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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 1001
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Chapter 1001

Chapter 1001 Lanie Was Scared

Allison's heart skipped a beat when she heard that. "You can restore the footage?" She blurted.

"The surveillance system is the most advanced in the world. Barring a power disruption, there's an eighty percent chance that the footage can be restored," the manager said. They would use the best technology for their important clients.

How about the remaining twenty percent?" Allison asked.

"If the jamming device is too close to the camera, then our technicians can't do anything about it." The manager did not want to admit it, but he could not hide the facts when he saw Old Master Crawford's gloomy expression. "Don't worry, Old Master Crawford," he said, "Well do our best to restore the footage and cooperate with the police."

The stolen antiques were worth at least a hundred million dollars, and the culprit had injured someone. The manager knew how serious the incident was.

"Mm." Old Master Crawford nodded as he saw the caretaker cover with cleaning equipment. The police had finished collecting evidence, and the mess could be cleared up. "Ensure that the place is spotless," he said.

"Yes, Old Master Crawford," the two caretakers said while pouring cleaning solution on the floor.

Allison felt uneasy while she watched the technicians at work. If the footage was restored, there was a greater chance that Jon might be exposed.

The police left after collecting evidence, while the technicians remained in the living room.

Old Master Crawford and Bianca went upstairs. Only Allison sat in the living room watching the technicians.

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Bianca gently opened the door to Rainie's bedroom. Rainie was fast asleep, but her brows were tightly furrowed. She was probably having a nightmare.

Bianca sighed, took off her jacket, and draped it on Rainie.

The little girl felt warmth around her and instinctively nuzzled Bianca. Her brows gradually relaxed after the nightmare was driven away.

Bianca hugged her and closed her eyes. Luke was still in the hospital. She switched her phone to vibration mode in case she missed his phone call.

The sun rose in the morning, and Rainie woke up to find that her mother had been sleeping beside her while hugging her.

Rainie smiled sweetly. No wonder the nightmare disappeared suddenly. Her mother had protected her.

Bianca opened her eyes when she felt the little girl in her arms move. She looked at Rainie and saw that she was awake.

"Do you want to sleep for a little more?" Bianca asked.

"I'm fine, Mommy. I'm not sleepy anymore." Rainie sat up.

Bianca also sat up and tied her hair with a rubber band. "Let's go and brush our teeth then. We'll go downstairs and greet Great-Grandpa a good morning, alright?" "Alright." Rainie nodded and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Bianca also went back to her bathroom to wash her teeth and change her clothes.

Glancing at her phone, Luke had not contacted her for the whole night. The last message was at half- past three, when he told her that he had brought Thea to the hospital.

It was still early. Bianca went to check on Tommy and saw that he was still asleep.

She closed the door gently, then went to Lanie's bedroom. He was also asleep, but he had kicked away his blanket.

Bianca shook her head helplessly. Lanie had rarely kicked his blanket.

Perhaps he was not used to sleeping in a different bed. When she tucked him in again, she noticed that his body temperature was abnormally high. She touched his forehead and found that he had a fever.

She gently tapped his face. "Wake up, Lanie."

Lanie opened his eyes groggily, glanced at Bianca, then closed his eyes. "I don't feel too good, Mommy..." "Stay in bed, Lanie. I'll get a cooling patch for you." After tucking him in, Bianca went downstairs hurriedly and asked the caretaker for the first aid kit.

"Letget it for you, Ma'am," the caretaker said and took out the first aid kit from the television cabinet.

Old Master Crawford noticed that Bianca seemed flustered. "What's wrong?

"Lanie is having a fever. I'll give him a cooling patch and send him to the hospital." Bianca found the child-sized cooling patch in the first aid kit she got from the caretaker.

"Why does he suddenly have a fever?" Old Master Crawford frowned.

Bianca shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe he suffered a fright or caught a cold. I'll be sending Lanie to the hospital later. Can you take care of Rainie and Tommy?"

Old Master Crawford nodded. "Alright. You'd better go quick."

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Bianca went upstairs with the cooling patch and happened to see Rainie coming out from her room. "Rainie, I'll have to send Lanie to the hospital. Please stay here and look after Great-Grandpa and Tommy," she said.

"Alright, Mommy. Why is Lanie going to the hospital?" Rainie asked as she followed behind her mother. She thought of Thea who was still in the hospital.

"He has a high fever," Bianca said as she pushed open the door to Lanie's bedroom. When she went over next to him, she saw that his cheeks were red. She instantly put the cooling patch on his forehead.

Rainie frowned and said anxiously. "He'll be fine, right?" "He'll be fine. He just needs smedicine," Bianca said as she picked Lanie up.

I feel horrible, Mommy,” he mumbled while being half-conscious.

"I know. Here, Lanie, I'll carry you on my back, and we'll go to the hospital. You'll feel better after seeing the doctor," Bianca said. She had to carry Lanie on her back instead of her arms because she was not as strong as Luke.

Crawford Manor had a family doctor, but it was still early, and it might take the doctor another hour to arrive. If she drove to the hospital, she would reach there in half an hour if the roads were clear.

Lanie heard what his mother said. He stood up, hugged her from behind, and lowered her head to speak to Rainie. "Rainie, Tommy will be waking up soon. Can you take care of him?"

Rainie wanted to calong, but she nodded when she considered Tommy. She did not want to burden Bianca.

"Don't worry, Mommy. I'll take good care of Tommy."

Bianca nodded, went downstairs with Lanie, and quickly went to the parked car.

They arrived at the hospital half an hour later. She had already informed Luke in advance, so when she stopped the car, Luke instantly opened the car door and carried Lanie in his arms.

"Have you contacted the doctor?" Bianca asked. She was in a rush, so she had not taken Lanie's temperature. All she knew was that his body temperature was very high.

"Johann is waiting," Luke answered while running toward Johann's office.

Johann raised an eyebrow when he saw Lanie lying groggily on the bed." I'm a surgeon." "You can also be a pediatrician," Luke said while feeling Lanie's forehead with the back of his hand.

"What should I do about you?" Johann took a sterilized body thermometer, flicked it twice, and inserted it in Lanie's armpit. "I happen to be a genius."