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Void Evolution System

Chapter 220: Next Stop [2]
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"We've arrived. Welcome to my White Dragon Grotto."


Damien could only muster a surprised sound when he heard the man speak. After all, even if he had his memories, he could only remember them as he was.

Basically, his memories were filled with an embarrassing rage-filled temper tantrum where everything was drowned out besides his desire to kill the Incarnate Snow Beast King. He was still entirely confused about the current situation.

Without any other choice, he shot a helpless look towards Ruyue, who wryly smiled at his behavior. Then, she gave a brief rundown of everything she knew over mana transmission.

'I see, so this guy is the so-called White Dragon King…kind of pretentious to name this place after him but I guess at the same time it isn't.'

Quickly standing up and brushing the snow off his clothes, Damien slightly bowed towards the White Dragon King. "I've embarrassed myself in front of Senior White Dragon."

But the White Dragon King was never one to care about such niceties. He lightly waved off Damien's apology and continued speaking. "Brat, don't be mistaken in thinking that I saved you because I care or because I see value in you. It's nothing like that."

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His gaze sharpened. "My White Dragon Grotto is a gathering place for all those with dragon bloodline, regardless of its purity. The only reason you were saved is because you happen to possess such a bloodline. Don't go thinking you're special or unique."

Damien sighed lightly. He couldn't say that he didn't think he was special, but he didn't refute the White Dragon King. In situations like this, it would be stupid to expect that he would always be saved by a higher power. Damien couldn't help but admit that his move earlier was as foolish as it could get.

Seeing the slightly melancholic look on Damien's face, the White Dragon King smiled. "Although you definitely shoulder the blame for your actions, it wasn't entirely your fault. A part of it was due to the fact that you haven't fully tamed that bloodline of yours."

Spreading his arms, he smiled once more. "And that is the purpose of this White Dragon Grotto. To bring those fledglings who, by luck or skill, obtained the legacy of dragons, and to raise them into beings that can proudly proclaim their race."

He waved his arm slightly, motioning Damien and Ruyue to follow him, before walking forward and disappearing into the side of the mountain that was in front of them.

Glancing at each other for a second, the duo nodded before following after him.

In fact, the area they were standing at previously was only a barren area of the mountain that was simply a snowy wasteland. It was part of the reason for Damien's confusion when they landed.

When the White Dragon King literally walked into the side of the mountain, he couldn't help but be surprised. After all, if the area was an illusion, he should've seen through it. This could only mean that it was some sort of expertly crafted physical concealment.

Neither Damien nor Ruyue was able to make heads or tails of how it was done.

When they finally made their way through the wall, their ears were suddenly barraged by a myriad of ear-shattering and earth-shaking roars coming from all sides. None of them were directed at the duo, but the sheer collective sound of them all was enough to shatter the eardrums of those weaker.

After taking a second to get used to the roars, as well as to marvel at the fact that the barrier in the mountainside made it so none of it was audible from the outside, they finally got the chance to look around.

The area that should've been a cavern was actually open air, clearly receiving the warmth of sunlight and the fresh air of the outside world through some unknown means. As for its size, it was similar to a massive city, only, the area was built with countless arenas and barely any living quarters.

Each of these arenas was currently occupied by a myriad of dragons and draconic species, with some even looking relatively humanoid.

There were even a few that looked like genuine humans among the batches.

All of them were either watching the ongoing fights or partaking in them, and the fights themselves were clearly life or death.

Fatal wounds would pile up on the contestants until one of them inevitably died. And when death took them, their opponent would devour their body.

"This is the nature of White Dragon Grotto." The voice of the White Dragon King snapped them out of their dazes.

"If you are expecting a quiet and peaceful nurturing ground, it's best if you let me extract the bloodline of dragons from you, for you are unworthy of it.

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"This is a place of death and cruelty. You fight and fight until you can't fight anymore. If you win, you can absorb the bloodline of others and enhance your own, and if you die, you become food for others' growth.

"Of course, we still keep the slightest bit of fairness to maintain order. Your opponents will be those in your same class range. Anyone above or below you is off-limits. This way, there will be no cowards among us who prey on the weak and fear the strong."

Damien nodded as he followed the White Dragon King through the city. "You are not trying to build some kind of massive empire or sect, instead, you are grooming an elite force that can topple 1000 with 10."

"Hahaha! I guess you could say it like that. Though, I'm not really the leader type. I just felt a bit of pity for those of dragon lineage who aspired to ascend to the ranks of true dragons. Due to this, I created an opportunity for them.

"But as I said, I am no saint nor leader. In another sense, you could consider me a vile being. I brought all the dragonkin to one place and forced them to fight for their stay."

But Damien shook his head in denial. "As if. You say that like anyone here is reluctant to stay. Even just watching the atmosphere and thinking of the prospective rewards, my blood boils. And I have the most impure of dragon bloodlines. If these guys who have actually tasted the benefits of such an environment actually held thoughts of leaving, I'd truly disdain them."

The White Dragon King grinned. "Good! That's the kind of attitude you need to survive here at the White Dragon Grotto. Anyway, I'll bring someone to settle you guys in. After all, you can't have the king acting as an attendant, hahaha! Also, while you're a member of our grotto, just call me Senior Bai or Leader Bai. This whole White Dragon King nonsense is a bit much."

Damien nodded with a smile, shooting a look of slight admiration towards the White Dragon King. It seemed that he had a lot of good luck when it came to the seniors he met on his journey. Malcolm, Tian Yang, Senior Bai, they were all his kinds of people. He felt like they were some of the easiest to get along with.

Once again shifting his gaze towards the various bloodbaths going on, he felt the excitement in the air, the fighting spirit that permeated the atmosphere, and the dragon aura that did the same.

If he had to be honest, it was intoxicating.