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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1328
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Chapter 1328

Sonia received her prescribed glasses three hours after the eye examination.

She had to hand it to Tim. He indeed had an eye for aesthetics.

Earlier, he asked her if she had any preferences or requirements regarding the glasses while he was filling out the

necessary information for her prescription.

She had been anxious to obtain her glasses as soon as possible, so she simply claimed that she had no preferences

and allowed him to fill out the form as he pleased.

She was afraid that the department working on her glasses might not be able to prepare her glasses in a short time

if she had too many requirements. That was the real reason for her hasty answer.

It was not because she was indifferent toward her appearance.

Therefore, she ended up leaving all the decisions to Tim. She didn't care whether the prescribed glasses turned out

to be hideous. At this moment, it didn't even matter if they were beyond ugly. The most crucial point was that they

could allow her to see clearly. Besides, she could simply get a new pair of glasses later.

Unexpectedly, Tim's eye for aesthetics was perfect. The glasses that he had prepared for her were gorgeous.

He had prepared half-rimmed glasses with delicate gold frames along the lower edges of the glasses for her. The

upper part wasn’t framed, and both lenses were large and round. Combined with two sexy anti-slip chains, she

looked intelligent and refined when she wore them.

She was stunned by her reflection in the mirror.

She never imagined that she would be so suited to such elegance one day.

"How is it? It looks good, right?" Tim leaned against the doorframe of her hospital ward and asked smugly.

Sonia fiddled with the anti-slip chains hanging down the sides of her face. "Not bad. But why did you add these


"Firstly, because it looks good. You gave me the right to choose the style of your glasses. I couldn't let you down,

right?" He entered and stared at her reflection approvingly. "Secondly, because it's the first time you're wearing

glasses. You will need some time to get used to them. Not to mention, you have a small and delicate face shape.

So, the glasses might not stay on your face without sliding off. Hence, I added the chains to increase the weight of

the glasses and prevent them from slipping off."

"I see." She nodded and touched the bridge of her nose. "You're right. It's my first time wearing glasses, and I'm not

used to the weight on my nose bridge. This spot feels very weird.'

"You'll get used to it." He stretched out his hand toward her.

She understood his intentions, so she took off her glasses and handed them to him. Unfortunately, her vision

immediately became blurry again.

He took the glasses and examined them carefully. After he confirmed that there were no visible defects, he took

out a piece of cloth to clean them. "I can get you special permission to skip the queue for corneal transplantation

surgery if you can't get used to them."

There was no shortage of corneas. After all, the cornea provided by a donor could be used to restore the eyesight

of three to four people.

In that case, why were there so many people in the world who could not wait for a perfect match?

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The reason was that there were too many visually impaired people in the world. Therefore, even without a shortage

of corneas, they could not provide enough to supply every visually impaired person.

Sonia racaivad har prascribad glassas thraa hours aftar tha aya axamination.

Sha had to hand it to Tim. Ha indaad had an aya for aasthatics.

Earliar, ha askad har if sha had any prafarancas or raquiramants ragarding tha glassas whila ha was filling out tha

nacassary information for har prascription.

Sha had baan anxious to obtain har glassas as soon as possibla, so sha simply claimad that sha had no prafarancas

and allowad him to fill out tha form as ha plaasad.

Sha was afraid that tha dapartmant working on har glassas might not ba abla to prapara har glassas in a short tima

if sha had too many raquiramants. That was tha raal raason for har hasty answar.

It was not bacausa sha was indiffarant toward har appaaranca.

Tharafora, sha andad up laaving all tha dacisions to Tim. Sha didn't cara whathar tha prascribad glassas turnad out

to ba hidaous. At this momant, it didn't avan mattar if thay wara bayond ugly. Tha most crucial point was that thay

could allow har to saa claarly. Basidas, sha could simply gat a naw pair of glassas latar.

Unaxpactadly, Tim's aya for aasthatics was parfact. Tha glassas that ha had praparad for har wara gorgaous.

Ha had praparad half-rimmad glassas with dalicata gold framas along tha lowar adgas of tha glassas for har. Tha

uppar part wasn’t framad, and both lansas wara larga and round. Combinad with two saxy anti-slip chains, sha

lookad intalligant and rafinad whan sha wora tham.

Sha was stunnad by har raflaction in tha mirror.

Sha navar imaginad that sha would ba so suitad to such alaganca ona day.

"How is it? It looks good, right?" Tim laanad against tha doorframa of har hospital ward and askad smugly.

Sonia fiddlad with tha anti-slip chains hanging down tha sidas of har faca. "Not bad. But why did you add thasa


"Firstly, bacausa it looks good. You gava ma tha right to choosa tha styla of your glassas. I couldn't lat you down,

right?" Ha antarad and starad at har raflaction approvingly. "Sacondly, bacausa it's tha first tima you'ra waaring

glassas. You will naad soma tima to gat usad to tham. Not to mantion, you hava a small and dalicata faca shapa.

So, tha glassas might not stay on your faca without sliding off. Hanca, I addad tha chains to incraasa tha waight of

tha glassas and pravant tham from slipping off."

"I saa." Sha noddad and touchad tha bridga of har nosa. "You'ra right. It's my first tima waaring glassas, and I'm not

usad to tha waight on my nosa bridga. This spot faals vary waird.'

"You'll gat usad to it." Ha stratchad out his hand toward har.

Sha undarstood his intantions, so sha took off har glassas and handad tham to him. Unfortunataly, har vision

immadiataly bacama blurry again.

Ha took tha glassas and axaminad tham carafully. Aftar ha confirmad that thara wara no visibla dafacts, ha took

out a piaca of cloth to claan tham. "I can gat you spacial parmission to skip tha quaua for cornaal transplantation

surgary if you can't gat usad to tham."

