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Virtual World: Peerless White Emperor

Chapter 323: Little Blue Feather
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Ye Cang looked at the falcon which was getting up. Magic attacks were firmly blocked by that swirling wind. They needed an attack with especially strong penetrative power. He pulled out his mini ballista once again. At the same time, he summoned his shadow heavy crossbow. The queen and king bee bolts were ready.

Ye Cang’s condensed energy for a meteor shot. The falcon had gotten up, and was feeling rather happy, when suddenly two ballista sized bolts pierced the hurricane winds, and stabbed into it. Terrifying damage erupted, as the poisons damage burst out all at once. A pained and mournful falcon cry echoed through the mountain range. The fierce wall of wind dispersed.

Ye Cang put away his ballista. Realising that its poison resistance wasn’t high. He pulled out his longbow and used Acid Sting. It hit its target in a flash. The Acid Spray that he was casting also spurt out of his hand, onto it’s face, causing it to emit a cyan colored smoke.

Everyone continued their attack. The falcon swung its wings about in confusing, sending cold winds blowing every-which-way. Wu Na gloomily thought about how a random wave of it’s wing was one of her main spells, Chilling Wind, an aoe slowing spell. Although the damage was just mediocre, but it’s important point was it’s short cast time, decent area, and it’s slow. It was a spell every ice specialized mage would have and use.

FrozenCloud became an incredibly nimble silhouette. She had activated her finishing combo - Mountain-Cat Strike. The final strike managed to paralyse it. It work so smoothly because the falcon had already entered a weakened state. When Mountain-Cat Strike’s paralysis ended, Ye Cang’s Acid String’s effect had ended and successfully triggered another paralysis. Finally, the falcon unwillingly fell.

“Congratulations, you’ve slain the rare Cyan Eyed Falcon. Received 3025 experience.”

“I’ll loot it…” Ye Cang didn’t even finish speaking before Lin Le habitually looted the corpse. “Brother Lil’White, we got 3 items.”

SpyingBlade sighed in relief. He looked at Lele gratefully. They had completely avoided the insanity this time and protected everyone’s hard work.

“Lele…” Ye Cang gnashed his teeth. Lin Le’s ahoge stood erect, and he suddenly turned and pointed to Little Ye Tian. “Brother Lil’White, Little Tian told me to! It’s not my fault…”

“You! Father, it wasn’t me. He’s framing me…” Little Tian saw Ye Cang looking over and quickly clarified.

“Brother Lil’White, see how she can’t even speak properly. Clearly she’s panicked. Lele isn’t lying.” Lin Le’s ahoge wagged as he said seriously. FrozenCloud’s mouth hung wide open. Lele was pretty gifted when it came to framing others. Recalling her defeat when they had gone fishing, especially that harmless appearance he put up. What do you mean something is wrong with my fish and that you would help me look. If you’re going to steal it just take it, but did you have to point at me and mock…

Ye Cang looked at Little Ye Tian and sighed. His eyes held traces of disappointment and forgiveness, making Little Ye Tian even more depressed. She glared at Lin Le. Stinking Lele! Damn Traitor! Always framing me! Always tattling to father! She pointed a trembling finger. While Ye Cang was looking away, Lin Le quickly made a face at her. The angry Little Ye Tian had reached her limit. She stood there staring at him, unable to say anything.

“……” Everyone watching from the side all broke out in cold sweat.

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“Cough cough, what dropped?” SpyingBlade broke out of his daze and looked at the ‘guardian’ who had his back to the ‘children’.

“A wind skillbook - Razor Wind, a white feather cape, and a ring.” Ye Cang said, sharing the stats.

Razor Wind: Chant 1 a segment (instant) to send 3 compressed razor like winds, each dealing 25 damage. Cooldown: 3 minutes.

Cyan Eyed Falcon Feather Cape (Gold - Uncommon)

Category: Cape

Requirements: 80 Intelligence, 65 Wisdom

+10 Defence

+15 Intelligence

+12 Wisdom

+10% Wind Damage

+9 Spell Power

Recover 1 mana every 10 seconds.

Cyan Eye Ring (Gold - Uncommon)

Category: Ring

Requirements: none

+22 Dexterity

+5% Speed

+6 Damage

+25 Armor Penetration

+15 Will

Cyan Eye Ring (Passive): Ignore 10% armor.

SpyingBlade saw that all three were top quality items, and it had actually dropped 2 gold equipment! The cape increased wind damage by a percentage. The only one who it was fit for would be that mage called Nana. As for the ring, he would definitely have to get it. That massive 22 dexterity! It even had speed, damage, and armor penetration. The passive ability made him even more reluctant to part with it. This ring’s stats were skewed to one extreme. The best choices to use it were himself and that scum.

“The skillbook and cape all go to Nana, no problem right?” Ye Cang looked at everyone, waiting for any objections. When no one spoke up, he directly gave them to Wu Na. Wu Na quickly learned the skill and draped the beautiful feather cape over her shoulders. She could now be considered a powerful member of their party! A dark gold staff! A gold cape! She happily thought of how even the temptress still only used a gold quality weapon. Although his gold weapon’s attributes weren’t much worse than a dark gold one, perhaps even better, afterall, it was dropped by an overleveled boss from hell, a super top quality gold item. But even with the difference in equipment, if she were to go up against the temptress, she would probably be KO’ed in two moves. Recalling how Ye Cang and that temptress had stared into eachother’s eyes, her heart began to ache.

