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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 351: Marriage Discussion
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Three days until marriage.

Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Lith and all of his ladies were sitting around a round table in the pavilion present in the courtyard of the Royal Castle. The decorations and everything was done and now they were currently planning a few things.

Outside the pavilion, there were the Royal Servants standing, ready to do whatever things their madams or sir asked them to do. Along with the two hundred servants, there were three beings who seemed to be out of place.

Among the three, one was a tall and slim man with blue hair and light blue eyes. He was apparently wearing the same outfit as the butlers of the castle and judging from his looks, he didn't seem to be a vampire either.

Another was a light brown hair and eyed lady wearing a simple black and white business outfit and round glasses. She had a tablet in her hand and was sitting on a chair with another person beside her.

That other person was a black-haired, green-eyed lady wearing the same outfit as the light brown haired lady. The two seemed to have matching outfits.

These three, the odd one out among the two hundred Royal Servants were Arbour, Sel, and Rain respectively.

Arbour was the newest addition to the Royal Servants and he was standing outside the pavilion with a few butlers. These butlers were all Emperor Ranks and Arbour was made to join their group.

As for Sel, she was Emilia's secretary and Rain was Arya's. They were here to help their madams and were the only ones sitting around a round table close to the pavilion. The rest of the servants were standing.

The courtyard was very big and there was no problem with having these many people standing here.

The servants were scattered in groups of 3 or 4 all around the pavilion and the group Arbour was with, was the one standing closest to the Vampire Queen.

Lith felt nothing from having so many people around. He was already used to such things since he was royalty and also because he grew up with these many people around him.

Lith was sitting calmly on his seat and was sipping on tea, just hearing the discussion of his ladies and didn't interrupt or speak in between. It was sometimes a good thing to just be a bystander and watch stuff.

Arya was currently talking to Lucy about a few things and Emilia was going through papers present in front of her. Although the marriage was going to be privately done, there were still many things they needed to ensure were proper.

As for Alexandra and Lilith, like Lith, they were also simply listening and didn't interrupt anyone.

As Emilia was reading a paper in front of her, she knitted her brows and looking at Lilith, she said,

"Mother-in-law, what's with this menu?"

"Hmm? What's the matter, Emilia?" Lilith asked while putting her cup down.

Emilia sent the papers to Lilith and said, "Mother-in-law there's–"

Lilith, without looking at Emilia, said while reading the paper, "Emmy, you can just call me mother."

Emilia got interrupted and blushed slightly as she heard that. It was a bit awkward for her to address the revered Vampire Queen as the mother, not to mention she was a Seraphim and her mother-in-law was a Vampire.

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Still, Emilia cleared her throat and said, "Mother, the menu has non-vegetarian food. That won't do."

She came to terms with this quickly as she was a mature lady who knew that this would be the norm from now on and didn't dwell much on this.

As for Lilith, it didn't matter to her if her daughter-in-laws called her mother instead of mother-in-law. She just considered the address 'Mother' from them as a short form of 'Mother-in-law' and so was fine with things.

Lilith put down the paper after noticing that it was the food menu of their marriage. She took the teacup back in her hand and asked while taking a sip, "is there a problem with it?"

Emilia nodded. "Angel weddings don't have any non-vegetarian foods. There's only vegetarian foods during angelic weddings as the angels consider it a very auspicious occasion and don't want to harm any beings during this time."

"I see." Lilith nodded and said. She knew about this before but wasn't able to recall it as it wasn't something important. But now that Emilia shed light on it, she remembered about this information.

"Luna, come here." Lilith put her cup down and said while taking the papers in her hand.

Luna was the personal maid of Lilith. She had black hair and brown eyes and was in a maid outfit as she walked close to Lilith.

As she reached close to Lilith, she bowed and said politely, "Yes, Madam?"

"Change the menu and keep everything vegetarian for the Angel style wedding." Lilith handed the paper and instructed.

Luna took the papers and left after bowing once again.

"Anything else?" Lilith asked Emilia with a smile.

Emilia nodded hearing that. "What about the priest?"

Lilith smiled and said, "it's not an issue."

"The priest needs to be an angel…" Emilia said softly.

Lilith nodded. "I know. Look behind me, you can find the right person for this job as well."

Emilia was confused but she did as Lilith asked her to. She looked behind and it didn't even take a few seconds for her to notice the right person.

Just behind Lilith, there were three people standing. One was a red-haired, red-eyed butler, one was a blue-haired, blue-eyed butler, and another was a light-blue haired, silver-eyed butler. These three, all seem to be very powerful in her opinion.

But among the these three, only the light-blue haired butler seemed to be an angel. The red-haired one was a demon and the blue-haired one was a human.

"The light blue hair and silver eyes one?" Emilia asked Lilith.

