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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 1269
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Chapter 1269

Chapter 1269 Dr. Albus Was Trying to Exacerbate the Issue

William noticed that Luca was looking at him, so he waved to her. "Hey, what a coincidence! We meet again. I'm

William. Do you remember me?"

Luca planned to use the strick as in the morning. She pretended not to understand him, looked away, and continued to eat her food.

William glanced at Paul when he did not get a reply from Luca.

Paul said, "Why don't you try the translationyou downloaded earlier?"

William nodded and opened the translationon her phone. With the app, Luca could not use the excuse that she did not understand English.

Dr. Albus watched the scene unfold and remembered how Luca had given him the cold shoulder earlier. A mischievous thought brewed in his mind. "Do you need something from Dr. Craw?"

William paused and smiled. "Dr. Craw? Is Craw your name?"

Luca frowned when she heard the student call out her name. Did Dr. Albus deliberately do that?

She turned her head to look at her surroundings. Thanks to William's presence in the restaurant, some of the other

customers were looking toward them.

Luca could tell that William was an outstanding individual. She could see that many female students were looking at her jealously.

She sighed and said, "I'm not interested."

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Luca said those words quite clearly, and the people at the surrounding tables could hear what she said.

The female students were stunned in disbelief. How could she not be interested in William, or was she just playing hard to get?

The male students, on the other hand, were whispering among each other, gloating over William's embarrassment. After all, William had stood in the limelight for too long.

William was unhappy that he was rejected. He did not feel as embarrassed when Luca rejected his advances that morning because it was a communication issue, but now, Luca had rejected him while speaking in English.

If he could understand what Luca was saying, everyone in the restaurant would understand too.

William slowly clenched his fists. His cheeks were on fire.

Rhett thought that William wanted to get physical. He took a deep breath and stood up. "Mr. William, Dr. Craw has

already said that she's not interested. Please leave now and do not disturb us."

William turned to look at Rhett. The former was much taller and more muscular than the latter because he had been

working out regularly.

Just when William was about to charge toward Rhett, Paul grabbed William's shoulder while his other hand tapped

Luca's handbag. "It's alright, William. We're the ones at fault for disrupting their lunch. Let's go."

William did not feel so embarrassed when his friend helped him. They left the restaurant.

Paul turned around and smiled ambiguously when he looked at the woman who was eating lunch calmly.

Luca continued to eat her lunch, though she could hear the discussions happening on the surrounding tables.

"Who's that woman?"

"I don't know. She seems too old to be a student. Is she a teacher?"

"I don't think that we have a teacher who's so ugly! Isn't there sconference at the grand auditorium today? I guess she's an attendee."

"It doesn't matter who she is. If I see her alone later. I'll teach her a lesson on behalf of William."

Luca was silent as she listened to the conversation among the girls.

She was no stranger to such situations. After all, she could tell that William was the most popular boy in the university.

Certain memories cback to her.

When she was in high school, she was bullied because other girls saw her sneakily observing Luke playing basketball.

They thought that she tried to be different so that she could gain Luke's attention.

Luca finished her soup and wiped her mouth.

Dr. Albus also heard what the female students were talking about. He frowned and pretended to look indignant. "Those students have gone too far, Dr. Craw. Lettell them off for you."

Luca could tell that Dr. Albus was trying to exacerbate the issue using the guise of helping her. She said, "You don't have to do anything, Dr. Albus. There are so many students here. Don't tellthat you plan to tell them off one by one?"

Dr. Albus smiled. He was not planning on helping Luca in the first place, but if Luca had stopped him from acting, he was not going to say or do anything.

After lunch, they returned to the auditorium to continue with the afternoon segment of the conference.

The conference lasted until nighttime. After the last lecture, Luca sat in a chair and watched Dr. Albus and his assistant strike a conversation with the famous professors.

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She was already exhausted from an entire day of lectures, and she was impressed that Dr. Albus had the strength to talk to those professors. He even took a few group photos with them.

She turned to look at Rhett, who sat next to her. "Aren't you going too?"

Rhett shook his head. “I've already learned a lot from the lectures earlier. Those professors are surrounded by so many people. Even if I managed to talk to them, I don't think I'll be learning anything useful."

Luca smiled, thinking that he was quite wise.

Those people surrounded the professors because they wanted something to brag about. They would not receive any help in their times of need.

Eventually, the professors made their way out of the auditorium, and Dr. Albus and his assistant came back.

"Dr. Craw, can we go back to the hotel now?"

Dr. Albus was the one who was reluctant to leave, though he made it sound like she did not want to leave instead. She stood up calmly and said, "Yes."

The four people left together, and they caught a cab at the entrance of the university.

William and Paul cout of a dark corner and watched the cab leave.

"Let's get into the car," Paul said and opened the door of the car that was parked next to them.

William hesitated. "Are you sure that this is a good idea, Paul?"

"Why, don't you want to know where your Russian doll lives? " Paul stared intently at his phone. There was a bright red dot on it.

He had stuck a tracker when he touched Luca's handbag earlier. He had prepared that because he knew that William was not going to give up so easily.

"Of course I want to!" William pressed his lips as he watched the cab drive away.

"Then get in the car. Just think about it. She humiliated you earlier. Even if you don't win her heart, at least you get to claim her body. Can you take that humiliation lying down?" Paul tried to instigate him.

William remembered how embarrassed he was at the restaurant earlier. He bit his lip and stepped into the car.

Paul stepped on the gas pedal and followed the signal from the tracker.

"Are you interested in her too?" William asked as he watched the blinking dot on Paul's phone. He thought that Paul was a little too enthusiastic.