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Tondemo Skill de Isekai Hourou Meshi

Chapter 550: What the Hecckkkk!!!
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“What is that weird noise!?” Moira-san screamed at Elland-san.

That weird Elf was currently rubbing his cheek against the corpse of a Leviathan, so I totally understand her feelings…

Moira-san must be having a hard time controlling Elland-san too. [1] She was doing her best to pry him away from the Leviathan with an enraged expression.

Even members of my party ended up going along with Elland-san’s flow whenever he turned up. Well, I supposed it is partly my fault for not allowing my party to squish him like a bug as Dora-chan likes to say, but no matter how annoying he is, Elland-san is still a Guild Master, you know? Who knows what kind of backlash could happen if we ‘accidentally’ killed him off?

Grandpa Gon and Dora-chan took one look at Elland-san and blanched.

To his credit, Grandpa Gon calmly said, “Well, the barrier is up. I shall patrol the skies now for… security reasons,” and flew off.

“”Be right with you!”” said Dora-chan and soared upwards with the other dragon.

“… …” well, that’s probably the best thing for everyone here.

Umu, I shall put up my own barrier too,” said Fer.

I was shocked that no pithy remark came from that Legendary Beast, but decided not to say anything. Especially since Bram-san was walking over to us.

“Haahh… it was a shame that he’s… well, ahem, he will be taking command of the Leviathan dismantling…”

The elders behind him coughed and muttered among themselves. I could hear snippets of:

“… well, at least he’s good in his field…”

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“…if we only look at his work…”

“…difficult to understand unless you meet him…”

Well, I totally understand what you guys are saying. It’s hard to not be disappointed when the fellow you see as an expert in his field turned out to be a freak who sticks himself to a monster corpse with such an ecstatic expression.

“Hey, Elland, could you please stop that?” said Bram-san sternly.

“Oh, it’s Bram! Look, look! It’s a Leviathan! A Leviathan!!”

“Haahh… yes, I see it. I thought I had no choice but to call you over, but now… I’m wondering if this is a mistake…”

I nodded fervently beside Bram-san. Yes, yes, this is totally a mistake. A mistake, I say!

“Hah?! What are you talking about? There’s no one more qualified than me when it comes to Leviathans! I am the expert in the field! There is no one better than me!!!”


“If you say so, then hurry up and get to work!” Bram-san barked. The rest of the elders also urged him on, yelling ‘That’s right, that’s right’ like a bunch of bullies.

“I’ll do a good job even without you harassing me! However, it is imperative that one should properly appreciate the existence of such a creature before-”



“I’ve had enough of your nonsense. What are you bragging about now? Go and work!” Moira-san snarled.

“Oh, gosh~ why is everyone in such a terrible rush~? Can’t you guys give me a little time to savour this moment? Aren’t you happy about getting to meet Mister Leviathan~?”


Ah, Moira-sama appeared to have grown horns as her background caught fire and she loomed menacingly over Elland. [1] I edged away from them, skittering away to hide behind Fer.

Fortunately for everyone, Elland-san suddenly found his sense of professionalism and began to inspect the Leviathan with a serious expression.

“I-indeed, such an important job. How could I neglect it…”

The inspection alone took quite a while. Well, the creature is pretty huge after all. Luckily the barrier also provided some preservative function.

As Elland-san inspected the Leviathan, Fer and Sui shadowed him along with a bunch of other people. In fact, it looked almost like a tour with whole groups of people following after Tour Guide Elland around the Leviathan. At one point, I asked Fer ‘Hey, don’t we need to keep an eye out for dangerous people?’

“The most dangerous one is there,” said Fer.

“… …” well, I can’t really fault him for thinking that.

“We cannot leave this maniac alone, who knows what he might steal from us.”

I wanted to protest, but… it was kind of difficult to speak up for the dragon maniac. Especially since in addition to us, there was Moira-san, the supervisor, the Guild Master and the four elders all walking after Elland-san.

It just shows how little everyone trusts him.

Partway through the ‘tour’, the king and queen arrived. With them were a whole throng of aristocrats and noblemen. After we greeted them, the king said, “As you were,” and the inspection continued.

Finally, Elland-san stopped the tour. There was a rather odd expression on the Elf’s face.

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“What is it, Elland?” asked Bram.

“Bram, I think… it’s not possible for us to dismantle the Leviathan for now…”

“Wait, what!?” I shouted along with other people.

Behind us, the elders were also screaming:

“You said you definitely could!”

“You were brimming with confidence!!”

“Don’t tell me it’s a ruse just to see the Leviathan!!” Moira-san’s voice was the loudest of them all.

“Oi! What are you saying now? Are you telling me it can’t be done?” Fer’s thunderous voice roared across the field.

I sighed to myself. It would not surprise me if this stupid Elf had recklessly said he could do something just for the sake of getting a glimpse of the Leviathan (and Grandpa Gon, and Dora-chan).

“H-hold it, let me explain properly!”

Perhaps sensing the hostile air around him, Elland-san immediately tried to placate the crowd of angry people. [1] He looked a lot like the president of a company who was caught committing some sort of fraud or scandal and was now trying to explain things to the public.

[1] Haahhh… why is this fellow so unreliable?

Sui bounced from Fer’s head into my arms.

“”Levi meat~? No Levi meat~?””

“Oh, well, I’m not sure. We’ll have to see first,” I said, wondering just what kind of explanation would come out of Elland-san’s mouth. Humph, he had better not disappoint my precious Sui-tan!

[Gumihou: A relatively short chapter]

[1] Added details for hilarity