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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60 BLAIRE I woke up to soft little k*sses brushing along my shoulder. I’m not sure what tI went to sleep last night, but Sebastian surely takes his twith me. I can barely recall that the sun was almost up when he finally decided to let go ofand lethave srest. He’s insatiable as usual, and even until now, I couldn’t keep up with his stamina. “Hmm…” I groan in defiance as I try to brush him away. I’m still tired and wanted to get a little more rest. I heard a soft chuckle, and the vibration of his voice resonated against my skin. “It’s already twelve in the afternoon. You need to eat something,” he whispered as he continued to plant small k*sses around my neck and shoulder. “Hmm, go away.” I groan once again as I try to cover my face with the pillow, hoping to hide away from him. He chuckled. “You can continue sleeping after we eat. Con. Get up,” he said. I took a loud breath before removing the pillow covering my face. “I doubt that,” I said, glaring at him. My reaction earned a playful glint in his eyes. I was taken aback when I noticed how soft his expression was right now. It bringsback to the twhen I first fell in love with him. He’s got a gentle smile, a charismatic aura, and mesmerizing eyes. The rays of sun brushing against his tan skin give a glow to his usual handsface. He looks more carefree today than he did the first tI saw him after so many years. My eyes softened upon realizing how innocent his smile was. It was as if he completely got into this charade of forgetting about what happened between us in the past. Right now, we look like a normal couple, spending squality ton this beautiful island. “You can stare atall day, but at least have something to eat,” he teasedwhen he noticed that I’d been staring at his face for quite stnow.

I gulped before quickly averting my gaze away from him. I gasped for air when he gently held my chin so I could look him in the eyes once again. “You look more beautiful when you blush,” he complementedas our faces were inches away from each other.

I was holding my breath as I awaited his next book. I was already expecting a k*ss from him, but I was completely disappointed when he didn’t. He let go of my chin and put enough distance between us. III O < 07:49 Thu, 25 Jan Chapter 60 0 61% “Let’s eat,” he invitedas he walked towards the table right around the corner of the cabin. I can already smell the delicious food that he prepared for us. +5 But as realization hits me, guilt engulfs my whole being when I remember that I haven’t called my son since last night. I don’t know where he put my phone, so I have no other choice but to ask him. I grabbed the white robe hanging on the edge of the bed and immediately wrapped it around my b*dy to cover my n*kedness. I tied it tightly around my waist before walking towards the table. “Sebastian, where’s my bag?” I inquired, breaking the morning stillness with a directness that caught him off guard. His charming smile faded as he processed my abrupt question, a stark departure from our usual morning pleasantries. “What? No morning, greeting for me?” He retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm.

“Firstly, it’s already twelve in the afternoon; a ‘good morning’ seems a tad belated,” I countered with a touch of sass. “Now, can I have my bag? I need my phone.” A shadow crossed his features, his expression growing sombre. “No phone until we’ve had our meal,” he declared coldly, a command that hung in the air between us like an unspoken challenge. The room brimmed with tension-a silent clash of wills as our morning routine took an unexpected turn. What lay beneath the surface of this mundane dispute? I wondered, sensing a deeper current in the ebb and flow of our interactions. My irritation deepened into a persistent frown. “Sebastian, I need my phone!” I asserted, the urgency in my voice underscoring the gravity of my request. “I’ve already told you, you’ll get your phone once we’ve finished our meal,” he reiterated, his tone firm and unyielding. “I can’t wait! I need to call someone!” I retorted, my desperation beginning to surface. An eyebrow arched in suspicion, and he questioned, “Who are you going to call, your boyfriend?” “It’s none of your business. Now, givemy phone!” I snapped, my patience unraveling. The image of my son, Blaze, waiting for my call since I left the hospital yesterday fueled my impatience. I needed to assure him that everything was okay back home. “I believe I haven’t been clear,” he sighed, sounding as though issuing a warning. “You’re not getting your phone until we’ve finished eating. Am I clear?” His words hung in the air, a clash of wills as my need to connect with my son collided with his steadfast resolve. The tension escalated, promising an imminent showdown in the battle of priorities. ||| O Thu, 25 Jan Chapter 60 61% “Sebastian, don’t be absurd! I’m not your prisoner, okay? I gave you everything you asked for last night. The least you could do is lethave my phone. If you’re concerned, I might call for help. Relax. I have

no intention of leaving until I fulfill my end of the bargain.” He scoffed, a dismissive sound that grated on my nerves. “You’re acting as if you regret what happened last night. Letremind you that you were the one screaming my nin pleasure. It doesn’t sound like someone who doesn’t want to be here,” he retorted, a cutting remark that stung with both accusation and arrogance. The room hung heavy with the aftermath of our heated exchange, the unspoken tension weaving an intricate dance around the fragile boundaries of our entangled desires. +5 Inhaling deeply, I endeavored to quell the rising frustration within me. Arguing seemed futile, so I closed my eyes and pursed my lips, contemplating how to persuade him to relent. “Sebastian, can you just givemy phone?” I calmly implored, altering my tone in a bid to appeal to reason. The silence that lingered between us held the weight of unspoken negotiations, my plea hanging in the air like a delicate balance on the verge of tipping. He lookedstraight in the eyes, probably weighing whether he should heed my plea or not. My blood boils when I finally hear his answer. “No. You’ll get your phone once we’re done eating,” he firmly insisted. “You’re ruthless. You can eat all of that by yourself. And I hope you choke to death!” I said, glaring at him as my nostrils were flaring in anger. I can’t believe he’s doing this. I’m already willing to make amends with him, so we can both enjoy our stay here. But here he is, trying to get on my every nerve. “It’s your choice, Blaire,” he said before he sat in front of the table and started eating. Unbelievable! He’s so annoying! ** 色 SEND GIFT O COMMENT