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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 178 - Explanation And Tutorial (II)
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"The game is not just pure combat and pure PVP. All players can enjoy the game like if you want to become a blacksmith, you can become one. If you want to create food, there is that too. Want to invent machines and different items? The Inventor ex job is available too and many more. There is no limit to how many ways you can play the game so I am not worried about the leveling thing. I am not obsessed with getting the highest level anyway."

"May I ask your level right now, Manato? I just became level 89 during the last battle against the boss so I am wondering what is your current level."


"Level 100," I immediately replied.

This caused the two who taught leveling is hard for a Versatile.

"Wha? Level 100?! Isn't that really high already? There are only a few people who hit level 100 and as a Versatile class, that is just absurd!"

"The level requirement spike is really high to break it through level 101. All I can say is that I needed more than what a normal player needed to break the barrier of level 100 and proceed to the next level. Also, with all things needed to be explored in the game, I don't think farming experience is hard at all."

"You can say that because you like grinding. For those people who don't like grinding, that is just pure hell. But I am not a guy who cares about levels, I want to take everything leisurely and take what the game offers."

Janus stopped and started thinking for a bit. Since he was in his own mode, I look back at Riko and decided to tell her about the ability to use magic. That way, I can at least give her a basic idea of this. Not only that, if I ever fail her to stop from the path where she was going to die, then get the ability to use magic might be my only emergency option for her to remain safe.

"Riko, since you are curious about how I gained the ability, then I will help you awaken yours. Since you have already played the game for quite a while, then I can help you with it. That is if you wanted to."

"I can also use magic?!" Riko's eyes gleamed up.

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"In theory yes. I have not done this and I am assuming this only so don't expect you would also gain the ability to use magic like me."

"Even if it is just a theory, I will not lose anything if I try it. Help me awaken it!"

I grinned since I finally got Riko to agree. Although it was not on my plan to introduce her to this, I might be able to at least change a small fraction of the future that will happen. Besides, awakening them is not a problem because this is how someone should also awaken their abilities if ever they have difficulties achieving that on their own.


My forefinger lit up due to the mana I conjured and cover in my hands. It is a small amount but this amount is enough to start a mana circulation to a body that has yet to awaken its latent mana. With mana injected into someone, their mana will also trigger its awakening, helping them gain the ability to use magic.

"It's done."

After the awakening process, I can sense that Riko's latent mana has finally awakened and is now flowing in her body. It was still weak but if she trains it, it won't be long before it is dense enough for her to properly use magic without a problem.

"Your mana has finally been released from its shackles and is now ready to be trained."

"Are you sure, Manato? I don't think anything changed aside from the time you did something that caused a tingling sensation."

"Yes. Your body has already been awakened. You still haven't properly controlled your mana yet that is why you still can't feel it and you still think nothing happened. You also can't use magic yet since your mana is still unstable. Try to meditate and let the mana flow into your body and make it like it is part of your body since you were born."

"I don't really get it but I think I needed to train like a monk or something?"

"No, not exactly. You only needed to meditate and try to keep the mana in control. If you don't..."

"If I don't...? Gulp..."

"If you don't train... then nothing will happen. You can't use your magic and anything fancy like how I do. Nothing at all. What... are you expecting something else?"

"Huh? That's it? Nothing fancy like power will leak out and goes berserk or something?"

"Are you on drugs or something? That only happens in cultivation s and other stuff, why are you comparing them with this?"

"Ugh...boring. I want some challenge or something."

I can only shake my head. Riko really likes to find thrill even if it is something dangerous or not.

"Riko!" Janus opened his eyes and immediately calls out to Riko.

"Whoa, slow down there. I am sitting right next to you, you don't need to shout," Riko then pushed Janus slightly away from her since he just gets too close.

"Whoops, sorry. Anyways, I wanted to play this game right now. I heard it is good but I have zero savings to buy the cabin. So if you want to let me borrow the cabin, I will happily take it!"

"Yeah, I can do that. However, are you sure you will be alright? The Cabin might be heavy but it is expensive. Some people will surely try to take the cabin off of your hands especially where you were living right now."

"Of course I can't play there. I need to find a new place to live in. That place is just full of trouble I don't want to get involved in. That is why I will have to ask Manato I will crash here for a while."

"Wait, what?!" I was taken aback and didn't expect what Janus was saying. "What do you mean you will "crash" here for a while?!"

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"Exactly what I just said. I will be living here for a while until I get a good place to transfer. I also lack enough money to rent and I heard Alternate World has a currency exchange, in that case, I will try making money in the game then!"

"Did I say I agreed?!"

"Just let him be, Manato. I was honestly helping him find a good apartment but without luck since most of the apartments that are vacant are either very inconvenient or rather accompanied with trouble. Your mansion doesn't have many neighbors and is a pretty developed area. Also, this house is pretty big that this is place is not noisy enough. You need to at least bring him in and give some noise to this place. It would become too creepy if you don't."


"Pretty please, Manato. You are the only one I can ask for help. Riko already helped me and I can't obviously crash in her house especially with her parents there. I also can't find a good place to rent either so if I don't find a place to crash for the night, then I would be sleeping in the streets as a result."

I scratch my head since this is not what I expected. Janus eventually found a good place to rent with the help of Riko during this time so I am quite sure he would still be able to find the place he needed to be, however, a little point suddenly emerged in my mind.

If Janus is just near me, then his suicide will be thwarted as a result in the future due to the change of things that will lead to that scene in the future. Also, I am not someone who would just abandon someone. Janus is one of the friends I would trust in my secret and will watch my back without hesitation. Just like Riko, I want him to also live peacefully and happily. He is too young to die.

"Fine, fine. You can use that room on the second floor at the very end of the hallway."

"You serious Manato?! Really! Holy sh*t! I am so happy right now I can kiss you!"

"F*CK! GET OFF ME! I don't swing that way! You are giving me the creeps!"

"Damn, that was just a figure of speech man, chill. I don't want to sully my lips too, I want to get a kiss on a beautiful gal. In fact, I won't min kissing Riko right now since she helped me a lot."

"You can kiss goodbye to your lips if you do that, pervert."

I can only grin after seeing this scene with them. It's been so long that I feel so old already. The last time I was with them in the past timeline was when I was mourning in front of their coffins.