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Vampire's Slice Of Life

Chapter 393: Layers of the Sect
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Lith went to the control room of the sect to have a better view of the situation.

The control room tower looked like an ancient Chinese palace and at the various floors of it, various areas were being monitored of the entire Redstone City.

Lith went to the top floor of the building as that was the area where they were monitoring the main area of the war zone.

As he walked through the floors, a lot of people stopped what they were doing and looked at Lith with amused faces. Not only that, some ladies and men alike were also drooling as they couldn't help but want a piece of the godly body that Lith had.

Lith was slightly surprised to see this. It was his first time coming out in the open after he reached 21 years of age and he didn't know that his charisma was this deadly. Whatever the case, Lith didn't feel happy or sad about this. He only liked it if it were his ladies drooling after him like this and not some random strangers.

Lith soon reached the top floor without a hitch. The Sect Masters had notified the people that Lith was their own guy and they allowed him to have access to anything he wanted as long as it wasn't something too secretive or confidential.

As Lith reached the control room of the top floor, he saw it to be dark with the only light that came was from the bright screens present everywhere around the room.

There were the sect elders and students alike sitting on chairs around the screens and they were busy attending calls that kept coming every few minutes.

Lith stood at one end of the room and didn't disturb the people. He kept himself aloof and nobody noticed him standing at one side of the room.

Lith's gaze soon fell on one screen present in the middle of the room. In it, there were adventurers of some guild charging towards the territory of the sect. They had penetrated the first layer and were now inside the second one.

There were a total of five layers around the entire Sect's territory, which not only helped the sect have a better defence, it also helped in making them understand how powerful the enemy was.

If the enemy ended up breaking through to the first layer, it meant that it was someone above Rank 6. If they ended up breaking through the second layer, it meant it was someone Rank 7 and above. If it was the third layer, then the person was definitely Rank 8 and above. In the fourth layer, it was Rank 9 and above.

As for the fifth layer, if someone did end up breaking through it, it meant bad news for the sect as the person may very well be Half Saint Rank or above.

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The sect didn't have a lot of people of this level. But thankfully, the two Sect Masters were Half King Ranks and they helped fortify the sect territory even further.

As Lith noticed the adventurers, he saw them to have easily broken through the spells of the first layer. Even though they stepped on landmines, they didn't get damaged at all.

Of course, the landmines weren't the technological one from Lith's world, but they were AOE spells casted around the periphery of the sect.

Lith wasn't harmed when he entered the first layer because the sect didn't want him to. They had deactivated it and sent an elder to talk to Lith.

The adventurer group, it consisted of a jacked man with moustache holding a hammer, a green haired and a purple-haired dark elf holding bows and arrows, a hooded skeleton with a crystal ball, and a black-haired, red-eyed vampire who had a black and red cape draped over his body.

The skeleton ensured all the party members were healed and was at the back. He also helped in deflecting attacks from time to time. The jacked man acted as a Tank, the vampire helped in doing sneak attacks, and the elves ensured to attack aggressively.

These five people, they were a close knit group and Lith could make out that they had experience working together as a team and wasn't some team that was just put together.

He then noticed that they had broken through to the third layer and were heading towards the fourth one.

'Hmm, interesting.' Lith thought to himself. 'Judging from their attacks, they are trying to conserve energy and aren't charging head-on like fools. They probably have some other motive.'

The adventurer group ended up breaking through the fourth layer as well and now it was something that the sect couldn't ignore.

The people in the control room were slightly panicking and were hurriedly sending instructions to the other people of the sect.

At this moment, Lith decided that it would be good to help them with this tricky situation. He could very well make out that the goal of these people wasn't to break through inside the sect, but something else.

Lith went towards the Sect Masters to talk to them and get their opinions as well as act accordingly on it.

While Lith worked, somewhere far away from him…

In the Royal Castle, Nightingale.

Lilith was sitting with Lucy on a sofa on the rooftop of the castle and was watching something on the big screen hovering in front of her.

Behind them were Luna and Freya respectively, ready to heed any commands that their madams might have.

On the screen, it was Lith, moving towards the Sect Masters.

The most entertaining thing in Lilith's life was to watch her kids do their everyday stuff. This was going to be Lith's first time going to war and she was excited to see what he would do.

As for Lucy, she was free currently and so she decided to join her mother in watching her brother go to war.

As for Luna and Freya, they too were excited to see what their Prince would do in the war.

"Mom, do you think he'll clash with them directly?" Lucy asked Lilith.

Lilith smiled and said, "I don't know. I have no idea how baby's mind works and he may clash directly or may not, who knows?"

Lucy could only get back to watching Lith as she didn't get any response from Lilith and waited to see what he would do.

Lith was being watched by his mother and sister and it was the first time that the Vampire Queen watched over some war with this much interest.

Things were definitely bound to get heated and chaotic now that the Queen had her eyes over it and the two clans and the sect were obviously oblivious to it.


A/N: This is the 2/4 bonus. More bonuses will be given in a while along with normal chapter, probably within a day.

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My dear readers, you cuties have been supporting me so much, I've got some good news for you.

It's No Nut November going on and for that reason solely and to boost your morale, I am gonna release 2 chapters every single day and and and, there's a discount going on in privilege tier 2 and 3.

Prices for tier 2 and 3 have been halved :]

As for the lads in the latest chapter, that is, 5th tier, don't be disheartened or worry because I've got something for you as well haha!

The guys in the 5th tier, you can now get a monthly membership for free from me by doing just one thing:


The one who comments the most by the end of the week shall get an email id from me that has a monthly membership in it!

Don't miss this opportunity and comment your hearts out. There will be one winner every week of the month and in case two people tie up, both will get the reward ;))

Also, this just doesn't end here.

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More rewards will be updated later on.

There's rewards for everyone, be it the ones using fastpass or the privilege readers, fret not.

Have a good day everyone and if you have any doubts, comment and ask, or text me on discord, bye-bye :wave:

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