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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 302: Disappointed Alexandra
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Crack! Boom!

Explosively kicking the ground, Alexandra dashed towards Lenard as he called for her.

She was holding her double bladed sword in hand as she dashed and willing the Space elements around her, her one step became equivalent to ten and in just a matter of few instances, she was right in front of Lenard.


Alexandra hacked her sword right at Lenard's neck but he blocked her, making a loud clashing sound.


The spectators sucked in a cold breath of air as they witnessed Lenard blocking Alexandra's deadly offense.

He hadn't blocked it by any artifact or spell but simply with a pair of nunchucks!

Noticing her first strike being blocked, Alexandra wasn't discouraged but happy!

She was very happy!

The stronger the opponent, the better would be the combat! She thought and had a big smile on her face.

Without wasting any time, Alexandra slashed Lenard at his legs with the bottom end of her double bladed sword but Lenard did a flip and swayed his nunchucks to block her second attack coming at his face from the front end of her sword.


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The crowd went wild with their reactions and everybody was put on edge as they witnessed Lenard blocking not one but three moves back to back at once with just two sticks attached with a chain!

"Good!" Alexandra said one simple thing after backing off a bit to Lenard.

She didn't expect him to block her powerful slashes without moving even a single inch from his place. This surprised her but also made her happy.

At least her opponent wasn't someone weak and this wouldn't get too boring quickly. She could play around for a while.

Alexandra spun her sword like a top and swinging it at her sides, she equipped it with Destruction and Lightning spells.


Alexandra's sword crackled as Lightning passed through it from one end to another and black smoke of Destruction energy arose from it.

She looked at Lenard and flashed a crazed smile, making her sharp fangs be seen by him and the spectators.

The low ranking human, angel, and witch spectators shivered just by looking at such a scary smile of Alexandra. A core disciple really was scary…

Lith smiled as well, noticing Alexandra's smile. He felt pumped up to leave his seat and go fight with her right there and then. But he knew he couldn't and could only be dissatisfied.

Lenard swung his nunchucks and got into a battle stance again. Others may not know about it but his upper body was almost numb right now. Alexandra's hits were no joke and had it not been for him putting up a barrier around his upper body while he did a flip, he was sure that his upper body and lower body would be separated by now.

But despite such severe problems, he was still ready to fight her. He had trained hard day and night for almost thirty years of his life and today he was going to give it his all no matter what happens.

Nobody from the inner or outer court was ever able to defeat the core disciples. This had been the case ever since the sect's foundation and everybody thought that today won't be any exception either.

Lenard had no opinion on this thing and he did not care. He was here to learn and improve himself and also to test his limits. Winning or losing hardly mattered to him. If he won against Alexandra, well and good, if he didn't, then he would cultivate and train harder to beat her next time.

But there was still time for all of this. The match was still going on.

Lenard took a deep breath and channeled the energies he had affinity to around him towards his body to boost himself up. A mixture of colorful energy smoke lit up his whole body after a few seconds with golden and gray being the most dominant ones.

His spiritual power started getting used up at a rapid rate as he prepared himself for the upcoming onslaught and he knew that he could only last for a few minutes. He had to make the few minutes worth it.

To not waste time and wait for Alexandra to attack him, Lenard was the first to make a move.

He dashed towards her while having his nunchucks prepared to attack.

Alexandra, with the same crazy smile on her face, dashed as well while holding her sword in an attack position.

At the next instance, the two closed in on each other and before Lenard could come into contact with Alexandra, he cast Short Jump immediately and teleported behind her, immediately striking her with his nunchucks.


Before his nunchucks could hit Alexandra, she had already stabbed him in his heart with the end part of her double bladed sword, causing him to vomit a mouthful of blood.

Alexandra's body turned and right in the next instance


She kicked Lenard's face and sent him flying towards the arena wall.



Lenard hit the barrier laid out around the arena and the force with which he hit it was so intense that it caused multiple cracks on the barrier.


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The spectators went into an uproar as they saw this scene.

Just one kick! It took just one kick from Alexandra to completely crush Lenard!

Everyone knew how strong Lenard was and they were all very proud to have him as their fellow inner court disciple and martial brother. But who would've thought…

Just who would've thought that the core disciples were this scary and Lenard would be beaten in one single kick…

All those spells, all those summons… They all served no purpose other than delaying his defeat slightly and entertaining Alexandra.

Even though many knew no inner court disciple had defeated a core disciple throughout the sect's history, many still had some hope in their hearts that today… Just today a miracle would happen… No matter how big or small… Just for today they may get to witness something different.

But in the end they saw nothing but Alexandra's absolute victory over Lenard.

They all felt terrified as they looked at Lenard's disfigured body and shifting their gaze to look at Alexandra, they saw a frown and a disappointed look on her face.

What was this woman disappointed for? They all wondered.

Alexandra, looking at the officials of the sect resurrecting Lenard and treating him, clicked her tongue in annoyance. Just when she thought that she finally found some good opponent to clash with, in the end it turned out all for naught and a waste of time for her.

Throughout this year's tournament, it was one-shot-one-kill for her just like the many past tournaments. But when she saw Lenard block her three hits, she felt that he did have some potential in him to keep up with her. She thus decided to use at least sixty percent of her prowess and that ended up killing Lenard immediately.

It was a waste of time and power for Alexandra and she felt very disappointed by it.

The referee came onto the stage and announced the winner of the battle as Alexandra.

The crowd cheered loudly for Alexandra and at this time the host walked in the middle of the arena as well to announce the winners of the tournament.

But just as he was about to do so, Sect Master Ling got up from her seat and said:
