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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 220
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Chapter 220

You can’t just simply say that these young men are slandering Miss Gray of nal. You need prool. What do

you think, everyone?” Brenda asked with a thoughtful smile. She then released Michael’s arm and took a

step forward.

Seeing that she had a point, everyone modded, and Tina’s heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach

when she saw the smile on Brenda’s face. Immediately, she had a bad premonition, which made her

tense up.

Sensing the abnormality in her, Toby lowered his head and asked in concem, “What’s wrong?”

“I-I’m alright,” she uttered stiffly. “It’s just that I’m hurting a little from the fall earlier. Can you please bring

me to a doctor, Toby7”

Her instincts told her that she had to leave this place as soon as possible, or something beyond her

control would probably happen.

Subconsciously, Toby wanted to tell her that he could take her to the doctor after this issue was resolved,

but when he looked into her pleading eyes, he nodded in agreement in the end. Then, he helped Tina up

and was about to turn to leave when Sonia saw them.

She narrowed her eyes and stopped them emotionlessly. “Wait a minute, why are you leaving before

everything is cleared up?”

“Exactly. Sonia is the person you guys accused of pushing Tina, and she’s still standing here without any

plans of leaving. So, why are you guys in such a hurry to go instead? Could it be that you’re quilty of

crying wolf7″ Charles said.

As Zane and Carl nodded, a hint of sarcasm appeared in Brenda’s eyes.

Tina turned around. Her eyes were red and she whimpered, “We’re not leaving. I just want to go to the

doctor’s because I’m hurting. Toby can vouch for that.”

Nodding in acknowledgement, Toby said, “We’ll be back after a visit to the doctor’s.”

Who knows how long it will take you at the doctor’s.” Carl pointed that out, and he folded his arms across

his chest.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“He’s right. You don’t have to visit the doctor yourself. What will you do if it worsens the injury? It’s better

to just call a doctor here. Is that all right, Mrs. Laughlin7” Zane turned toward Brenda.

“Of course it’s all right,” Brenda said as she waved for a server and instructed him to get a

doctor here.

There was no time at all for Tina to stop her, and she could only watch in vain as the server left the room.

She was burning with rage. I knew it! These people here are picking on me

W pinge on the spot purpose

Miss Gray, you dalk too happy. Are you unhappy that we called a doctor for you? That’s not right. It’s fine

if you don’t thank us for trying to take care of you, but you’re even getting mad at us now. That’s too

much of you.” Charles criticized Tina directly while looking at her as though she was an insensible child,

Even the onlookers chirped in. “Yeah, Miss Gray. You’re in the wrong this time.”

“You..” Tina mutiered. She was hopping mad with anger

Beside her, Toby patted her shoulder and said, “That’s enough, Tina. They’re right you shouldn’t be

angry over this.”

“L” She trailed off, her body shaking with anger. Amlangry because of this? The reason I’m so mad is

because these people stopped me from leaving! Nevertheless, she couldn’t say what was on her mind,

so she shut her mouth as she tried to suppress the anger inside.

Soon, the doctor arrived. With so many pairs of eyes on her, Tina couldn’t turn the doctor away, so she

had to let him inspect her.

After giving her a checkup, the doctor said, “There’s nothing serious with this young lady. Just a minor

scratch on her arm. Nothing a band-aid can’t do.”

1 got it. Please send the doctor oui,” brenda instructed the server who brought the doctor in

After they left, Sonia flipped her hair and said, “All right. The drama is over now. Since there’s nothind

serious with Miss Gray, let us continue from where we left off earlier and figure out exactly how she fell

so we can be done with this sCNCHrՐ՝

Cynthia snorted and pointed at Sonia’s nose. “No matter what you say, the truth is that you’re the one

who pushed Tina.”

Toby threw a frosty glance at Cynthia, thinking that she was a detestable person, but he simply couldn’t

explain why he disliked all these people who accused Sonia.

“Cynthia is right,” Titus added. “There’s nothing much to be said about this. Mrs. Laughlin, you must have

sent her the invitation since she was able to get in here, but I think you should throw out people like this

who are lacking in ethics, lest they ruin this banquet.”

With furrowed brows, Toby said, “Mr. Gray, we still haven’t gotten to the bottom of the matter yet.

“Of course we already did. Cynthia already said it so clearly, and so many people here had also seen it

with their own eyes. Are you trying to cover up for your ex-wife, Toby?” Titus asked. His eyes were

widened with disbelief, while

Tina united endly beside Toky.

Feeling frustrated, Toby lockened his tie and replied in his busky volce, “I’m not covering up for anyone,

but you need proof for everything. So what if someone had seen it? Where is the evidence?”

When Sonia heard it, she looked at him in surprise. She was shocked that he could actually say

something that was actually fair. But this is unlike him, she thought. Doesn’t he always trust Tina


Titus snorted. “Toby Fuller, I think you’re just trying to protect your ex-wife.” Turning to Sonia, he

continued sarcastically, “I really didn’t know that you can be that good at your ways with men. You

already have so many men by your side, but you’re still trying to get your ex husband”

“What did you say, old fart? Don’t make me hit you!” Charles roared. He was fuming mad as he raised

his fist and was about to lunge forward.

“Don’t do it, Charles!” Sonia shouted.

Zane held Charles back as he tried to reason with him. “Don’t act impulsively, Charles. I know you’re

angry, because I’m angry as well. Still, that’s not reason enough to hit someone else. We didn‘t see how

Tina fell, but everyone will witness it once you hit someone, and that will just mean more trouble after


that Charles

Even though Carl found

decided that he would do it himself after

Still oblivious to the fact that he had been targeted, Titus staggered backward fearfully and then pointed

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

his finger at Charles furiously. “The nerve of you to raise your hand at me, you bestard. Mrs. Laughlin,

didn’t you go through the guest list before sending out the invitations? Why did you invite these sorts of


Brenda chuckled, “You’re right. It’s my fault that you guys are invited because I didn’t go through the

guest list beforehand.” All of a sudden, her smile faded and her face turned stern, “Someone, throw the

Grays out of here!” she ordered loudly.

Upon hearing that everyone was shocked, and there was soon an uproar. Why were the Grays being

thrown out instead of Sonia and her friends?

Even Sonia and her friends were puzzled. When Brenda first started to speak, they thought that they

would be the ones to be thrown out, but not even in their wildest imagination did they think that it would

be Titus and Tina instead.

After Toby stole a look at Brenda, he lowered his gaze as though he had understood the situation.

Rubbing his forehead in exasperation,

he then released his hoon Tina, “Tin really disappointed. Tina!” he said abruptly.

Toby.” Tina muttered, Panic-stricken, she tried to grab his sleeve, but he avoided her grasp. and her

heart sink. My instincts were night, she thought. There was something off about Mrs. Laughlin’s smile

earlier and sure enough, the situation now has completely spiraled out of my expectations and control

With a crestfallen expression, Titus asked, “Are you kidding, Mrs. Laughlin?”

“Of course not,” she answered with a smile as she met his eyes.

The muscles on Titus’ face twitched. “May I ask you for the reason, please? We‘re the ones who suffered

an injustice, yet you want to chase us out instead. If you don’t give us a reason, your family will lose its

footing in society and our families will be enemies from now on.”

“Is this a threat to me, Mr. Gray?” Brenda asked in return, a frosty smile plastered to her face.

“I wouldn’t dare to,” he answered stiffly. “But ! just find it unfair.”

“Don’t worry. I’m always fair in everything I do, so I have my reason for chasing you out, and one of it is

your daughter,” she answered, then she turned to gaze at Tina.