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Void Evolution System

Chapter 462: Break [6]
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Tian Yang nodded and continued his previous topic.

"As you've mentioned, the Nox's Main World is not located within our 9 Sectors. We've been searching for the past 10,000 years and more, ever since the last war, but we haven't found a single trace.

"What we have found, however, are the 9 subsidiary forces that carry out the Nox's will within our universe. Within our sector, this is Niflheim.

"If it was simply a matter of traitors alone, there wouldn't be any problem with eradicating these forces outright. The problem is, each subsidiary is overseen by a Nox Demigod. Tens or hundreds of 4th class Nox are also present under that Demigod as supervisors. Only after these true-blooded Nox can we mention the countless traitors that serve them.

"Our goal this time is to finally eradicate Niflheim to its roots, securing our sector's safety during the coming war."

Silence enveloped the courtyard as Tian Yang's overview finished. The two sect masters quietly sipped their tea as they waited for Damien to process the information he was given.

'Eradicate? If it was so easy, wouldn't it have been done already? Not to mention, there's a genuine Demigod at the head of that organization. I don't know if the old man and the others are unaware or overconfident, but the power of a Demigod definitely isn't something a 4th class can match with just numbers.'

Damien rubbed his temples. If there wasn't a Demigod involved, he wouldn't doubt the chances of this plan's success.

But he had personally witnessed it in the 3000 Beast Mountain Range. The presence of a Demigod changed everything.

He immediately voiced his concerns. Tian Yang said that he would be included in this operation, but if there were no contingencies made against that Demigod, Damien had no plans of joining them in their suicide mission.

Tian Yang smiled wryly. "Calling it a suicide mission is a bit…well, it's just like you to say that. However, you are worrying needlessly. Did you really think that I, your master, was such a conceited person? Naturally, I'm aware, the only way to combat a Demigod is with another Demigod."

Damien's eyes widened. "You're saying…"

"Correct! Our Ancestor of the Jade Heavenly Palace is participating in this mission. There is no need to be worried about a puny Nox Demigod." Shangguan Yu butted in.

"The Jade Heavenly Palace…has a Demigod Ancestor?!" Damien exclaimed in shock.

Shangguan Yu shrugged as if this was a completely normal thing. "Of course we do. As a matter of fact, doesn't your Celestial Star Palace also have one? Even the Supreme Fairy Paradise and Divine Dragon Temple have a Demigod Ancestor. Why else do you think we are able to maintain our positions as the 5 Great Sects?"

Damien's mind went blank. It was truly a Shangguan Yu-like thing to do, dropping this kind of important information casually.

'To think the Cloud Plane was a place with so many Demigods…if the 5 Great Sects truly went to war with each other, the planet would be razed. No wonder the relationships between them are oddly harmonious.'

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It wasn't that there weren't power-hungry people among them, it was just that the threat of a Demigod wasn't something that could be overcome.

Damien was still a bit worried after hearing that the Jade Heavenly Palace's Ancestor would be joining them, but hearing that there were other Demigods present to guard the world, Damien's worry dissipated.

'Even if that Ancestor dies, the Cloud Plane itself will still be protected. Wait…I can just ask Yun for minor details like this. Why did I never think to do that?'

Damien sunk into his spiritual world as Shangguan Yu began bragging about the Jade Heavenly Palace Ancestor. Using the time he gained while the latter spoke about useless things, Damien connected his consciousness with Yun's.

[Greetings, Master.]

'Yeah, what's up. Anyway, there's no time for formalities. Quickly tell me about the Demigods living in the Cloud Plane.'

[Affirmative. Commencing search. Search completed. There are currently 5 Demigods residing in the world.]

'5?!' Damien gasped. According to what Shangguan Yu said earlier, the Red Lotus Sect's Ancestor already perished in the last war. Considering this, there should only be 4 Demigods in the Cloud Plane.

[Affirmative. You are already in possession of information about 4 of the aforementioned beings. Transmitting the location of the fifth.]

A stream of information flowed into Damien's spiritual world. He closed his eyes and concentrated on it.

His vision expanded suddenly. He found himself floating in the sky above the Central Continent.

'This is…!'

His eyes widened into saucers at what he saw. Hidden in the never-ending cloud layer above the continent, there was a medium-sized floating island.

His vision zoomed in on that island. But, unexpectedly, there was nothing of note to see.

It was just a normal island. Lush green grasses and flower beds strewn about, a small forest to one side, and a lake in the middle. The only real special factor of the island was the fact that it was airborne.


