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Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle

Chapter 716
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Chapter 716

Chapter 716 He Saw That Devilishly HandsFace...

Luke knew that Robert was a cunning and dangerous individual who had always been careful to leave no traces. Otherwise, why would the Russian government not have evidence of his crimes for so many years?

Moreover, Ray and Percy had not managed to stop him, which was further proof of his insidiousness.

It would be risky for Bianca and Luke to leave Moscow now, but Old Master Rayne might not be able to wait. They had to return to A City as soon as possible.

If Luke had to choose between staying and leaving, he would not hesitate to choose the latter.

"I'll have to bring Bianca back to A City tonight no matter what, Ray. According to my estimates, Robert should be most likely in..." Luke discussed discreetly with Ray.

He closed his eyes, hoping that his information would be helpful to Ray and Percy in capturing Robert.

Meanwhile, in a secret room in Robert's mansion.

The atmosphere was fraught with hostility.

A tall and muscular man with graying hair, dressed in an extravagant suit, was sitting in the seat of authority.

His subordinates, kneeling on one knee in front of him, dared not make a sound.

The old man pressed his lips together. There were several faint gashes on his face.

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That made his face look more horrifying and sinister than ever.

"All of you are useless. You let a traitor destroy us from within, and you haven't managed to capture him. What use do I have for all of you?" He said mockingly.

Kassy, kneeling closest to the old man, felt a slap on her face. "That b* stard Matthew would have been long dead if not for you. You've harbored him and caused the fall of the organization!"

Kassy looked at Robert in fear. She wanted to struggle, but she stopped doing so when she thought of Robert's cruel punishments.

Even so, she tried to speak up for herself. "Godfather, Matthew is a financial genius. Because of his existence in the organization, our company rose from anonymity and becone of Russian's top three companies in only two years. You cannot deny that he has brought us massive financial benefits. That was the reason why I kept him alive. Otherwise, I won't have any use for a useless man!" i

Kassy did not expect that her hypnosis did not work on that man, much less how he had pretended to be brainwashed for two years and managed to escape. He was terrifying.

"Heh..."Robert chuckled sinisterly. His brown eyes were as sharp as a falcon's gaze. "Anyone who betraysmust die! Hmph, that kid won't be able to take down the organization that I have built up after so many years, just like no one would expect that this wanted man is brazenly sitting in his own house!"

He always believed that the most dangerous place was also the safest.

That was why he decided to hide in his own mansion.

Matthew's men and the Federal Security Service had searched through the mansion countless times, but they could not find anything,

Furthermore, Robert had placed distractions at other places, which made them abandon their search at the mansion. That was how he got to return to his mansion in a grandiose fashion.

Kassy began to massage her godfather's shoulders, ignoring her cheek that was badly swollen. "You're much more intelligent and cunning than the others, Godfather. This is only a temporary setback. When all this has passed, I'll bring Matthew back alive, and you can punish him however you want!"

Kassy's eyes flashed with determination.

She had devoted her heart to Matthew over the past two years. Not only did he not treasure it, but he had trampled on her goodwill and dignity. Worse still, he had betrayed the organization for another woman and incited his godfather's wrath.

She was not going to let him get away with it.

If that was how he treated her, she would not show any mercy to him the next tthey met!

While they were discussing their plan of action in the secret room, Ray's men had stealthily surrounded Robert's mansion.

Robert might be a careful individual, but his fatal weakness was his arrogance.

He did not expect that his enemies would return to the mansion to search for him, and that was why he did not station many guards outside.

Ray hid in a corner. His blond hair fluttered wildly in the wind, and his blue eyes flashed with a sinister light as though he was the devil who had appeared from hell.

He held an optical detector in his hand and searched every inch of the mansion, trying to figure out Robert's hiding place.

He and Percy had tried to hunt down Robert everywhere, but they only managed to catch his underlings. The mastermind was nowhere to be found.

After the phone call with Luke, Ray brought his man to Robert's mansion.

He had a strong gut feeling that Robert might be hiding inside.

Ray admitted that he had his personal reasons for helping Luke. With the League of Shadows gone, he could expand his influence in Russia.

Otherwise, he would not have bothered dealing with a grudge that did not concern him.

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Robert did not expect that Ray was already onto him. He thought that the high-tech security measures and traps would protect him from intruders.

In the secret room, Robert, Kassy, and the others discussed their future plans.

Suddenly, the alarm rang, indicating an intruder.

His composed expression wavered slightly, though he remembered that the secret room was made with bulletproof and soundproof glass and had multiple escape routes. Even if the intruders managed to make their way in, they would not be able to find where the secret room was.

Just when he was feeling confident, he suddenly heard a loud explosion, and the secret room was filled with thick smoke.

Everyone who caught a whiff of the smoke was terrified!

All of the people in the secret room were elites from the Island of Despair. They could tell from the smell that the smoke was VX II, the deadly nerve gas. It was lethal in small doses!

Instantly, they put on their gas masks.

Robert glared coldly and gave out the order. "Retreat!"

Everyone who received the order left the room through various escape routes, while Robert left through the most secure one.

That secret passage led to the Kremlin. That place was securely guarded by the military at all times, and he, as a senator, was familiar with that place. He thought that nobody would expect him to escape there.

While he made his way out of the secret room, he plotted his next move.

He did not expect to be staring down the pitch-black barrel of a gun right after he left the secret room.

His face turned ashen as he looked at Percy's devilishly handsface...