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Trapped with My Billionaire Ex-Husband

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90


“We should leave,” the man who introduced himself as Sebastian said before grabbing my hand. But before he could even pulltoward the door, I immediately snatched my hand back.

“Not too fast, mister,” I said.

“What do you mean?”

He looked atwith a frown, as if he were confused by my action. Is he really expectingto come with him just because he showeda picture of us? I may have lost my memories, but I didn’t becstupid.

“I’m not coming with you.” I responded. “…yet.”

“I don’t understand. Was our photo not enough? If you wantto show you more evidence, I’ll give it to you. All you need to do is cwith me,” he insisted.

I held up my hand, stopping him in his tracks. “Look, Sebastian, I appreciate you showingthe photo, but it’s not that simple. You see, you’re not the first to introduce yourself as my husband. Though you had an advantage by showingproof, those pictures could be edited or something. It wasn’t enough.”

He sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “I understand. But tis of the essence, Blaire. There are people out there who are after you, and I can’t guarantee your safety if we stay here.”


His words sent a shiver down my spine, but I refused to let fear cloud my judgment. “I need more than “just a photo to trust you, Sebastian. I need answers. And until I get them, I’m not going anywhere with


He looked defeated, but there was a glimmer of determination in his eyes. “Fine, I’ll tell you everything. But not here. We need to go somewhere safe.”

I hesitated, weighing my options. Despite my doubts, there was a part ofthat wanted to believe him and trust that he had my best interests at heart. But I couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling of unease that



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Chapter 90

lingered in the pit of my stomach.


“Okay.” I finally relented. “But on one condition: It has to be on my terms.”

He nodded solemnly, his expression grave. “Agreed. Let’s go.‘



“Wait, Dylan! Are you sure about this? You don’t know anything about this man. Maybe we should go and ask Grant first. You should listen to his explanation,” Steve interrupted.

It almost slipped my mind about Grant. Steve has made an excellent point, and I don’t have any idea why I was willing to trust this man in front ofmore than the man who has been taking care offor the last six months.


Steve’s words rang in my head, cutting through the fog of confusion that clouded my mind. He was right -I didn’t really know this guy who claimed to be my husband. Despite feeling a hint of recognition around him, doubts still gnawed at me.

Grant had been there forsince I lost my memory, a steady presence through all the ups and downs. How could I even think of ditching him so quickly for someone I barely knew?

I felt a wave of shwash overas I realized the mistake I almost made. How could I have even considered trusting a stranger over Grant, who had been by my side through everything?

Steve’s words remindedof Grant’s importance in my life. I needed to hear his side of the story before jumping to any conclusions.

“You’re right, Steve,” I admitted, feeling the weight of my mistake. “I need to talk to Grant first.” I turned to Sebastian to let him know about my plan. “I can’t cwith you. I need to talk to my husband first.”

His eyes narrowed, sending a chill down my spine. He gazed atwith such intensity that it felt as though he could see straight into my soul.

“Whoever this Grant is that you keep mentioning, he’s not your husband. I don’t know why he’s pretending to be, but there’s no way it could be true,” he asserted.

“Why should I believe you over him?” I countered, my voice tinged with skepticism.



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Chapter 90

“Think about it. He hasn’t given you any proof of his identity, has he? Yet, here I am, offering you evidence in the form of a simple photograph of us together. It shouldn’t be that difficult for him to provide similar evidence, unless there’s a reason why he can’t,” he reasoned.

His words hung in the air, heavy with accusation and suspicion. I could feel the weight of his gaze bearing down on me, his eyes like daggers piercing through my facade.


I struggled to find a response, my mind a whirlwind of uncertainty and doubt. Grant’s claim had seemed so convincing and genuine, and yet here was this stranger insisting otherwise.

“But… I don’t understand,” I stammered, my voice trembling with uncertainty. “Grant has been with me through everything. He’s been there forwhen I needed him the most.”

His expression has becdarker. It’s obvious that he doesn’t like that I’m taking Grant’s side over him. But behind that dark and gloomy expression was the sadness in his eyes. It was as if he had lost his way.

I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach as his words sank in. Could it be possible? Could Grant really have been deceivingall this time?

Before I could dwell on the thought any longer, Sebastian reached into his pocket and pulled out the sphotograph that he had showna while ago.


“This is us, Blaire,” he murmured, his voice filled with emotion. “If this isn’t convincing, then I believe our son will be all the proof you need.”

“We… we have a son?” I stammered, my eyes widening in astonishment.

“Yes, his nis Blaze,” he replied, a hint of sadness tinging his voice. “He’s six years old now. And he had been asking for you since you went missing.”

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I tried to process this newfound information, but it felt like my mind was struggling to grasp the enormity of it all. A son? It was like trying to piece together a puzzle with missing pieces.

“I… I don’t remember any of this,” I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

He reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he gently clasped mine. “It’s okay, Blaire. We’ll figure this out together. I promise.”


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Chapter 90

“Blaire…” I uttered. He has been callingthat name. “Is that my real name?”

“Yes,” he answered.


Just as I opened my mouth to respond, a familiar voice echoed from outside, cutting through the tense

atmosphere of the room.


“That’s Grant,” Steve stated.

Steve’s words confirmed my suspicions. It was Grant.

My heart raced as I hurried to the window, my hands trembling with anticipation. What would Grant say when he sawwith this stranger claiming to be my husband? And more importantly, what would I do?

“What are we going to do, Dylan?” Steve asked.

I let out a loud sigh. “At least he saveda trip,” I commented. There’s no other option right now but to talk to him.