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Versatile: Alternate World

Chapter 240 - Solo Guild War (I)
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There are lots of misconceptions about guild wars. People thought that a guild war can only be done if a player has a guild they belong in. However, that is not a necessary thing. Anyone can declare a guild war on an existing guild as long as they destroy the flag of the guild that is placed on the top of the guild's headquarters.

So, what is the purpose of a guild war? That depends on the situation. The guild that got a declaration of guild war from an individual or a guild will be given an allocated amount of time to prepare for the attack which is usually around 4 hours after the guild flag was destroyed.

What are the risks that will be lost from this guild war if one side lost? The guild that suffered a loss against an enemy will lose the buff of their guild headquarters, they have to fix their guild house and they will also have a resource loss in the process. There is also an extreme outcome where the loser guild will have to disband the guild in the process. As for the winners, the buff that they receive before in their guild house will temporarily increase and the resources they have will also increase. Not only that but the guild will also gain a shield of Invincibility for a month that will prevent any guild to declare war on it.

However, I am a player who will not just let an enemy go. Since this guild just put a bounty on me, that means that I am a target to be hunted and it looks like they are planning to reduce my level back to level 0.. I can also do that to them but I am not cruel enough to them who is just taking revenge on me. It all depends on the response of their guild leader. If I like the outcome, then I might change my mind.

I went back to my mansion with Leona and waited for the allocated time that the guild needed to prepare for the guild war. I can't attack them if they are still in preparation mode.

In the mansion, Dolly is already there alongside the two siblings.

"What did you just do, Bladeheart? Do you even know what a Guild War is? You are at a very big disadvantage against a guild!"

"I know what I am doing Dolly. Don't worry about me too much."

"It's not a good thing Bladeheart! Do you want me to back you up? The siblings are also in agreement with me and wanted to help out as well!" Dolly said and looked at the two who nodded in response.

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"No, you guys shouldn't be involved in this affair. The battle between the Skull Guild and me shouldn't involve other people who are not even part of the conflict. No worries, I can handle things by myself."

"Are you trying to solo things again? At least you should have involved us in this!"

"Nah, this time, it is a trivial matter, and even if I involved you all guys, you guys will have little things to do and no gains from this. Not only that, you will gain hate from other players too. So if you think I am unreasonable for not including you guys, that would be the best for all of you to play the game peacefully."

Dolly did not have any words to talk back to me about it. I gave a reasonable reason for them to not participate and due to this, they don't have a choice.

"So what will you do? Is there anything we can do to help you on this matter?"

"Yes, and although this will not be related to fighting the Skull Guild, I need intel about them, how they operate, how many members they have, and who is the Guild leader."

Dolly's eyes lit up when she heard those and she quickly perked up.

"Ah, I already have some info on them, and although it's not a complete one, I can say that this is authentic info about the Skull Guild. You won't go wrong with it."

Dolly proceed to give me details on it. Since she got a lot of info on it, I quickly summarize things in my mind so that I won't get confused.

First, the guild leader is a player named Amyrose. I heard of this name in the past timeline but only due to some controversies about some guilds. It's not really one of the well-known names in the game so there are only a limited amount of things I know about her.

According to Dolly, Amyrose put a bounty on me due to the incident of the guy that challenged me in the arena with a death match. Apparently, that guy was her brother who co-founded the guild with her. Due to the incident in the arena and due to how it was published on the public internet where many players so get wrecked and how he yield and flee like a coward, she wanted to take revenge and avenge her brother's humiliation.

The guild members are not that numerous compared to the big three guilds but they are still plenty enough. They have at least around 50 members in the guild. The amount is a bit on the small side but that is not something I would go easy with. No matter how small the number of people in their guild, it is still not a laughing matter for me since I have to do things all alone.

There's nothing for me to prepare other than some potions but other than that, there isn't much for me to prepare things. My equipment is already optimized, the skills I have are already the maximum amount I can learn at the moment, the only thing left for me to do is to wait for the right time.

"Might as well take a little nap."



On the other hand, inside the Main Headquarters of the Skull Guild...

The players are now doing all of what they can do after the announcement. Since they can't avoid this confrontation, they have to prepare for the battle. Although there are lots of them that are preparing, there are some who are confused on why they should prepare even though the one who challenged them is just a single person.

"Why are you guys panicking in preparing things? It's not like we are facing against an entire guild, it's just a single person!"

"You are an idiot aren't you? This guy is clearly aware of that matter and yet he still declared war against us! That means he is confident to take us down!"

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"Then how about we kill him by ambush or something similar?"

"You didn't hear the news right? That guy who declared war against us was the one who has a big bounty given by our guild leader herself. Afterward, a few of our members tried to take him out and tried to ambush him outside the city. They brought 10 people with them and during the confrontation, none make it back alive!"

"Boy, are you exaggerating or something? Isn't that impossible? I mean, there are 10 people who lay an ambush against him. There should at least have a few who managed to run away right?"



Amyrose has a huge frown on her face. Right now, she is talking to her brother, Odaka who got clapped so hard by Bladeheart.

"So what you are trying to say is that this guy that we have a big bounty with is not just an easy guy we can fight against?"

"Yes, sister. Also, this is my fault too since I didn't know I challenged someone who is too strong for me. I thought he was a weak guy due to how low-level-looking his equipment is. Also, I also thought he was a magician since he is wearing a robe for a magician. But who would have thought he can have a sword with him and is capable of moving so fast."

"You are not the one at fault in here. He shouldn't have humiliated you in front of many people. I don't want anyone who bullies my brother to get away with this."

"Sister, please, I know you are eager to do this but please, don't make this worse. I beg you, this guy is not so simple. Don't underestimate him!"

"You don't believe your sister's strength and everyone's strength at all? If we stick together, no one can defeat us!"

Odaka can only stay quiet. Her sister might be confident but he can feel that this is going to be not a simple thing that will end without incident. He might have faced against Bladeheart for just a small span of time but he is quite sure that Bladeheart will not just go down so easily and get killed by anyone. He has more doubts about everyone managing to kill him successfully and their guild winning than Bladeheart losing on the fight.