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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 301: Combat! Combat! Combat!
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The fight between Alexandra and Lenard was going on in full swing. Both finalists were definitely the best of the best disciples in the sect and almost everyone in the sect was here in the arena to have a look at them.

Their fight was also very flashy. Lenard's summons were protected by Light and they couldn't be killed by Light or Dark spells.

Alexandra had Dark affinity but couldn't use it to kill the summons. Even if she tried to do so, it would be a waste and her spiritual power would be wasted.

Alexandra equipped her sword with Destruction element and was using it to cut through the summons one by one. She used no spells to directly attack the summons yet as they cost a lot of spiritual power and she would also need to chant a few times for a few things.

But another reason for not using spells was that Alexandra had an upper hand in this battle. Her sword skills were enough to fight these summons.

The summons weren't too strong as they were summoned in large quantities and mostly had power equivalent to Rank 2 or 3.

Lenard and Alexandra's fight got a lot of cheers from the crowd. Lenard brought in a lot of summons and Alexandra simply cut everything down with her double bladed sword.

The crowd wasn't able to decide which side to pick as both the finalists were very good.

But halfway through their battle, almost everyone chose Alexandra's side as she showed great promise to win the battle and also because she was an idol of affection for many boys and girls alike.

Lith was focusing fully on Alexandra as well. Not because he was feeling affectionate for her like the other's but because he was starting to feel that Alexandra was really from the former Count clan.

He continued to watch her with great interest as almost all noble clans from that time were wiped out when his mother took the throne. There was a bloodbath during their ascension and a lot of things were buried along with the nobles. It would be great to meet someone from a family of that era and have information from them.

The Constantine Clan was also the only one that had the most talented individuals. Out of all other clans, a lot of members in this clan showed promise to become future Half Emperor Ranks and Emperor Ranks. Not just that, it was also rumoured that they had someone with a potential to become a Supreme Rank.

Lith gazed at Alexandra and thought, 'I just hope that you're the one.'

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Alexandra's sword, with one sweep killed tens of summons and she charged forward towards Lenard.

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Lenard would obviously not stay put and wait for Alexandra to close in on him and so he used spells to attack her.

Lenard had affinity to Earth, Space, Light, Death, and Destruction.

He was mainly using Light spells to attack Alexandra as he knew that she too had Destruction affinity like him and could negate his spells and had him waste his spiritual power.

"Blessed by the light, for I am a devotee, grant me the power, I pray to you again." Lenard chanted and a fist-sized bright ball emerged out of his Magic Core and made its way above his head.

The bright ball shined brighter and brighter as it absorbed the Light elemental energy around it.

Lenard, feeling that the bright ball wasn't absorbing energy anymore, looked at Alexandra and pointing his staff at her, he said,

"Blessing of the divine: Hundred Stars."


The bright ball above Lenard's head shot out towards Alexandra and half way through, it divided itself into many other smaller balls and they all rushed towards Alexandra.

Lenard wasn't done yet and after casting the first spell, he immediately casted another, chanting:

"Blessing of the divine: Sixty-six Rays."

Colorful rays of light descended down on Alexandra from above as Lenard finished casting it.

Blessing of the divine was a series of Light spells. It was a rare series and only a few families and organizations in the world had the techniques available with them that would allow one to learn and cast them.

One also needed to have a strong affinity to Light to use this series and Lenard was one of those rare ones in the world who had a strong affinity to both Light and Dark.

As it was Light, it hardly took any time to reach Alexandra.

Alexandra casted Short Jump and the split second where she was in the void, she prepared herself to cast a barrier of Dark element and as she teleported out, she did so, thereby negating the effects of the rays Lenard cast.

The Sixty-six Rays completely burnt anything that had a prowess two ranks less than the spell caster. If it was someone of the same rank, it would still cause serious damage but nothing that was life threatening.

But, Alexandra was a vampire and she didn't want to take a risk with that. Those rays were twice as powerful on the creatures of night and the effects on Alexandra would be severe had she come into contact with it.

After negating the rays, Alexandra created Hellfire and sent a hundred balls of them towards the incoming hundred bright balls.

As the two touched each other, they both exploded and within a matter of few seconds, a hundred small explosions occurred on the arena ground, making the spectators think that there were fireworks in the middle of the battle.

These small explosions also injured many summons and Alexandra got a bit of load off of her.

Alexandra turned her head to look at Lenard and watching him stand expressionlessly in mid air through her blood red eyes, she decided to end it as soon as possible.

Lenard was basically just standing in one place and casting spells whereas Alexandra was constantly fighting physically. She had no problem in doing so but she knew that if this continued, it would soon turn into a stalemate and everything would become boring.

Alexandra liked combat. Violent closed range combat where she and her opponent both would need to use nothing but their physical bodies and the elemental energies around them to fight.

The blood that would splatter everywhere, the bones that would break, the organs that would come out…

It was an epic sight to behold for Alexandra.

Combat! Combat! Combat!

Alexandra wanted nothing but combat!

This match is not her cup of tea. It needs to end as soon as possible!

Alexandra decided to get serious this time. Fighting with the summons only needed her to use a bit of her power. She hadn't even used fifty percent of her prowess.

Lenard was definitely someone strong in close range combat, she knew about it. But she was much much stronger than him and he thus avoided clashing with her directly.

Alexandra decided to exhaust his spiritual power so that he would stop relying on spells and fight her in close combat.

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She turned her head to look at him and putting up a wide grin on her pretty face, she massaged her neck and stretched side to side.

"Get ready." Alexandra said in a neutral tone.

But this tone…

Hearing this sent a chill down the spine of the weak spectators and almost made them piss themselves.

Her voice was low and calm but due to the amplifying spells casted everywhere on the arena ground, the spectators were able to listen well to her loud and clear.

Lith felt his blood boil as he heard this from Alexandra. It seemed as if it wasn't Lenard to whom it was addressed but him.

Lith was immune to all auras and sound provocations from all vampires in existence in this world. Except of course, his mother and sister.

Powerful vampires could use their aura and bloodline powers to suppress the ones lower than them and make them submit. Alexandra, what she did would've made vampires weaker than submit and prostrate themselves in front of her but since there were protective barriers around the arena ground, such a thing didn't happen and Lenard was not a vampire either so it didn't apply to him.

Lith, even if he was inside the barrier and in front of her, he wouldn't have felt anything since he was immune to it. This was the power of bloodline suppression and also one of the many reasons why all vampires without exception never even thought of challenging or disrespecting the Royal Clan.

Lenard could feel the murderous aura around Alexandra. But he was still as calm as a still lake. Even though he knew Alexandra was more powerful than him and had the ability to kill him, he wasn't worried even in the slightest.

Lenard knew that Alexandra had now gotten serious. He also knew that using long range spells would serve no purpose and he also knew that now he had to fight her close range and there wasn't any option for him to choose.

The strongest always decide what the weak would do.

Lenard's case was no exception.

But, Lenard had no fear in him and he descended down with an indifferent look on his face. He clapped his hand once he reached down, causing all the summons to go back to where they came from.

He took his upper robe off, revealing his muscular build.

Lenard stretched and getting into a battle stance, he gazed seriously at Alexandra and said:
