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To Love You Again

Chapter 528 - The Bait was Laid (II)
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Chapter 528 - The Bait was Laid (II)

The artist showed more interest.

"Come on. It's just me. Even though we just met today, it felt like I had found my long lost brother!"

His face appeared sincere, but the man could also see a faint look of greed mixed in.

The man laughed. "Since you say so, then I will tell you. But not right now. Considering that you're my new brother, what do you say if I invite you to a gathering after this? The parties I usually attend have lots of opportunities. Those will surely help you."

The artist looked pleasantly surprised.

"Really? Wow, then that would be really great."

"Of course. As the older brother, I naturally have to help out my new little brother."

The two laughed while hazy smoke slowly filled the area.

It was only themselves who knew what their thoughts truly were.


The party ended peacefully.

In the end, William did not see the man he wanted to educate.

So by the next morning, he went directly to Xiong Zhi's office to tell Xiong Zhi about it.

But then he found that the woman was busy in a phone call.

Xiong Zhi gave him a glance and gestured for him to take a seat.

She continued to speak on the phone.

"Alright. We will surely attend. I can bring more people, right?"

She paused, waiting for the other's answer.

"Just some of my employees."

"Alright. Thank you. Don't worry, I will tell Linfeng to bring him."

"See you there."

Xiong Zi put down the phone and looked at William.

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She smiled. She looked like she was in a good mood.

"William, what brings you here early in the morning?"

William's lips twitched.

Why did it sound as if this tigress was his boss and he was just her subordinate?

And the worst of it all was that he was getting accustomed to it!

William spoke with dull eyes. "I just want to report to you personally what I found in the party. I believe Mei Mei have told you already what my viewpoints are. I hope you take them to heart."

Xiong Zhi's brows rose slightly with the intimate 'Mei Mei'. But when she heard William's next words, her attention was diverted.

She nodded and thanked him sincerely. She knew that William was expressing his sincere concern for them.

"I will take note of it. Thank you."

"Good. And one more thing, I noticed something yesterday and it really concerned me. "

William thought on how to explain to Xiong Zhi the darker side of the entertainment industry. He could not think of a more effective way around it, so he then decided to be straightforward.

"Xiong Zhi, every industry has a dark side. I am afraid your new people will get caught by it. You should look out for your people. You're still new to this industry, so there's a lot of things you don't know. There are many people who will try to do unwholesome things just to get benefits from the artists."

Xiong Zhi blinked. She got the report yesterday that there were fishes who took the bait. It would just be a matter of time for this drug channel to be connected to the list.

Xiong Zhi nodded. "I understand. Thank you for telling me. I will make sure Xiao Mei will be aware of this."

William was finally at ease. Since the man only approached the new talent and had not really established their influence in IHZHI yet, the matter was still not too deep and could still be avoided.

This warning should be enough.

William also trusted that Xiong Zhi would not be dumb enough to fall into prey of some drug dealers and become involved with the muddy waters.

He looked at Xiong Zhi.

"Anyway, my part is done right? I plan to go back to my country tomorrow."

Xiong Zhi shook her head.

"I am really grateful for all your help. But... your work is not yet done. Our deal is for a week."

William: "...Lady, office workers only work five days in a week. And you plan to have me work for the whole seven days of the week?! Aren't you abusing me too much?"

Xiong Zhi coughed. She felt that it was shameful too.

She could dismiss William right now because they got a lead.

But... a great opportunity came just now. Besides, if William would not attend tomorrow, then some people with good instincts might start questioning William and IHZHI's actual relationship.

Xiong Zhi thickened her face. "It's not seven days. Just six days. You can take a rest today and attend the last event tomorrow. "

William frowned. "Lady, the parties you made me attend for the past two days are already below my level. I can be considered kind enough to hold my end of the deal."

William expected that this last party for tomorrow was like the latter parties. It won't be good in his image if he was exposed too much to mediocre parties. It was like how a rare product become common. Its value and prestige would go down. It was the same with people.

Xiong Zhi did feel guilty, but her thick face did not budge.

"I apologize, but tomorrow's event is a big one. It's not strictly a banquet, but more of a music recital. It is hosted by the Tang family for the Second Young Miss Tang's first private concert after her social debut."

William raised his brows. He of course knew the Tangs.

"Which people are invited?" His interest was piqued.

"It is private but I've heard that it is Mistress Tang herself who picked the audience."

Xiong Zhi had learned this news from Tang Xinyang.

Tang Xinyang called her and invited her, telling her to make Linfeng come and drag Jang Shin to attend.

Xiong Zhi decided to use this recital banquet to give a good ending on IHZHI's continuous partying with William.

At least, with this, William would appear to gracefully exit from IHZHI after 'helping' IHZHI climb up ranks. No one would find it suspicious then.

Besides, this private banquet would also hold true opportunities for her talents.

If it was only Xiong Zhi attending, instead of IZHI, people would simply remember the Xiong Empire.

At least with William, who also had expansive connections in the musical world, people would be reminded of IHZHI Entertainment. Her artists would benefit a lot. The promotion would be truly successful then, instead of it being absorbed by the behemoth that was the Xiong Empire.

William thought about it.

If it was the Tang's banquet and Mistress Tang's own choosing of audience, then it could be expected that the people invited would be the dragons among dragons.

This was a great chance for IHZHI and even for William himself to strengthen their social network.

"Hmmm... Fine. Tomorrow will be my last day then. After that, I don't owe you and the youngest anything anymore, got it?"

Xiong Zhi nodded. "Naturally."

William's brows stretched out. He also stretched his arms out as if finally freed.

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"Finally!! I will be free from your curse!" He could go and make trouble with the youngest again.

He then looked at Xiong Zhi. "By the way, where is Mei Mei?"

"She is busy with Song Xuantin and King Yan's matters. After you helped us, many real opportunities came, bigger than before."

Xiong Zhi would not waste William's help. This was her second aim for getting William involved. To really help her artists and expand IHZHI'S influence.

At the mention of King Yan, William's face turned sour. He unconsciously touched his butt.

"Anyway, since you're busy. I will just go and have fun by myself."

"Where will you be going? Do you need someone to accompany you?"

Xiong Zhi was concerned that William would not be comfortable visiting the country alone, after all, he was a foreigner. Who knows if his ability of offending people would finally put him in trouble?

It was not his country so his influence here was small compare to Xiong Zhi and some people.

William waved his hand. He understands her concern.

"I've been going in and out of the country for a long time. I know some places here. Don't worry about me, among the five of us, I only fall second to Linfeng." He then gave her a wink. "Work hard, little tigress!"

He then swaggered out of the office.

Xiong Zhi just shook her head with a smile.

This old uncle was actually an interesting fellow. Her impression on him after spending some time with him had went up higher in a good way.

As WiIlliam had said, she should not worry about him because this man, according to Linfeng, was really a great master in martial arts as well, though Linfeng had beaten him few times in their spars.

While giving good points to William in her head, her phone rang.

It was her investigation team.

"Miss, our artist has entered the building." It was a woman's voice, one of Xiong Zhi's five 'talents'.

"Alright. Watch closely. Be careful."

"Yes, Miss."

Xiong Zhi cupped her chin while thinking.

What would they find out this time?

A dead end? Or another deep hole leading towards the enemy's grounds?

Xiong Zhi hoped that it was the latter, but at the same time, she dreaded for it.