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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 219 - Healing Magic
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(The following chapter contains brutal depictions of cruelty. Read at your own risk.)

With Dr. Katakura's permanent death, we proceed further and deeper into the underground laboratory in search of my father. Although Dr. Katakura denies the allegations of his involvement with the disappearance of my father, I am still not convinced he was not involved at all.

The only way for me to confirm my suspicion is to dwell deeper in this place. Since this place still continues a lot deeper than where we are, my only choice is to explore further.

Then, we arrived in a grand hall where noises of different people are currently cheering. It was an odd cheer since we are in a dark underground laboratory where different hostile creatures that are the result of mad experiments dwell. But why are there some cheering voices?

"Do you know this place Kurai?" I asked.

"No. This is the first time I have visited this place. I am not familiar with this area as I have not reached this far when the doctors lead me somewhere. I can't help you with this one, I am sorry," Kurai said.

"No worries. I am just trying to know whether you know something about this place."

Kurai has no idea either so it is only up to me to know what is going on in this place. I stare at the big door of this room. It is quite big that it is taller than me. It is also very wide that this door resembles a door in a theater. The cheering seems to get louder and louder that I am not sure anymore. Since I am unsure of whatever is happening inside and my intuition is making me want to open this door, I decided to follow the urge and kick it open.


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The large door was forcefully opened and the scene before me made my blood boil. What I am seeing is a theater-looking place, a lot of men and women holding opera glasses or theater binoculars, while admiring the situation happening on the stage. What was happening on the stage is what makes my blood boil.

A woman who was stripped naked and was strapped all in fours was currently squirming and screaming as a man wearing a mask on his face was holding an electric hand saw. From the looks of it, he was about to use it on the girl but was interrupted with my intentional way of barging in.

"Who are you and why are you interrupting the show?!" the one holding a microphone frowned and is trying to know why I suddenly caused a ruckus.

However, I didn't say anything and materialize my weapon. In the split second, before it fully materializes, the form of the Versatile Weapon changed into a hook and chain and before anyone can react, I throw the hook to the man holding an electric hand saw and pulled him towards me. He was startled so he didn't get a chance to stop my attack and was immediately dragged by my hook and chain. He was still in the middle of being pulled when I changed the form of the weapon again while he is about to reach me.

"You all disgust me."


One cut and his life were over. His head separated from the body and was sent flying straight to the crowd. The severed head landed on a woman who was not paying attention to the ruckus and was still focused on the stage. She was startled when something landed on her lap and why everyone around her suddenly started screaming.

She took off her theater binoculars and looked at the thing that landed on her lap, revealing the decapitated head of the man holding the hand saw earlier.


The people around went into a frenzy and they all tried to go out of the room. However, before they can even escape, a big black cat appeared before them, ready to pounce on anyone ready to escape.

"You bastards, will not live past until today! I will now warrant all of you the death sentence!"

A split second passed by and countless different heads were lopped off in split second. The rage of a young man, which is currently me who lost control of my bearings, killed people without care whether they are male or female as long as they are inside the place and enjoying what is happening.

Kurai can only watch as the massacre occurred. In a few seconds, of screams and cries for help, the theater is no longer noisy and a single person was left behind standing. That's me.

I left the Master of Ceremonies alive as I need someone to explain to me what is happening. However, he seemed too terrified and seemed to have already gone crazy from what he just witnessed. Seeing him useless, I changed my weapon into a gun and shoot him in the head.

Once the situation was over, I materialized my weapon and rushed towards the naked woman that was strapped over the metal platform. If my assumption is correct, they are about to skin her alive or even cut off part of her body as a means of twisted entertainment for them.

Once she was free from her shackles, she cried hugging me, shivering in fear. I grab the patient gown that I assume to be her clothes before she was strapped on the platform and cover her naked body.

"Don't worry, you are safe now."

"P-please, save the others as well..." she cried.

I nodded and look at the side. I saw a small platform similar to the one that the naked girl was strapped on. On it is also a woman in her 30s. However, it seems I am too late for that since she is already dead. She will not survive with how they skinned her alive.

There are also pile of dead bodies in the area too. I can only shake my head seeing the scene before me. I didn't arrive much earlier and failed to save them. I return to the shivering girl since she knows where the others are.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Lead me to the others who have not yet been tortured."

Although she is still shivering, she stood up and beckons me to follow her. When I arrived at the back, I saw her rush into another girl who is currently on a table. I shook my head seeing her limbs were cut and was barely attached to her body. She is still alive but due to the severe blood loss from her wounds, she is dying.

I can't bear to look at her like this. This forces me to forcefully visualize the healing magic and allow my consciousness to awaken. Although I am not sure if this is how it was to awaken the healing magic, I have to do it. I forcefully use my mana to awaken my healing abilities.

This is not an easy feat but I have to do it. If this magic can save her, then I have to do it. Just to make sure that she can still survive.


Burning pain suddenly crawl on my arm. It was so painful that I am ready to shake it off but for some reason, I can't. However, I forcefully do it and aimed my hands at the dying girl.


A bright green light appeared before my eyes and engulfed the dying girl. I concentrated and made sure that my mana can penetrate her body and repair the tissues destroyed and reattach them to where they rightfully belong.

It took a few minutes before her body stopped glowing and when she emerged again, all of her limbs that were dangling or cut off were back again to normal. It was as if it was attached like glue. The dying girl lost consciousness but she was still alive.

The other girl cried as she hugged the girl who was dying before. Although I am tired, my eyes wandered around the areas and looked at the cages containing people with bindings on them. The majority of them are female and some children. But there are also some men inside of them. One of them is the most familiar man and the one I am looking for. My father was among them, tied up, and was currently inside the cage-like livestock ready to be slaughtered. I wanted to go to my father but it seems like my consciousness is failing me too.

Due to me forcefully awakening and learning a complicated spell that I have not learned naturally, it caused a lot of backlash to me. And even though I learned it, the "punishment" for doing it in force is losing all of my bearings on what is happening. The last thing I knew is my body collapsing on the floor and the voice of Kurai calling to me.. However, it was only a faint call that I no longer know if she was still calling me or not.