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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 264: l promise
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Lith stared at his mother as she once again didn't answer his question properly.

Lilith chuckled and pulled Lith's cheek slightly. "Don't look at mama with such a cute face. Mama can't resist your charms."

"You can't resist my charms?" Lith questioned.

Lilith shook her head and said, "nope."

"Really?" Lith asked again for confirmation.

"Yes." Lilith nodded.

Lith got up from the couch and standing in front of her, he touched her chin, raised her head slightly and brought his face close to hers. "Then tell me, why are you hiding things from me, mom?"

Lilith smiled and gave Lith a peck on his lips. She then shrugged again and said, "who knows?"

Lith sighed as his mother for the fourth time, said the same thing. He sat beside her and pulling her in his embrace, he hugged her and said,

"Fine then. Don't answer if you don't have to."

Lilith smiled and looked up at his face. She kissed his cheek and said, "my baby is so understanding."

Lith shook his head and said, "I am not a baby anymore, mom. I am a man now."

"Fufufu… yes, yes. You're a man now. Mama's little man." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his shoulder after saying so.

Lith knitted his brows as he heard this. He gazed down and said, "mom, I am a man. There's no such thing as little. I have grown now."

"Mama knows. But you'll always be little for me, no matter how old you grow." Lilith said with a smile.

Lith rolled his eyes as he heard this and Lilith giggled lightly noticing this reaction from him.

After a few seconds, she placed her head on his chest and felt his warmth and enjoyed his company.

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After a while, Lith asked softly, "how's big sis?"

Lilith replied in a low and gentle tone, "she's good but probably a little exhausted mentally. She's been running around all over the continent for work."

"Why is big sis working so hard? Won't it affect her physical health as well after a while? Why don't you stop her, mom?" Lith asked with concern.

"It's fine. Things haven't become too hectic yet. If they do, mama will help her right away. She is currently trying to make changes to the vampire hierarchy and should be done within a week, if not, mama will intervene." Lilith said in the same tone as before.

"Eh? Mom, why is it taking so long? If I remember correctly, big sis started to work on it when I had just started the semester." Lith asked, a bit curious.

Lilith looked up and instead of answering him directly, she asked, "how long do you think it should take to formulate the hierarchy, baby?"

Lith thought for a bit and answered, "probably a day? I mean, all you have to do is allot a Magic Rank with a hierarchy level. It shouldn't take too long, right?"

Lilith smiled and pulled his cheeks. "That's not how it works. There are lot of factors that come into play and one had to take many things into consideration. This hierarchy may seem like a small thing to us, but in reality, it actually affects the entire Vampire race and the whole well being of many societies in the continent."

Lith nodded and said, "I see. Well, thank god I am still a child. I don't–"

"God? What God?"

Lilith looked at Lith with concern and asked with her brows knitted.

"What?" Lith said in reflex.

Such a reaction from his mother was unexpected and in reflex, he asked that.

Lilith held Lith's face and with concern, she asked again, "what god are you thanking, baby?"

There were a lot of fake gods out there and a lot of cultists as well. Lilith thought that Lith might've come across these people and this was very bad news. Not just that, she watched him at almost all times of the day. Him falling for such cults despite her watching was another reason for her exaggerated reaction.

"God I am thanking?" Lith said in confusion.

"Yes. Didn't you just say 'thank god'?"

Lith fell silent as he heard that. 'Shit. I forgot that I am a vampire and we don't worship gods. Goddamn– fuck, I mean, damn it!'

Lith racked his brains and thought hard to get out of this situation. Soon, he got an excuse and he said,

"Umm… mom… I said it on accident. I've been hanging out with Miss Emilia everyday and she sometimes says that word. I might've picked that up and said so accidentally. I am sorry…"

Lilith calmed down after she heard that and sighed in relief. But, in the next instant, she held Lith's face again with both her hands and looked him dead in the eyes. She said with absolute seriousness,

"Listen to me, Lith.

'Oh crap! Mom's calling me with my name. It seems I really messed up. Oh god pl– fuck, I mean, fuck nevermind. I'll end up thanking god again even in my mind if I keep thinking. Stop thinking. Stop thinking.'

Lilith could tell that Lith was thinking of something. She knitted her brows and flicked his forehead.

"Oww." Lith exclaimed in pain and broke out of his thoughts.

His pain tolerance was very high and Lilith knew about it. She thus hit his soul slightly and that was a new stimulus for Lith, making him feel pain.

Lilith didn't rub Lith's forehead like she usually did before and instead, she looked at him with the same seriousness as before. She held his face again and said,

"Don't let your thoughts wander. Mama has something important to tell you."

Lith could tell that his mother was in no mood to play around or tease him. She wasn't in her usual jolly mood. To not worsen her mood and cause more problems, he simply nodded his head and cleared all thoughts and paid attention to what she was saying.

Noticing him paying attention, Lilith said,

"In this world, do not believe anyone who talks about God. God doesn't exist here. There's only cultists and scammers. If you don't believe mama's words…"

Lilith brought her face close to Lith's and said while lifting his chin up,

"...you'll die. Completely."

Lith could only blink with a dumbfounded look. He had no idea what to say to her.

Lilith pulled herself back and got seated. She then sighed and said to Lith,

"Though I said that, there still exists one true God in this world. Who it is, where it is, mama won't tell you. You need to figure it out on your own. If you say thank god again, it should be channeled to that one true God present and no one else. If it's channeled to someone else, you're gonna die."

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Lilith looked at Lith and continued, "so, baby… make sure that you avoid talking about god or on this topic. It'll be better that way. Don't worry mama too much."

One small action from him caused such an exaggerated reaction. Had Lith known about it before, he wouldn't even have dared to do utter this word. But the arrow had left the bow and words once said cannot be taken back. He had fucked up and he knew about it.

He had really worried his mother today.

Lith got close to Lilith and hugged her. He said to her with seriousness in his eyes,

"I am sorry, mom. I made you worry. But don't worry, it won't happen next time. I'll do what you asked me to do."

Lilith nodded and she hugged Lith back.

"Please don't worry mama. I won't always be there for you to look after you." Lilith said in a sad and melancholic mood.

Though she knew the future, it was always uncertain and bound to change. One action may repeat again and what if she isn't available for him?

She was a god, she could look into the future, into different timelines, and into different lives, but, she was a mother at the end of a day too.

Her concerns were valid. There was a small possibility of things going wrong and since there was a possibility, it concerned Lilith.

The matter of future was very complicated and the Lilith of now had no exaggerated powers to look into different timelines of different worlds. She could only look into different timelines of the same world.

As a mother, the worst nightmare for one was to be separated from their children. Lilith's concerns were thus very valid.

Lith could sense the melancholy and he patted Lilith's back. He too was sad when he heard such a thing from her.

The two stay hugging for a while and after a few more minutes, Lith held Lilith's face and said,

"Mama, whatever happens, I'll always be there for you. Always. It's a promise from me. We'll never be separated and I'll fight anyone and anything, even with fate, to let you be with me. I promise, I sincerely do."



