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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 294: Assassinating Senzal Clan Members
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Lith was currently inside one of the pavilions of the Senzal Clan, meditating.

Lith had killed the spiky blonde-haired guy and was now currently absorbing the energies present in this hall. The energy that was coming from the artifacts inlaid that is.

But before he started meditating and before he killed the guy, Lith had ensured that he put his soul mark on the guy's soul. He also ensured that he provided the guy with enough spiritual power so that his soul doesn't dissipate too much and he reincarnates properly with his memories intact.

He had texted his mother asking about how the soul mark could be casted and she simply sent a picture of a spell that Lith was supposed to inscribe on the person's soul with his own spiritual power.

Doing it was very easy and Lith could immediately feel a connection with the guy. He knew the soul mark was successful and Lith then made the guy reincarnate.

The guy got killed but Lith could still feel the connection to him since his soul hadn't dissipated yet.

Only for a few seconds did Lith feel disconnected with the soul but it was probably due to the soul entering the reincarnation cycle.

Few seconds after the disconnection, Lith felt connected to the soul again.

He tried to sense it and for some reason, the soul now seemed much more powerful than before.

Lith knew where the soul was and he teleported close to that place.

He was teleported to a jungle and there he saw a teen, roughly twenty something years in age sit near a tree and meditate.

Lith walked close to him and met him. He talked to him and realized that the guy was happy to have left the Senzal Clan since he was caged over there and was a target of assassination for many.

Though in the end he did get assassinated, it was all for the better cause.

Lith talked to him for a while and promised to meet him once again after thirty years. He gave the guy all the money he had earned to have a good start and teleported back to the Senzal Clan after wishing him luck and asking him to cultivate diligently.

Lith was now back in the Senzal Clan and was cultivating.

He tried to see how much energy he could absorb from the artifacts and it had been a while since he was cultivating here.

Lith opened his eyes after a few minutes and said softly, "It'll take time to fully absorb the energies here and raise my cultivation. I'll come back later."

He got up from his meditative state and inscribed the coordinates of a certain location in his teleportation token.

Space fluctuated around Lith and he vanished from his spot shortly after imbuing some of his spiritual power into the teleportation token.


On a certain island a few hundred kilometres from Kinzo Islands, a man with a moustache was walking towards a large cave.

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This man was none other than the third uncle of Vaan.

He walked inside the cave and kept walking for a while until he reached a certain fork in the cave.

He chose the left tunnel and continued to walk for a while longer.

More fork kept occurring as the man kept walking but the man had no problems choosing directions and was walking in a certain specific pattern.

He finally arrived in a large space.

This was a farming field where a lot of rows of a similar type of plant were present.

The man walked towards the plant closest to him and inspected it. After thoroughly checking it, he checked another one, then another and so on until he had inspected a few rows.

He sighed in relief when he saw that there weren't any problems with any of the plants.

He walked towards the exit and before leaving, he gazed at the plants once again and said with an annoyed tone, "that coward Vaan. This is such a secure place yet he didn't want to come here. All he had to was to inspect–"


Out of nowhere suddenly a spear imbued with lightning descended down and stabbed the man's body.

"Blergh!" The man vomited blood as the spear pierced his organs.

The spear had passed through the man's body and stopped only when it penetrated a few inches of the ground.

This also caused the man to be pinned to the ground.

But before the man could react and see what had happened…



A lightning bolt sped through the tunnel and exploded when it hit the man's head.

But not much damage was caused since the man had a protective artifact on him.


Right at this moment, Lith glided through the air and arrived right in front of the man. He had his wings extended and a sword in his hand as he flew towards him.

The man was shocked when he saw this.

He was getting assassinated!

He immediately tried to use his spiritual power to get out but realized that he wasn't able to do so.

He looked around him to see what was causing it and saw that the spear had many talismans attached to it.

"Fuck!" The man cursed as he saw the reason why his spiritual power was blocked.

He recognized these talismans and they were the ones which temporarily sealed the spiritual power of a person. How long it would be sealed depended upon the strength of the person.

He was a Rank 8 and if he wasn't wrong, he would have his spiritual power sealed for at least twenty seconds. This may seem a short time, but it really wasn't.

The man held the spear in his hand and tried to pull it out of his body.

But the spear was fixed deep inside a few inches of the ground and his own strength was falling short to take it out.

Lith arrived right at this moment in front of him and thrusted his sword right at the man's sternum and pierced his body after breaking it.

"AAHHHHHHH!" The man cried out in agony as his sternum got crushed.

But his yells stopped as Lith pierced his lungs and passed the sword through his body.

Lith let go of the sword after piercing his body and pinning him to the ground again and immediately went for the man's core.

He quickly inscribed a few magic circles on the man's cores with the help of his spiritual power.

He used both his hands to inscribe two different circles simultaneously at the same time.

In just a few seconds he was done inscribing and Lith quickly imbued as much of his spiritual power as he could into those magic circles and activated them.

Bright rays of light were emitted from a point present a few inches above the man's belly button. This was the place where his Magic Core was present and the rays of light were coming from this place itself.

The man felt great pain coming from his abdomen region and he wanted to shout, yell, and scream it out but he couldn't do so because his lungs were ruptured.

He would've died already had there not been his spiritual power running through his body and keeping him alive. Though it was running, he couldn't use it since it was sealed, making the connection between him and it severed.

The bright light dimmed and Lith saw a small glowing orange color or emerge from the man's abdomen.

The Magic Core!

Rank 8 Magic Core!

Lith quickly took out a small black box from his spatial ring and with the help of his spiritual power, he made the black box trap the Magic Core.

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The man's eyes shot wide open as he saw this scene in front of him.

His connection to his own Magic Core was severed!

Just who the fuck was this guy who could pull off such a stunt!?

The man was terrified of Lith but before he could say or do anything, everything around him turned dark and he started losing consciousness.

Lith put the black box inside his ring and held the hilt of his sword. He pulled it out and thrust it back again inside the man's skull, making brain matter leak out and splitting his head into two.

Lith then held his spear and took it out as well.

He walked a little distance away from the man and snapped his finger, causing the corpse of the man to engulf into reddish-black flames.


Lith used the Rank 3 Fire & Destruction spell, Hellfire, to burn the man's body.

Hellfire ensured that everything was burnt and not even the ashes were left.

Matter which could neither be created nor destroyed would get destroyed with this spell.

Lith used a cleaning spell made up from combining Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind elemental energies and used it on his sword and spear to clean them. He used it on himself as well and after getting cleaned, he inscribed the coordinates of his next destination.

"This was fun." Lith said.

He then imbued some of his spiritual power into the teleportation token and teleported away.


Duram Tea Peak, Redstone City.

Lith was back at the base of the tea plantation mountain. He looked at the top but couldn't see the building present there.

"It seems to be well hidden." He said softly.

He extended his wings out and rushed to the top.

While flying, he used an artifact to make himself invisible and increased his speed to fly up without any worries.

As he reached the top, he saw the building again.

He got on the branch of the tree there and peeked inside again.

But the scene that he saw inside…