“The ring, about the ring, I’ll take it. There should be no problem!” Ye Cang said, about to put it on his finger. SpyingBlade quickly grabbed his hand and unhappily said, “I want it too…”

“Really, you should have said so earlier. I’ve already distributed it and now you tell me? So, Rock Paper Scissors?” Ye Cang sighed, acting rather despicably. SpyingBlade’s chest tightened. He took a deep breath. He was someone with self-control. “Rock Paper Scissors it is then.”

“Rock, Paper, Scissors…” Ye Cang sneered with his hand behind his back. SpyingBlade squinted also with his hand behind him. When the final syllable of scissors came out, they both swung their hands out. SpyingBlade saw that Ye Cang’s hand was scissors, but didn’t trust it. At any time, he could open his hand up to become paper, or retract the two finger and become rock. He himself had his hand clenched showing rock. He could, at any moment, turn it into scissors or paper. If the enemy doesn’t move I won’t move. Once the enemy acts, I’ll react.

Ye Cang realised that SpyingBlade had learned that the essence of Rock Paper Scissors is in observation and judgement. For a normal person, it might be dependent on luck, and a bit of judgement, but for people at their levels, they could change their hand in a moment, fast enough to be undetectable. He never thought that the degenerate also knew how. He was currently showing a rock, but what about his final choice? He decided to test him out. In this short time of only 0.1 seconds, Ye Cang changed his scissors into a rock and watched SpyingBlade open his hand into paper. Ye Cang once again changed to scissors, and SpyingBlade reacted. In the end, they ended up with rock vs rock. Ye Cang appraised SpyingBlade. Not bad, he chose to take a draw, using the easiest transformation to rock.

SpyingBlade faintly frown. He had nearly been tricked. This guy’s rock paper scissors wasn’t a normal game. Scheming, Reaction, Judgement, all were needed. He then looked at the foolish Lin Le. How does he do it? If Lin Le were to answer, his answer would be a serious ‘I don’t know’ or he would point to his ahoge ‘I have a radar’ or something like that…

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FrozenCloud broke out in cold sweat. They were turning rock paper scissors into such a complicated game. Those reflexes were impossible for her. To, in a moment, transform into countless hand signs in response to the opponents, this required divine reflexes and vision.

Ye Cang tossed the ring to SpyingBlade. “You can have it, the next one is mine.”

SpyingBlade hesitated, then put on the ring and nodded. “Ok…”

SpyingBlade had thought it over. This ring, looking at the attributes, was comparable to a dark gold ring. Of course, compared to a dark gold ring, it would have less properties, but the extreme attributes made up for it in value. Since Ye Cang had passed for him, giving up the next one was not a bad idea. Mutual profit was what kept a team together.

Ye Cang perfectly dismember the falcon’s body. SpyingBlade sighed at Ye Cang butchering the falcon without concealing his skill. Zhang ZhengXiong thought of a phrase that perfectly described Ye Cang’s ability to butcher corpses and people - Pao Ding butchering an oxe1…

“Team leader, don’t we have an egg? Try and use your taming skill…” FrozenCloud was more interested in this. It should be known that he was perhaps the only one who could tame a pet at this point in the game, even though he didn’t really want to. He would rather kill, dismember, then cook up biochemical weapons.

“Still taming? It was already a pity that we didn’t get to eat Little Ration, let’s turn this one into Egg Drop Soup.” Ye Cang’s ill intentioned words made Wu Na walk over and force him to begin taming. Ye Cang took out a magic crystal and used his taming skill, making the egg glow. The egg began to shake. The light blue light of the magic crystal was being absorbed by the egg, and finally, the eggshell began to crack. A white chick broke out of the shell, and chirped. The chick was a newborn, so the three feathers on it’s forehead were just starting to form. The two on the outside were pure white, while the one in the middle was a light blue. The chick, while being watched by everyone, ate up the eggshells and drank the juices, and quickly grew up into a young bird. It’s now long crest was beautiful and graceful.

Even Ye Cang found it pretty, and felt somewhat moved. He turned and looked at his pet that was returning after running far away to cheer. It sometimes even ran kilometers were. The moment battle ended, it would come back to mooch off the experience. It was level 10 now, but it couldn’t do sh*t. He wanted to raise something more capable. A falcon was definitely a pretty good choice, let alone one so beautiful. He quickly made it his own while everyone was fighting over it. He put it on his shoulder, and lightly caressed the feathers on its head. “Little Blue Feather…”

“Didn’t you say you were going to turn it into egg drop soup?” Wu Na smiled when she saw Ye Cang’s loving expression.

“Yeah, team leader, your actions don’t match your words.” FrozenCloud teased.

“Little Blue Feather, remember those two faces. Those are bad people…” Ye Cang said seriously to the little bird.

“Bad people, bad people!” The little falcon repeated, like a parrot.

“……” Everyone froze. Was this really a falcon? You sure it isn’t a parrot?

Ye Cang nodded, satisfied. As expected of a bird raised by me.

1: Story of a very skilled butcher.