Damien's attention was suddenly pulled to the lake. Reflecting off its surface, he saw the outline of something man-made. His vision zoomed again, arriving at the lake.

'I wasn't hallucinating. What is a cabin doing on this floating island?'

The strangeness of the situation seemed to have impacted Damien, as he all but forgot the reason why his consciousness was pulled to this island.

As he stared at the cabin, he tried to will his consciousness forward to enter it, but he found himself blocked.

'Someone who can interfere with my power as the Star Master?'


The sound of water splashing resounded from the lake behind Damien, giving him a light scare. And following his natural human instinct, he turned around…

And almost immediately got a nosebleed.

There, in the water, was a woman whose midnight black hair flowed down her snow-white back, creating a sparking contrast that immediately drew Damien's eyes.

He traced her figure upward, especially focusing on the outline of her curves that reflected off the water. Unfortunately, the woman had her back to him, so he wasn't able to see anything more than that outline.

But it was enough to leave a deep impression in his mind.


A sudden snort rang out from behind him. Damien felt a fierce impact on the back of his head.

"Brat, have you seen enough?"

The voice was that of a woman, and a young one at that. Hearing it, Damien turned once again.

"You…you can see me?" He questioned in surprise.

"Of course I can. You actually dared to come to my island without knowing who I am?" The woman responded coldly.

Damien abruptly remembered his original purpose for coming here. "So it's you! The mysterious fifth Demigod!"

The woman snorted. "Yeah, and it's you, the newly crowned Star Master. I was planning on coming down to the secular world to see what kind of person you are for myself, but it turns out that you're just another pervert."

Damien hastily waved his hands. "Senior, don't be mistaken. I came here because I was curious about you, a Demigod who even Shangguan Yu is clueless about. You can't blame me for being distracted. It was basic human instinct to turn around when I heard a sound."

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As he spoke, he tried to quietly withdraw his consciousness and flee the island. The first impression he left on this unknown Demigod was too shabby, so it was better to try to make contact again later.

But the woman rolled her eyes and waved her hand. Immediately, Damien was pulled back, unable to leave the island. And as if nothing happened, she continued on her previous words.

"Oh? So it was just basic human instinct? Are you telling me that you weren't taken with my cute disciple just now? I can practically see the drool dripping from your mouth."

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm a married man, you know? Granted, I'm married to many, but I'm still a loyal person! How can I fall in love with just any girl I see?"

"So you really did fall in love with her! Ha, stupid brat! Don't try to fool me!"

Damien didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Didn't he just say the complete opposite of that? Why did this Demigod have such an eccentric personality?

"Hm? You're thinking something nasty, aren't you? Very well, I shall reveal your presence to my cute disciple and let her decide how to deal with you."

"Hold on, don't be hasty, we can talk this out. Anyway, peeping on your disciple was a complete accident. It's your fault for not letting me enter the cabin."

"So you're saying that I wanted you to peep on my disciple? You're saying that since my disciple has been living here in seclusion her whole life, it would be good for her to meet new people and grow more? You're saying you'll take responsibility for her?"

Now, Damien truly wanted to cry. "Aren't you the one saying those things, though? Come on, I'm in the middle of an important meeting, please let me go!"

The woman raised her brow contemptuously. "Hmph. It seems that I, an Exalted Demigod, am worth less than a few bugs. I guess leaving my disciple to you would be a mistake."

'Good!' Damien exclaimed inwardly. Even if the woman in the lake had an extraordinary figure, he didn't want to have to deal with yet another woman when he hadn't consolidated his current relationships yet.

"Senior, how about this? When I finish my business, I will come here with my main body and we can speak in depth about many things. Until then, allow me to return."

The woman narrowed her eyes. "And how can I be so certain you'll come back? Mortals are untrustworthy after all. Besides, who said I wanted you to come back at all? Don't decide on your own!"

Damien almost screamed in frustration. He really couldn't deal with this woman at all. She just implied that she wanted him to return, but in the next sentence contradicted herself so naturally. No matter how he answered, he'd lose.

'I'm just going to leave. Let's put off recruiting this Demigod until I'm mentally sane enough to cope.'

Damien retracted his consciousness from his spiritual world, and his vision of the sky island vanished at the same time.

He sighed in relief. 'Good thing she didn't pill be back this time. Haa…why are all the old people I meet so eccentric?!'

Damien shook his head wryly. 'Well, that took up more time than I wished for it to. Let's get back onto the topic of Niflheim.'