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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 222 - Unfinished Business (III): Necromancer Legacy
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All of our magicians started to chant their spells as the horde of skeletons and the zombies started to pile up.

"Are you guys done yet?! I am having a hard time dealing with these bastards! Urgh!" Iron shouted as he bashes a few of the skeletons with his shield, breaking them to pieces.

"Almost there! Hang in there guys!"

I provided support to everyone by healing them and also casting [Heal] on enemies, which is very potent against the undead enemies. I also summoned a few skeletons since the Marshlands of the Damned is a place full of those corpses, ready to be reanimated on my own but they are far too weak compared to the skeletons that naturally spawn in here. Also, I can't join in unleashing heavy magic too with the other magicians as those spells are also needed some casting time, and just like them, I have to focus on it so that it can be unleashed and I cannot be interrupted. Since we lack healing support with Hagane currently not offline, I have to fill that spot and take the role of supporter medic and a support DPS from time to time.

"We are ready guys! We can unleash the blast as soon as you signal us!" Dolly shouted. I look at them and the other two are also ready to unleash the blast too.

"Alright! Defenders, clear from the blast point! Once we blast through, run into the trail of the spells!"

Everyone nodded and the three released their spells to the bunch of zombies and skeletons, causing them to explode and clear off the way for us.


It was a very fast kill, allowing to clear out the whole road and free of enemies. Our chance finally presented itself.

"Let's go, let's go! Disregard those enemies on the side and focus on defeating the ones that try to block our way!"

Everyone started running and if an undead or a skeleton tried to block or spawn right in front of us, anyone from us would immediately deflect them away from the road and continue to move.

Then, not too far from us, I saw a mansion not too far us. There is a small wet marsh that would slow our movement speed if we proceed but since it is water and soil, creating the marshlands dividing the marshland and the mansion, I found a way to cross it safely and reach the mansion.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Let me through guys! I will freeze the marsh so that we can proceed!"

The others allowed me to proceed first. When I arrived, I quickly cast the [Freeze] magic and started to freeze a small pathway to the marsh.

"Alright! Go!"

Seeing the ice pathway I made from the marsh's mud, they quickly make their way towards the mansion using the ice pathway. The skeletons and zombies are just behind us and are all chasing us. There is no way to defeat them without staying there for days so the only way for us is to escape the place.

With the help of the ice bridge, everyone managed to cross safely. Seeing them managed to cross the marsh without sinking to its murky mud, I also cross the ice path. But I didn't just cross it, I also started to melt the ice bridge I passed by. That way, the zombies and skeletons would get stuck in the murky mud.

Due to that, the skeletons didn't even manage to arrive at the mansion and sink right into the mud. Despite not showing intelligence, the skeletons seem to be aware that they can't chase us anymore so after the first batch fall into the murky mud, they all give up and return to where they came from before.

"Looks like they all give up now," I sighed in relief.

"Ugh... if only I can get all of my abilities, I would have taken care of all of them in one go! Damn it!" Lucia is frustrated.

"Don't worry, we will have plenty of time raising your level so be patient."

"Yes, yes. I know, it's just a little bit frustrating. Don't worry about me."

I look around the mansion's surroundings. From what I remembered during the video, this mansion is a safe haven area since monsters won't spawn or even approach this place, officially making this place an area where players can rest after fighting against the undead. Not only that, it seems all of the damages you have incurred from any battle, will heal while staying here. It is a great place to rest.

"What is this place, Master?" Atlas asked while caressing a pillar with strange engravings on it. For the first time, he is fascinated looking around the place even though he usually has no interest in things that is related to architecture so even he, was surprised at how fascinated he was in here.

"I don't know. This is the first time I have arrived here due to the help of everyone so I am also not sure either," I answered.

The exploration team in the past timeline also explored this place but it was similar to a church in its interior. There's nothing inside the mansion but broken things that already decayed due to its old age. Aside from that, there are also skeletons that were embedded on the walls. But they do not come out so it is safe to say they are just decorations.

Still, my exploration senses wanted to dive deep here, and see it for myself. It does not beat real-time exploration other than an exploration done only by watching a video.

"Let's take a look inside and see for ourselves."

Everyone nodded and we went into the mansion's door, opening it. A smell of dust wafted through the air and some sort of antique smell welcomed us. Similar to what the video in the past timeline, everything here looks exactly the same.

But as soon as I fully entered the mansion, a notification popped out on my interface.

[Necromancer Legacy]

[One of your professions, Necromancer has been detected. Legacy quest for the Necromancer class has been unlocked. Completing the Legacy Quest will allow you to upgrade your Necromancer job into Overlord of the Dead. Your main class, Versatile will not be affected by this change.]

Accept the Legacy Quest?


Before I can even properly understand what is happening, a familiar voice resounded over the mansion.

"It seems you have finally come, young man. And it seems you have also collected quite a number of souls than expected. Not bad, not bad at all."

Everyone immediately went to high alert when they heard someone's voice.

"An enemy?!" Dolly immediately went to battle stance, ready to conjure magic.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Everyone, do not panic. I am not an enemy. I came here with no ill intention. Please lower your guards," the owner of the voice appeared from the grand staircase in front of us, descending like a gentleman.

"Ah! Isn't that guy the Lich King we met on that dungeon dive we had, Master?" Lina immediately noticed.

"Oh, it looks like you still remember me, huh? Good, good. You score 10 points to me," he said before he arrived, allowing everyone who have not seen him finally sees who was talking.

"A lich?! That is a very powerful entity! We are no match for him!" Goro didn't expect to see a lich with a domineering aura like the Lich King so I guess he is afraid.

"Welcome everyone. I am known as the Knight Lich King by everyone even though I am not even a king. I am just a normal knight who managed to get the ability to become a lich. Whoever dubbed me with a title like King this must be dumb enough to mistake me as one. But I am not going to keep ostracizing whoever gave me this title. It seems like you guys have stumbled here huh?"

"Although we stumbled here, we are also not just randomly exploring since my target is to find you in the Marshlands of the Damned and complete the quest."

"Yes, I know you are here for that. But, what took you so long though? It's been a while since we last met. I even thought you gave up on the quest," the Knight Lich King said with a sad tone.

"Uh... if you just stayed there, I might have already accomplished tasks there too but you disappeared after clearing the quest. Since you are a Lich, I assume you are here and I am right."

"You know this undead guy, Bladeheart? Is he a monster or something?" she asked,

"No... this is one of the first story-related quests I received during the beginning. He is the NPC that has given me the quest."

"You must be one of his companions. I greet you, young lady. I may look like this but I am not a harmful individual. I don't kill people without any reasonable reason. Besides, your friend here who received my quest is pretty strong now, I don't think I can easily harm you with him here. Not only that, but some people here are also pretty strong."

"An intelligent NPC? That's amazing! You are like Queen Tanya!"

"Oh? Queen Tanya? She is finally a queen huh? I didn't expect that development!"

I frowned when I heard the Knight Lich King said that, does he have some sort of connection to Queen Tanya that I am not aware of?