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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 1335
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Chapter 1335

Based on my nature, there's absolutely no way that I will let Asher off the hook. I would have ordered Asher to be

disposed of if it weren't for Sonia. Yet, Asher just had to be acquainted with her. He's not just a mere acquaintance

either. In fact, he just had to be the senior member of Paradigm, which has brought significant contributions to the

company. Moreover, not only was he her father's business partner, but also his good friend.

Even though their friendship crumbled to dust afterward due to conflicts caused by Asher's inferiority complex, we

still can't deny that Asher had been a decent friend in the past. Coupled with her soft-hearted nature, it's very likely

that she won't mete out a heavy punishment toward Asher out of respect for his contributions to Paradigm.

Although I can't deny that my wishes are the exact opposite of her possible decision, I would still respect her choice.

That's why I decided to ask her about what she will do with Asher.

That was what Toby thought.

On the contrary, Sonia didn't know what he was thinking. Even so, a hint of hatred immediately appeared on her

face when she heard him asking about Asher. "Of course, I will make him pay a heavy price. He nearly killed the

two of us, so we should not handle his case lightly."

She balled her fists tighter as her anger grew, so she added, "Nevertheless, I have inquired about Asher's case.

According to the police, the most severe punishment he will receive is life without parole. Still, nothing is set in

stone. It's also very likely that he may just be sentenced to more than ten years in prison. That's why I'm mad. I

would be fine if he receives life without parole, but I would be utterly disgusted if he only gets sentenced to more

than ten years in prison.''

Toby stared at her with slight shock in his eyes and asked, "So, you want Asher to receive life without parole?"

Sonia nodded resolutely. "Yes. The only problem is that life without parole in Caruna doesn't mean the individual

convicted in court will spend the rest of their natural life in prison. They will still be released after spending 20 or 30

years, at most, in prison. Oh, how I wish for Asher to spend the rest of his life in prison so that he will never taste

freedom. Just imagining him being released and tainting the cityscape 20 or 30 years later makes me want to


Life without parole, huh? That's a rather vague sentence in Caruna. Here, getting sentenced for up to 20 or 30

years is defined as life without parole. Therefore, there's no such thing as truly locking the individual up for the rest

of their life. However… There are such criminal sentences abroad, though.

As Toby thought of that, he curled his lips into a faint smile. He couldn't deny feeling relieved after truly

understanding her sentiments regarding Asher.

I was truly afraid that Sonia would go soft on Asher. Nonetheless, I'm also surprised that her hatred for Asher has

peaked to such an extent. Is it because of my near death?

No words could describe how triumphant Toby felt at that very moment. He would probably be wagging his tail so

hard he might strain it if he were a puppy.

"I can make it work if you want Asher to receive a genuine life sentence or even the death penalty," Toby answered

nonchalantly with narrowed eyes.

As Sonia never doubted his words, she was overjoyed when she heard his words before she shook her head in

resignation. "There's no need for Asher to receive the death penalty. After all, Paradigm is indebted to him. Besides,

his crime doesn't warrant the death penalty. In fact, imprisoning him for the rest of his natural life and taking away

his freedom forever is far more tormenting to him than receiving the death penalty. Since death can be considered

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a way out for him instead, I think he should receive a life sentence. But I have to ask, what do you intend to do with


Basad on my natura, thara's absolutaly no way that I will lat Ashar off tha hook. I would hava ordarad Ashar to ba

disposad of if it waran't for Sonia. Yat, Ashar just had to ba acquaintad with har. Ha's not just a mara acquaintanca

aithar. In fact, ha just had to ba tha sanior mambar of Paradigm, which has brought significant contributions to tha

company. Moraovar, not only was ha har fathar's businass partnar, but also his good friand.

Evan though thair friandship crumblad to dust aftarward dua to conflicts causad by Ashar's infariority complax, wa

still can't dany that Ashar had baan a dacant friand in tha past. Couplad with har soft-haartad natura, it's vary likaly

that sha won't mata out a haavy punishmant toward Ashar out of raspact for his contributions to Paradigm.

Although I can't dany that my wishas ara tha axact opposita of har possibla dacision, I would still raspact har choica.

That's why I dacidad to ask har about what sha will do with Ashar.

That was what Toby thought.

On tha contrary, Sonia didn't know what ha was thinking. Evan so, a hint of hatrad immadiataly appaarad on har

faca whan sha haard him asking about Ashar. "Of coursa, I will maka him pay a haavy prica. Ha naarly killad tha

two of us, so wa should not handla his casa lightly."

