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Void Evolution System

Chapter 590: Behemoth [2]
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In that moment of doubt, there was a change.

Tian Yang primed his fist and punched out, his body erupting with strength! In the next instant…


Hundreds of the Space Beast's scales were blown apart! A fountain of blood sprayed! While this impact was only around the size of a human and didn't do any significant damage, it was a sign that the Demigods truly did have the capabilities to harm this beast!

Aside from that, it was clear that the Space Beast didn't see them as a threat. Even now, it hadn't moved from its original position, its body floating above the unnamed world's World Core.

If these Demigods could take advantage of this…

"Now!" Tian Yang shouted.

They moved together as one. Tian Yang burst apart the space around him, the others following close behind. In an instant, they reached the Beast's back.

It was like a large island floating in the void. Even when they landed on its back, the Space Beast showed no signs of moving. They were like ants compared to it, truly.

But they didn't come to appreciate the scenery. As soon as they landed, the 12 of them began attacking together!

Albeus raised a massive axe into the sky and cleaved down heavily! His muscles bulged under his weapon's weight, mana fiercely swirling around its edge.


The attack landed, shattering apart a few hundred scales!

The others did the same. Every single one of them was an expert in their laws. Their attacks weren't jokes at all. Behind them, Drunken Old Immortal had a sea of reddish-brown water around him. He allowed it to seep into the wounds that others created, corroding the beast's exposed skin.

Still, they faced the same problem. The beast was large enough to generate its own gravity, and this gravity was being used to suppress them. This was the beast's way of asserting dominance.

"Merge your Authorities! Isolate it from the surrounding space!"

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A mental transmission entered their heads. When they heard it, they felt like idiots.

Right, they were facing a Space Beast! Its strongest strength was its connection to space itself. If they could isolate it, they'd be able to defeat it far easier!

The Demigods acted immediately, superimposing their Authorities along the beast's back. Over a hundred thousand kilometers of space became a separate dimension. A large majority of the beast's back was included in this space.

Damien sighed in relief as he watched this. He was the one who sent the mental transmission.

After his Baptism, he became much clearer on how space worked, and his connection with it had deepened even further. Aside from that, the specific branch of space that Dimensional Magic introduced him to made him far more familiar with the concept of forcefields.

Seeing the beast use the surrounding space to suppress those Demigods, it didn't take long for him to realize that he could solve that problem with his Dimensional Cage ability.

Only, he wasn't nearly strong enough to do so. It was only after he remembered his experience with Wrath and Tian Yang where he personally experienced an Authority that a light bulb went off in his head.

Now, with the help of his advice, the Demigods were freed from a majority of the beast's pressure.

A rain of light shines brighter than any star as the Demigods combined their strength to attack.


Finally, a large chunk of the beast's flesh was dislodged. After the Drunken Old Immortal used his strange corrosive liquid to fill the space, they moved on.

After all, they couldn't cause substantial damage at the moment. If they alerted the beast and gained its true attention, they'd lose any opportunity they had.

For now, they were stalling time. Within a few minutes, reinforcements would arrive.

Only then would they begin their true assault.


A few minutes could pass by rapidly or incredibly slowly depending on the circumstance. In this case, it was the latter.

After what felt like an eternity of slowly chipping away at the beast while it remained still, many flashes of light began to arrive from the distance.

These Demigods already understood the situation. Nothing needed to be said. The second they appeared, they attacked.

Feeling the approaching auras, the beast opened the eyes it had closed in the time they were waiting.

"Finally…all have come…?"

Its words sent shivers down the spines of all present. Without warning, the beast's massive wings flapped.


Space was torn apart. The beast traveled several hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, turning around to face its opponents before halting and drifting in the void.

"All together…appropriate sustenance…before reclamation…"

Its mouth opened wide. From within, a large black ball shot out. Everywhere it went. Space twisted around it and light was entrapped within. This object was a miniature black hole.

The true fight began. The number of Demigods had doubled.

Facing the incoming black hole, most decided to rush around it. Even though its suction force was strong, they were just as strong.

Instead of a detriment, it acted as a benefit. The Demigods used this force to boomerang themselves around the black hole and build momentum to shoot out towards the beast!

24 shooting stars sundered space together, surrounding the beasts. As if they'd planned it before, they stood with equal distance between each other, caging the beast within the circle their bodies created.

"God Ensnaring Formation: Activate!"

"God Killing Array: Activate!"

The 12 Demigods activating the formation turned into shining pillars of light. A complex grand array formed in the space between them, blocking it off from the outside world!

At the same time, a second array formed, manifesting as blood-red energy that floated in the sealed space like fog. If one peered into it, they'd faintly be able to see the formation of titanic god-killing weapons!

But the God Killing Array couldn't be activated immediately. In the time it took for these weapons to form, the remaining 12 Demigods acted as a buffer! Their bodies shot through the air and rapidly impacted the massive beast, seas of different Law Comprehensions decorating the space in a myriad of colors!

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It was a fierce counterattack that went almost too smoothly, but the reason for this wasn't majestic at all.

These two formations were human inheritances found within the Human Domain. The ancient powerhouses from 100,000 years ago left them behind for their descendants, but unfortunately, they weren't able to tell their stories.

The Human Domain's forces found these formations during the previous war. Their existence was a major part of the reason why the Human Domain was able to attain incredible feats during that war, essentially giving themselves an extra layer of protection for its inevitable continuation.

Now, these Demigods were putting them into action once again. This wasn't their first or second time doing so. They'd fought side by side countless times in their tens of thousands of years of existence.

Under the God Ensnaring Formation, the beast's movements were largely limited. And with space sealed off, it wasn't nearly as powerful as it used to be.

But that didn't mean it was powerless.

Frightening fluctuations of mana spread from the beast's body. Its front leg raised, tearing through the starry sky.


A Demigod from Ataraxia coughed blood as he was sent flying away. At that moment, three others flew forward and attacked the outstretched leg madly!

Tian Yang circled around the beast, appearing beside its tail once again and continuing to attack it!

From the way things looked from an outside perspective, the Demigods had a clear upper hand.

Unfortunately, Space Beasts were far more fearsome than what this one had shown so far.

After all, it had been too lazy to enter a more comfortable fighting form.

But now, seeing how it had to face a crowd of powerful enemies and needed the ability to maneuver around them, it no longer continued treating them like insects.

Its goal was never them in the first place. Its goal was the child they were protecting.

But if he wanted to take back what was rightfully his from that child, he would first need to kill those that blocked his path.

The Space Beast's body compressed rapidly. After all, it was also a being under the system, and it conformed to its rules.

As a beast, regardless of whether or not it was from an ancient race, it had the ability to attain human form at 4th class.

With a flash of light, the massive bestial chimera disappeared from sight, replaced by a naked handsome youth.

His eyes scanned those around him placidly. His mouth opened, letting out a deep and rumbling voice that didn't match his appearance.

"I am the 5th Primal Sovereign. Humans who block my path, be honored to die by my hands."