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Void Evolution System

Chapter 558: Fate [6]
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Within the ranks of the 4th class experts battling in the air was a single bloodthirsty Valkyrie. She didn't differentiate between friend and foe, her spear taking the life of anyone who came near her.

Aishia was only at the middle levels of 4th class, but her comprehensive strength was enough to kill late 4th-class beings as well. On this type of chaotic battlefield, she was nearly invincible.

Her spear twirled through the air, whipping up massive gusts of wind. She clutched it tightly with both hands, heavily thrusting forward without any sort of special technique.

"Heavenly Maiden Battle Tactics 4th Form: Suppressive Whirlwind!"

The air currents around her spear twisted into a cyclone that swirled around the tip. When she thrust out, a horizontal tornado swept through the air battlefield.

Her attack naturally didn't target a single person. She was attacking without any thought at all, putting her in a position where everyone was her enemy.

If so, it was better to attack them all at once!

After the suppressive whirlwind knocked her targets off balance, she directly went into her next attack. Her spear swept up into the sky, letting off thousands of white spear lights that encompassed the battlefield.




The spear lights pierced through many people. Those who weren't paying attention were directly killed, while others were killed by third parties while attempting to block the attack.

A phantom image of a massive angel-like woman clad in battle armor appeared behind Aishia, her spear shining with domineering light.

This battle phantom was proof of her bloodline, proof of her Valkyrie heritage. Whenever she was on a chaotic battlefield like such, her power would be multiplied far past what she could normally show.

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And Aishia was making full use of this power. Her mana raged and her blood rolled, a ferocious war cry leaving her mouth.


Her body turned into a beam of light, shooting toward one of the peak 4th-class fighters nearby.

"She's done it."

"Mm, if she was fighting a bit more conservatively, she would've been able to accomplish more before her death."

Watching her actions, a group of silent observers sighed in unison. It was simply too wasteful for such a talent to die so easily.

But none of them moved to save her. Because if a single one of them moved, all the rest would have free reign as well.

"Albeus, don't you wish to save that woman?" A man with pale white skin sneered. "I'm sure you had some sort of connection with the Valkyries. It'd be a shame for their race to finally become extinct in this Sector because you didn't move."

Albeus rolled his eyes and glanced at the man in derision. "Why does a Minor Sin like you think you can tell me how to act? At least reach Wrath's level before acting high and mighty around here."

A few chuckles rang out from those in the surroundings, causing the man a great deal of embarrassment. He'd been the one to attack, but in the end, he lost face!

He glared at Albeus with hatred, but didn't move to attack. He couldn't risk allowing these people to intervene in the ongoing battle.

This group of people consisted solely of Demigods. Albeus, 2 smaller Demigods each from Shadow Garden, Niflheim, and Asgard, the Cloud Plane's Drunken Old Immortal, and even Wrath and Odin themselves.

Because this battle would be the one deciding the outcome of the war, these exalted figures naturally showed up. Since they couldn't participate, they would at least take entertainment in the happenings of the world.

Wrath smiled imperceptibly as he watched these Demigods fight. "Now, now. You'll miss the exciting parts if you focus too much on each other."

Wrath chuckled meaningfully, his eyes landing on the Drunken Old Immortal. Of the group, only he was unknown. His purpose in this world was to suppress Wrath, and even while relaxing here, he still did so. It could be said that his guard was the highest among these Demigods.

But his emotions weren't the most chaotic. Odin hardly paid attention to those Demigods around him. His eyes remained on Aishia's valiant figure venting her fury with blood, a weary sigh leaking from his lips.

'You might not understand my decision, but that doesn't mean it isn't the correct one. Unfortunately, I'm not young and naive like you. I can't view the world in black and white like you. In these years that I've been forced to live under their rule, I've truly come to understand how terrifying they can be. Even Wrath himself…might only be considered a minor character among their experts. Why else would he be sent to this barren Human Domain?'

They are not an enemy we can defeat. For thousands of years, Odin had been convinced of this fact. And if he couldn't beat them, he'd rather submit than die.

He'd survived through the previous war, he'd survived for thousands of years even before it. Now that he stood here as a being without a definite lifespan, his fear of death had actually become more prevalent instead of decreasing.

Therefore, he made any possible move to keep it. Even if that meant colluding with the enemy.

As the Demigods watched on, Aishia slowly ran out of mana. She continued to challenge opponents outside of her power level, rapidly exhausting herself.

She leaned on her spear breathing roughly. Blood poured out of the hundreds of cuts and gashes lining her body. There was even a hole in her left side through which her organs could be seen.

All in all, she was in terrible condition.

"I don't care. I don't care, I don't care, I don't care! All of you come at me at once!"

Aishia yelled like a mad woman. Just this demeanor alone was enough to terrify her enemies. She seemed like she wouldn't stop killing until she died. Hell, she might've continued killing even after!

The surrounding experts glanced at each other and nodded in unspoken agreement. Together as one, they rushed towards Aishia.

Seeing the coming tide of enemies, Aishia's eyes glowed maddeningly. "Hahaha, good! Good, good, good! If I die, I shall die valiantly! I'll never be a coward who mingles with the enemy!"

Her spear shot out, covered in burning white light and another unknown energy. The mana fluctuations coming from it became increasingly volatile.

It was clear that Aishia was putting everything into this last attack.

If her actions had to be classified, anyone who understood the story would call them a tantrum. While her reasoning was somewhat justified, her course of action was extremely stupid.

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But did she know any better?

Despite the bloodthirsty angel she was on the battlefield, Aishia was a sheltered child. She'd been taught by Asgard only what they wished for her to know, while the rest was kept hidden.

As such, she didn't understand what it meant to properly vent her emotions, she didn't understand what it meant to keep a cool head and a blazing heart.

So as this final wave of attacks hit her, as she embraced death, she smiled. She smiled in relief that she would be escaping the hell her world became after she discovered Asgard's true nature.

Because the only thing she wished to do now was escape.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

Without even realizing it, Aishia found herself far away from the impact zone, an imperceptible barrier shielding her from the shockwaves.

She didn't die.

She'd been saved.

But…who would do such a thing?

As she turned around and looked at the one who she was inexplicably both thankful and furious towards, her eyes widened in shock.

A man smiled back at her. It was a cheeky smile.

"Sup, wifey? What happened to the whole 'till death do us part' thing?"

The youth stood in the midst of such a chaotic battle casually as if it was just another common street brawl and smiled.

Seeing him, Aishia felt an unknown warmth in her chest.

Damien had finally returned.