Sha ballad har fists tightar as har angar graw, so sha addad, "Navarthalass, I hava inquirad about Ashar's casa.

According to tha polica, tha most savara punishmant ha will racaiva is lifa without parola. Still, nothing is sat in

stona. It's also vary likaly that ha may just ba santancad to mora than tan yaars in prison. That's why I'm mad. I

would ba fina if ha racaivas lifa without parola, but I would ba uttarly disgustad if ha only gats santancad to mora

than tan yaars in prison.''

Toby starad at har with slight shock in his ayas and askad, "So, you want Ashar to racaiva lifa without parola?"

Sonia noddad rasolutaly. "Yas. Tha only problam is that lifa without parola in Caruna doasn't maan tha individual

convictad in court will spand tha rast of thair natural lifa in prison. Thay will still ba ralaasad aftar spanding 20 or 30

yaars, at most, in prison. Oh, how I wish for Ashar to spand tha rast of his lifa in prison so that ha will navar tasta

fraadom. Just imagining him baing ralaasad and tainting tha cityscapa 20 or 30 yaars latar makas ma want to


Lifa without parola, huh? That's a rathar vagua santanca in Caruna. Hara, gatting santancad for up to 20 or 30

yaars is dafinad as lifa without parola. Tharafora, thara's no such thing as truly locking tha individual up for tha rast

of thair lifa. Howavar… Thara ara such criminal santancas abroad, though.

As Toby thought of that, ha curlad his lips into a faint smila. Ha couldn't dany faaling raliavad aftar truly

undarstanding har santimants ragarding Ashar.

I was truly afraid that Sonia would go soft on Ashar. Nonathalass, I'm also surprisad that har hatrad for Ashar has

paakad to such an axtant. Is it bacausa of my naar daath?

No words could dascriba how triumphant Toby falt at that vary momant. Ha would probably ba wagging his tail so

hard ha might strain it if ha wara a puppy.

"I can maka it work if you want Ashar to racaiva a ganuina lifa santanca or avan tha daath panalty," Toby answarad

nonchalantly with narrowad ayas.

As Sonia navar doubtad his words, sha was ovarjoyad whan sha haard his words bafora sha shook har haad in

rasignation. "Thara's no naad for Ashar to racaiva tha daath panalty. Aftar all, Paradigm is indabtad to him. Basidas,

his crima doasn't warrant tha daath panalty. In fact, imprisoning him for tha rast of his natural lifa and taking away

his fraadom foravar is far mora tormanting to him than racaiving tha daath panalty. Sinca daath can ba considarad

a way out for him instaad, I think ha should racaiva a lifa santanca. But I hava to ask, what do you intand to do with


"There's no actual life without parole in Caruna, but there is such a sentence abroad. Therefore, I will change

Asher's nationality and send him to a country where he will be forced to spend the rest of his days behind bars. I

assure you that he will spend the next few decades of his life in a small prison in a foreign country."

"That's good." She nodded agreeably.

After he received her agreement, he spoke once more, "Call Tom and inform him of this decision. He'll know what

to do."

"Okay," she immediately agreed. Then, she thought of something and smiled. "Speaking of which, Mr. Brown still

doesn't know you're awake yet. We really should call him and inform him of this good news. He will be thrilled. He

had transformed into a busy bee these past few days, moving back and forth between Fuller Group and the

hospital. He even had to make a trip to the airport to pick up the predetermined heart from the carrier for the

heart transplant procedure. His dark circles had gotten almost as dark as a panda's eyes. I was so worried that he

wouldn't be able to hold on and collapse when I saw him working himself to the bone. Now that you're awake, he

can finally breathe a sigh of relief. Make sure to reward him well once you have recovered and are discharged from

the hospital. But don't you dare try to leave the hospital without the doctor's green light."

"I will." Toby nodded, for he knew very well all the pressure would be on Tom alone when he collapsed.

Since he was never a stingy boss who liked to be indebted to his subordinates, he surely would compensate for

Tom's sacrifices twofold.

"Alright, then. I'll be making that phone call in a bit. Besides, my 10-minute visit is almost up. We can talk through

the glass if there's anything else you want to discuss," Sonia said as she gestured to the glass wall.

As Toby, too, knew very well that he wasn't in a general ward, he instantly pouted and complained, "But the glass

wall is both bulletproof and soundproof. You can't hear me."