Lilith nodded. "He's Noman, a Seraphim. He'll be the priest."

"Noman?" Emilia tried to recall who he was. If he was a Seraphim, she should know about him. She tried to think about his identity and as she did, she realized she was having a difficult time recalling it.

Lilith, noticing this, chuckled and said, "you won't be able to recall things so easily. Noman is much older than you and his actions have all been buried in history. Anyway, you can get to know about him later if you want."

Emilia nodded her head. She will do that. There was a Seraphim in this world whom she didn't even know, how surprising was that?

"Anything else?" Lilith asked again.

Emilia shook her head.

Lilith smiled and got back to sipping on tea and being a bystander.

"No, Sister Arya, that doesn't seem right." Lucy shook her head and said.

Arya laughed and asked, "why is that? It seems so fun though."

Lucy had a slight blush on her face and said, "Sister Arya, it's the marriage day. We'll be in our wedding outfits and cosplaying later doesn't seem like a good idea. We'll only get to wear our wedding outfits on that day and not any other day. Cosplay, that we can do anytime."

It took a lot from her to say all these things and was very embarrassing. She wondered how Arya could talk about such a thing in front of so many in the open.

Arya laughed hearing that and the rest of the people present around the table simply smiled.

"Fine, fine. No cosplay then. We'll postpone this to some other day." Arya said while laughing.

Lucy nodded. "That's much better."

Lith's ears perked up as he heard this. "Oh? We are having a cosplay event?"

"Huh? What?" Lucy was surprised.

Lith smiled and said, "didn't just Arya say that the cosplay event will be postponed and you replied with it being better?"

"What? No! No!" Lucy shook her head and said. "I said that in response to having no cosplay thing during wedding day."

Lith chuckled and said, "alright, big sis, no backing out now. There will be a cosplay event later."

Lucy sighed hearing it. She accidentally ended up giving ideas to her brother and now she knew that there was no going back.

"Fine, but no talks on this until the marriage is done." Lucy said.

"Of course." Lith said with a smile and took a sip of his tea.

Hearing this conversation, the Royal Servants felt nothing and nor did they have any thoughts on this. This was just how their minds were trained.

But the newcomer Arbour, he wasn't the same. He was currently thinking to himself, 'What am I even witnessing… The revered Vampire Queen is talking so nicely and freely and this atmosphere seems so wholesome. What's with this? Last time during the Supreme Ranks meeting, she seemed so cold and appeared to be letting out a dangerous aura.'

'I felt so suffocated and threatened last time and also when I met her with Darren in the open, she seemed to appear so dangerous. But what's with the sudden change? Why does it appear that it's all sunshine and roses around her. What's with this?'

'Should I be happy with her having such a mood and that my life isn't in danger, or should I be sad that I'll never get to be out of this place? Sigh…'

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'That damn Darren! I have become a servant to the Vampire Queen for life now…'

Though Arbour had such thoughts, the two present beside him had completely contrasting thoughts.

Ruben, the red-haired, red-eyed, Emperor Rank Demon butler, who was tall and lean just like Noman, nudged his elbow to Noman's sides and said, "Someone has an important role in the coming event, heh?"

Noman held Ruben's elbow and said, "Don't talk now, Ruben. There's an important discussion going on. We'll talk later about this."

Though Noman said that, he was internally very happy to have gotten this role. It's just that being how his personality was, he hid it and asked Ruben to shut up politely.

Ruben understood the situation and didn't pester Noman further. He got back to paying attention to the discussion going on in front.

Half an hour of discussing things later, Lith said, "So it's just Emilia that I'll marry and have an Angel style wedding with, right?"

All the ladies nodded their heads.

"Alright. Then, what about the rest? Arya, do you want a dragon style wedding?" Lith ssked while looking at Arya.

Arya got thinking about this. She, for one, had no idea how dragon style weddings were. She turned her head to look at Rain and asked, "Rain, what happens in Dragon weddings?"

Rain stood up from her table and bowing, she said, "Replying to Madam, in Dragon Weddings, the bride and the groom usually just pay their respects to their ancestors and elders. They then get their blessings and after putting a ring on each other's fingers, they kiss and seal their vows they have made for each other. That's about it. After that is done, it's usually the celebrations part."

Arya thought about it and said, "Hmm, I see. How are vampire weddings then?"

Rain was about to answer this when Lilith stopped her with a hand gesture and asked her to sit down.

Rain nodded and sat down after bowing to Lilith.

Lilith smiled and explained, "Well, the vampire weddings are like this…"


A/N: This is a big chapter, a 2 in 1 one.

Also, thank you so much everyone, you guys completed the 1000/1000 GT goal.

3 bonuses will be uploaded soon.

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1105/1250 GTs

946/1000 powerstones.

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I wish you a good day and happy reading :)