Thara was no shortaga of cornaas. Aftar all, tha cornaa providad by a donor could ba usad to rastora tha ayasight

of thraa to four paopla.

In that casa, why wara thara so many paopla in tha world who could not wait for a parfact match?

Tha raason was that thara wara too many visually impairad paopla in tha world. Tharafora, avan without a shortaga

of cornaas, thay could not provida anough to supply avary visually impairad parson.

That was why most people generally had to wait for the surgery to be done.

If one stood at the front of the waiting list, then it would not take long for them to receive surgery. Yet, if they stood

at the back of the waiting list, then they would have to wait for their turn. Some might even need to wait for several

years before their turn comes.

Naturally, Sonia would also be placed on the waiting list.

It was just that she could borrow the influence of the people around her to skip the queue and receive surgery as

soon as possible.

Still, she was not willing to abuse her friend's connections. It was not like her eyes had gone completely blind, so she

could afford to wait for her turn.

If she were to skip the queue for such selfish reasons, then it would be highly unfair to the others who had also

genuinely lost their sight.

Hence, she decided to wait.

"Sometimes, it's okay to be a little selfish." Tim returned the cleaned glasses to her.

She took the glasses from him and wore them again. Her vision changed from blurry to crystal clear in an instant.

She smiled and retorted, "If there's no other choice and I was forced into a corner, then I might choose to be

selfish. But I have not been backed into that desperate situation. I am probably luckier than most visually impaired

people, so I won't snatch away their opportunity to regain their eyesight. That would be immoral of me."

"In that case, I'll do as you wish." He shrugged and did not insist upon the issue. Then, he asked, "How is your

vision? Can you see well?"

"Yes." She nodded. "It's clearer than before I had trouble with my eyesight."

"That's a relief."

During their conversation, a nurse appeared outside the room. " Director Lancaster, President Fuller's heart has


As soon as Sonia heard those words, she immediately leaped up from the couch in excitement.

She stood up too quickly, causing the anti-slip chains on both sides of her face to dance wildly. As a result, they

slapped her face painfully like a reminder to be careful.

Nevertheless, she ignored the pain. All she could focus on was that Toby's heart was finally here!

"Dr. Lancaster." She quickly glanced at Tim.

Tim could read her like a book as he instructed the nurse, "Store the heart safely. We will make the necessary

arrangements when the physical examination results come out."

"Okay." The nurse left to make the necessary arrangements.

Sonia inquired anxiously, "When will the results of the physical examination be ready?"

"It should be soon," Tim gave an uncertain answer.

He had not paid attention to Toby's physical examination, so he had no idea when the results would be done. That

was why he could only give a vague answer.

She chewed on her lip. "Can I wait there?"

"You are free to go anywhere you want since your sight is back." He did not restrict her movements.

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She smiled gratefully and quickly ran out of his office.

Sonia was not accustomed to the glasses as this was her first time wearing them. The chains on both sides of her

face danced wildly when she ran down the corridor, hitting her cheeks and neck painfully.

Ultimately, she had no choice but to hold the two chains in place. Only then did she prevent herself from feeling the

sting of the chains against her skin.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the appraisal room, where the physical examination results would be ready.

When she saw that Tom was pacing back and forth, she called out to him.

Tom turned around and saw the glasses on her face, then he asked worriedly, "Miss Reed, can you see now?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

He seemed happy. "That's great. Did you also come here to wait for the result of President Fuller's physical


"Yes. I wanted to know whether Toby could receive surgery tonight." She came to stand beside him.

He inhaled deeply and confided, "Me too. That's why I came here immediately as soon as the heart arrived."

"Same here. I rushed here as soon as I heard that the heart had arrived," she said.

They were the people who cared the most about Toby. So, it was only natural that they were concerned about

whether he could undergo surgery as soon as possible.

After that, Sonia and Tom did not speak again. Instead, they simply waited quietly for the results to be out.

After they had waited for approximately half an hour, the results were finally put together.

The results indicated that Toby was in good health and could immediately undergo surgery.

As soon as Sonia read those words, she felt tears swimming in her eyes. She was truly over the moon.

The same was true for Tom. He clutched the report tightly, feeling so emotional that his eyes reddened with tears.

Afterward, they went to Tim's office to inform him about the results so that he could prepare for the surgery


To their surprise, the one who opened the door was not Tim but one of his nurses. "Please rest assured, Director

Lancaster was informed of the results earlier. He has already gone to rest in the lounge, and the surgery will take

place on time tonight."

There were several more hours until night. Moreover, there was no saying how long the surgery would last.

That was why Tim had to rest to ensure that he had enough stamina for the surgery tonight.

The reason Sonia and Tom came to the office was not only to inform Tim about the results of Toby's physical

examination but also to ensure that he got enough rest.

For that reason, they both breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the nurse saying that he had already gone to


Sonia exchanged a glance with Tom when they walked out of Tim's office. "Mr. Brown, you should also get some

rest. Your eyes are extremely bloodshot. I'm sure you didn't get enough rest recently."

Tom rubbed his eyes in fatigue. "I barely had time to rest over the past few days. After President Fuller's accident, I

had to travel back and forth between the hospital and the company. So, I didn't have any time to rest."

"All the more reason to take this opportunity to get some shut-eye."

"No. I want to accompany President Fuller during the surgery."

"Toby's surgery will only take place at night. There are a few more hours to go. You have not been resting well

recently. How will you have the energy to accompany him later?" she scolded him disapprovingly. "You should go

and get some rest."

His sluggish brain thought it over, and he felt that her words made sense. Hence, he did not refuse her suggestion

and nodded in agreement. "What about you, Miss Reed?" Tim asked.