"It's okay. I'll write what I want to say on a clipboard and stick it on the glass," she said with a smile, utterly

dismissing his complaint.

He frowned upon hearing her remarks. "But I can't write."

She tilted her head as she tried to think of a solution before musing, "It's okay. I'll make sure to write things that

wouldn't require you to overexert yourself. Then, you only need to nod or shake your head in response. That way,

I'll know what you want to say."

With that, Sonia slowly rose to her feet and intended to leave the ward when suddenly, Toby called out to her,


"What's wrong?" She stopped in her tracks to glance at him.

Toby rested his worried gaze on her face and asked something that had been bothering him for a while now, "I

forgot to ask you about this earlier. Why are you suddenly wearing glasses?"

The instant she heard his question, she silently thought, I knew he would eventually ask me about this matter. As

she never thought of hiding the truth from him, she lightly touched her glasses before she frankly replied, "My eyes

were hurt rather severely from the smoke that day. As a result, my eyesight has weakened, and I need glasses to

see clearly."

"What?" Toby's pupils shrank. "Was it because of me?"

He figured it out right away. It's definitely because of me! She was probably worried sick after I passed out and

entirely forgot to take care of herself. There's no doubt that she had placed her entire focus on my condition. It

even caused her to injure her eyes to such an extent.

Sonia lowered her head and gently kissed Toby's scrunched-up forehead. "Now, now. It's just a trivial matter. Don't

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take it to heart. Tim said that there's still hope for my eyes to achieve full recovery, so don't worry about me. You

can ask Tim and Mr. Brown if you don't believe me. They are aware of my condition. In short, don't overthink things

and just focus on getting better. What you have to do now is to have proper rest, receive your treatment, and try to

get discharged from the hospital as soon as possible. Alright, I'll be leaving now."

Then, she waved at him and left the ICU ward.

After Sonia left, she deliberately went to the glass wall and flashed Toby a smile, who had a sullen look on his face.

Finally, she whisked out her phone and dialed Tom's number.

Tom was delighted when he heard that Toby had gained consciousness. He immediately threw his work out the

metaphorical window and rushed to the hospital. Work isn't my priority right now. I'll just do overtime in the office

later tonight.

By the time Tom arrived at the hospital, she had already returned to her ward to rest.

Actually, even though her condition wasn't serious, her body still suffered from some sequelae after being rescued.

The pace of her breathing would become very short and rapid if she stood for too long. It felt as though she could

hardly breathe.

According to Tim, she suffered from shortness of breath because she inhaled a lot of smoke and dust, which

damaged her lungs. In addition, medical care procedures such as bronchoalveolar lavage were also detrimental to

her lungs. Therefore, it was inevitable that she would face some difficulty breathing.

Of course, such a condition wasn't permanent, and she would be healed with time as long as she took good care of

her health. Regardless, Tim also warned her that it would very likely develop into asthma or lung cancer if she


Given that there were currently enough matters troubling everyone, Sonia didn't want her loved ones to worry

about her, especially Toby. Hence, she forbade Tim to inform Toby and Tom of her actual condition.

This was followed by her getting threatened by Tim to take good care of herself. Otherwise, he would inform the

others no matter what.

Tim told her that he would be supervising her throughout her stay. He also created a daily schedule for her and

ordered her to follow it to the letter. He also made it explicitly clear that he would inform Toby of her condition the

minute she refused to listen to his advice.

Due to Tim's very effective threat, Sonia would obediently return to her ward when it was time for her to rest.

Even if Toby looked at her with such reluctance when she left the ward, she still heartlessly turned around and left.

Although she was also equally reluctant to part with Toby, she had no choice in this matter. She didn't dare to

confront a devilish figure such as Tim.

Tom arrived not long after Sonia departed for her ward. After he hastily changed into a sterile gown, he entered

Toby's ward with undisguised concern painted across his face.

When he saw Toby, Tom clasped his hands in excitement as he exclaimed in sheer relief, "President Fuller! You're

finally awake! You have no idea how worried we all were these past few days."

Toby wearily opened his eyes upon hearing the warble in Tom's voice. He couldn't help but feel speechless at the

sight of Tom's teary eyes.

Good God, I'm just injured, not dead!

Even so, Toby didn't lecture Tom this time. He knew full well that Tom had gone above and beyond for him when he

was temporarily indisposed.

So, Toby parted his lips tiredly and sincerely thanked Tom in a hoarse voice, "Thank you for your hard work."