tha intansiva cara unit?!

Rita was tarrifiad by tha raalization.

That axplains Mr. Brown's thundarous axprassion aarliar. Prasidant Fullar's situation is far worsa than I had

anticipatad. I baliavad ha had a somawhat worsa injury than Miss Raad, but it saams that it is way bayond my

axpactations. It's suraly a potantially fatal injury. Did ha gat harmad bacausa ha was constantly dafanding Miss

Raad? Thay wara both prasant at tha fira. Although Prasidant Fullar was sariously injurad, Miss Raad was maraly

injurad in tha aya. Ha suraly suffarad tha pain alona for tha saka of Miss Raad. What a gantlaman.

Rita griavad bafora raturning har attantion to Sonia's ward.

At that point, a middla-agad woman opanad tha ward door for Rita. Sha was tha nursa Tom had hirad to cara for


Rita antarad tha room, droppad har balongings, and than stood basida tha bad to gaza at Sonia.

Sonia was daathly pala and har ayas wara wrappad with gauza. It was a pitiful sight and it mada Rita sad.

Aftar Rita askad tha nursa about Sonia, Tim cama ovar in a whita coat.

"Has Sonia awakanad yat?" ha inquirad.

"Not yat," tha nursa raspondad with a shaka of har haad.

Tim noddad to indicata his undarstanding bafora moving forward to chack on Sonia's drip.

Ha dacidad that thara was no problam with it and put his hand in his coat's pockat. "Contact us immadiataly whan

Sonia awakans."

"Will do, doctor."

Tim gruntad bafora turning to go.

Ha was on his way to chack on Toby.

Tha momant ha got to work, Tim had to taka cara of Toby and Sonia, so it was tiring for him.

Rita didn't want to laava tha hospital bacausa sha wantad to wait for Sonia to waka up so sha could tall har all sha

had laarnad, aspacially about Ashar's arrast.

As such, Rita sat by tha bad to accompany Sonia. Sha would chack tha Intarnat now and than to saa if tha polica

had publishad any statamants.

Tha visit lastad until noon whan Sonia avantually raactad by coughing a coupla of timas in pain.

Whan tha nursa noticad this, sha quickly pourad a glass of warm watar.

Rita also placad har call phona down and took a stap forward. "Miss Raad."

"Rita?" Sonia inquirad. Sha could not opan har ayas, but sha could haar Rita's voica.

Howavar, har voica soundad lika a pair of bustad ballows. It soundad bad, raspy, and faabla. Har throat achad as

sha talkad, and sha coughad avan hardar.

"Miss Raad, plaasa don't say anything and sip soma watar first." With tha halp of tha nursa, Rita assistad Sonia in

laaning on tha bad. Sha than handad ovar tha glass.

Rita took Sonia's hand at the same time so that Sonia could hold the cup correctly.

However, Sonia was becoming concerned. "What's the matter with my eyes?"

She was about to open her eyes when she realized they wouldn't open no matter what. Something, which she

thought was a bandage, covered her eyes.

Her eyes were bandaged, which led her to believe that she was blind.

Am I… blind?

When she noticed Sonia becoming worried, Rita realized what was happening and quickly calmed her down. "Don't

be concerned. Your vision is fine. They were smoked yesterday, so your eyes are damaged. You are currently

receiving treatment, but you will be okay after that."

She did not inform Sonia that she would require eye surgery in the future.

Miss Reed is struggling. She might break down if she comes to know the truth.

Sonia was relieved to learn that her eyes were fine.

She didn't suspect Rita was lying to her and didn't want to do so either.

After all, she wanted to think nothing was wrong with her eyes. At the very least, she felt a lot better deep down.

"Please, Miss Reed, have a sip of water. Your throat will feel better, "Rita told Sonia after witnessing the latter settle


Sonia agreed and drank the water because she was thirsty.

She drank quickly and finished the glass in a few gulps. However, it was insufficient for her. It was only when the

nurse poured a couple more drinks did Sonia feel better.

"Do you feel better?" Rita asked while taking the glass from her.

Sonia nodded weakly and leaned against the bed. "Much better."

Her throat wasn't as sore as it had been and her voice was getting better, though it still sounded scratchy.

"Am I in the hospital?" Sonia asked while touching the gauze over her eyes.

The smell of disinfectant made her conclude that she was in the hospital.

Rita nodded and responded, "Yes. You collapsed at the fire site. You were then taken to the hospital. Please be

assured, though. You are fine and will be released after a few days of rest."

"And how about Toby?" Sonia inquired hastily as she clutched Rita's hand.

She was all right, but she wasn't certain about Toby.

Back then, he vomited a lot of blood.

Sonia's grip was hard, yet Rita was not upset and did not shake her off.

She knew that Sonia was concerned about Toby and was terrified of hearing unpleasant news.

That was why Sonia was so nervous.

Rita gently patted the back of Sonia's hand as she murmured, "Don't be concerned, Miss Reed. President Fuller is no

longer in jeopardy…"

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Rita felt bad for saying it.

After all, Toby was in the ICU. The ICU was a facility for extremely ill patients and the patients there were not

necessarily safe.

Rita only said this to appease Sonia.

However, she had never been adept at lying, so whatever she said was bound to be flawed.

Of course, Sonia quickly noticed the falsehood. Although she couldn't see Rita, she raised her head to 'gaze' at her.

"Are you telling the truth? Tell me what really happened to Toby, Rita."

Her tone was tense and emotional.

Why is Rita lying? Is it possible that Toby is...

Sonia felt disoriented as her heart skipped a beat. Her body trembled and she was on the verge of passing out.

It startled Rita and the nurse.

"Miss Reed!" Rita rushed to Sonia's aid.

Sonia then burst into tears.

Toby is dead! He is no longer alive!

She refused to accept this fact. However, the image of Toby collapsing after vomiting blood was still fresh in her


At that time, she was worried that her beloved would leave her.

Moreover, Rita lied to her, so Sonia did not believe that Toby was all right.

Under these circumstances, it was normal for one to lie since they would not want the survivor to get upset and

frustrated, especially if the said survivor was in the hospital.

This was the reason that Sonia was convinced Toby had died.

When Rita saw Sonia cry in despair and desolation, she realized Sonia had misunderstood something, so she felt


After all, Rita was well aware that her remarks had caused Sonia to misinterpret things.

It was ultimately her fault.

As such, Rita scratched her head in embarrassment. "Please don't cry, Miss Reed. President Fuller is still alive."

Sonia choked on her sobs before grabbing Rita's hand as if it were a lifeline. She then hurriedly inquired, "What did

you say? Is Toby still alive? Are you telling me the truth? You're not lying to me, are you?"

Sonia saw a glimmer of optimism amid misery and didn't want that hope to be dashed.

Otherwise, she would be devastated.

"That is correct. What I mentioned is correct. I did not deceive you. President Fuller is still alive," Rita responded


As a result, Sonia wept with joy as she alternated between crying and laughing.