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Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 1383: E-Sports
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Chapter 1383: E-Sports

Bu Wentian continued, "I've replicated the eidola of the five successful challengers based on their records during the trial. The strength of each eidolon corresponds to their combat strength when they took the trial. Just like sgames from the Milky Way, the rewards for this final trial will be provided in stages. Defeating the first eidolon yields a copper chest, defeating two yields a silver chest, and..."

Before the platform was a stone tablet on which six names were carved. The non the very top was Zhang Lie; the second was Zhang Yangyan, his father; the third was Han Lingxin, his mother; the fourth was Azathoth; the fifth was Aforgomon; and the sixth was Bast.

Sun Mengmeng immediately replied, "I give up."

Bu Wentian blinked, then asked, "Why so suddenly? You don't even know about the details!"

Sun Mengmeng pointed at Zhang Lie's nat the very top of the tablet.

"With our captain around, we would never be able to pass this trial."

Bu Wentian replied, "This is only an eidolon of Zhang Lie, and it represents but a portion of his strength."

Sun Xiaowu replied, "Although I would like to give it a try, I'm not confident I'll be able to succeed."

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Bu Wentian sighed. "I understand how you feel. Zhang Lie is truly an exception even among exceptions, and it would be near-impossible to beat him. How about this? I won't ask that you beat Zhang Lie, only Zhang Yangyan. That would be sufficient to demonstrate your strength."

The members of Team Zenith suddenly grew more upbeat. "If it's not our captain, then we're fine!"

Sun Xiaowu nodded. "I won't be scared of anyone besides my captain!"

Sun Mengmeng, scrutinizing the tablet carefully, asked, "Captain, does this Zhang Yangyan bear any connection to you?"

Yang Ze asked jokingly, "You're not related, are you?"

Zhang Lie didn't hide the truth. "That's my father."

"Your father made it here too, Captain?"

Zhang Lie nodded.

Sun Xiaowu shrunk back down. "I suddenly feel unwell..."

Fang Yi asked, "Can we get a different test?"

Li Feng said, "Our captain's father's likely very strong too... What if you let us stop at this challenger, Han Lingxin?"

Sun Mengmeng began, "Captain, isn't it tthat you told us about this Cup?"

Zhang Lie shrugged. "I don't know myself. Elder Bu Wentian is insisting on being very mysterious."

Bu Wentian sighed. "The Cup deals with too much sensitive information that I can't tell you about just yet. You'll find out for yourself once you enter the fifth realm."

Sun Xiaowu wheedled, "If we'll know sooner or later, won't you tell us sdetails now?"

Bu Wentian, however, had no intention of explaining. His hands clasped behind his back, he commanded, "Follow me."

Zhang Lie frowned. "Is the Cup being held in the fourth realm?"

Bu Wentian brought the hunters down a long hallway and into a great hall, within which were a number of silver coffins.

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Sun Xiaowu asked curiously, "Elder, who rests in these eight coffins?"

Bu Wentian replied, "All of you will lie within these coffins."

Zhang Lie frowned, and the members of Team Zenith grew noticeably wary.

Bu Wentian explained, "The Galactic Rising Stars Cup isn't being held in the dimensional world, nor in the Milky Way, but rather in what you might consider a virtual reality, much like those back in the Milky Way. These eight coffins—I mean, these eight apparatuses—are how you may access this alternate reality, much like the teleportation apparatuses that connect the Milky Way to the dimensional world.

Sun Xiaowu gaped. "Elder, this Cup that you've been so mysterious about—is it just e-sports?!"

Yang Ze sighed. "Elder, you made us all anxious for nothing! All this mystery, all this about a final trial—and we're just playing an online game?"

Li Feng grumbled, "I'm having a hard treconciling my expectations with this sort of answer..."

Bu Wentian rolled his eyes. "I said it was similar to online games, not that it would be the same. Do you think I'd waste all this time, effort, and resources just for an e-sports team? Am I that bored, or that rich?"

Sun Xiaowu laughed awkwardly. "I did think that way..."

Bu Wentian scowled. "Is your brain that of a pig? Why would I wait for an eternity just to build a dream team for e-sports? That would be a complete waste!"

Sun Mengmeng replied diplomatically, "We apologize for the misunderstanding, Elder. Could you explain the Cup to us?"

"The space you are about to enter is no ordinary gworld. It's difficult to explain the specifics, but put simply, your strength and abilities will be projected into a special world. Everything there is simultaneously real and illusory."

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