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Void Evolution System

Chapter 601: Behemoth [13]
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The Primal Sovereign was alive still. On the verge of death, but still alive. He'd never experienced pain like this before. This was the pain of death, the pain of being devoured.

As a Space Beast, he'd never met anyone who could make him feel such agony. In his life, he'd only ever won his battles.

But now, things were different. He couldn't take it! He refused to die like this!

The Primal Sovereign roused his mana. He didn't revolve it, instead compressing it in the core of his being, his soul. All his remaining lifeforce and power were directed towards this increasingly volatile mass.

If he couldn't win, if he couldn't devour Damien, then he'd make sure Damien died here with him!

He couldn't accept the fate of a loser!

He madly gathered his essence. Within seconds, the ball's potency had reached an immense degree. If the Primal Sovereign were to detonate it…

He didn't hesitate to do so. He already understood that his death was inevitable, so he preferred to die on his own terms. He didn't want to be led by the nose again. He refused to be a pawn in someone else's games!


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Terrifying fluctuations of power emanated from the ball as it revolved on its own axis. With time, the light shining from its surface became blinding, space shattering when it came in contact with it. If this ball exploded, it'd be catastrophic.

But at that time…


A wave of even more ferocious black mana emanated from the Primal Sovereign's core. The Primal Sovereign had prepared a feast for it, so how could the Void Physique deny it?

Damien's black hole expanded gruesomely like a revolving saw. As it increased past the size of the Primal Sovereign's body, it tore through every independent space and even flesh and blood, brutally cleaving the Primal Sovereign in two!

The ball of energy became visible as his body split apart. The Primal Sovereign's eyes turned bloodshot from rage. He couldn't believe that even his final attempt would fail!

But now, he was already on his final strands of life. With his previous injuries combined with his body being severed, his immense vitality could no longer hold on. Besides, he'd condensed a majority of his power into that ball. From where could he summon the strength to resist?

Still, his madness didn't consume him. Because he could at least gloat at the fact that even if he'd die here, Damien would die with him. The amount of Divinity in his body would crush him to a paste.

It wasn't just the Primal Sovereign with no control over the situation, though. Even Damien was already unconscious. He'd been unconscious since the moment the devouring force escaped the Primal Sovereign's body. Whether it was his mind he or his body, neither could withstand the impact of so much Divinity.

In this state, his systems were operating on instinct alone. As the Primal Sovereign expected, he wouldn't last much longer.


Pure white light gathered at Damien's forehead and expanded into an omnidirectional tidal wave of energy that flooded every direction like a tsunami! The Primal Sovereign's body, caught in this wave, was crushed into meat paste.

He died just like that.

In the end, he became nothing but an extra in the Void Physique's show.

But the waves of power didn't end at one. They continued flowing from Damien's body without reserve. Space collapsed, the unnamed world's debris was obliterated, everything around Damien was being cast into oblivion.

"This is…Divinity!" A Demigod exclaimed. More than anyone else, they understood the profundities behind these fluctuations.

Damien's body couldn't hold the power of Divinity. With no other outlet to send it to, the Void Physique simply expelled it into the atmosphere, causing heaven-shaking destruction as a byproduct.

Tian Yang frowned. He remembered what his disciple said before entering the Primal Sovereign's body. Although the apocalyptic scene in front of him made him wary, he decided to trust his disciple until the end.

His body shot forward through the chaotic space, through the tsunami of Divinity, and rapidly approached Damien. The second he arrived nearby, Tian Yang stretched out his arm and grabbed Damien's shoulder!

As soon as he did, a tsunami of Divinity crashed into his body!

It flowed through his meridians in raging waves, threatening to rip him to shreds. Even for Tian Yang, this level of power wasn't something he could absorb in a short amount of time.

Still, he held on and focused, revolving his mana fiercely to accommodate the new power of Divinity within him. He closed his eyes, his breathing and movements matching Damien's. Slowly, it was like their minds became one, absorbing the Primal Sovereign's essence as efficiently as possible.

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For a moment, it seemed like everything would calm down. With Tian Yang and Damien working together, the Primal Sovereign's essence gradually disappeared into their bodies.

But could the Void Physique's rampage be calmed so easily?

The Void Physique's Devour ability was able to turn quite literally anything into pure essence for Damien's absorption. It was unknown why it suddenly lost control, but it was certain that the only way to calm it was an absence of energy.

In the starry sky where Space and Time Essence rampantly swirled in droves, how could this condition be achieved?

The suction force coming from Damien's body reached another level, enveloping even Tian Yang within!

He finally felt the mind-numbing suction force with his own body. He realized how terrifying it was for the Primal Sovereign to die this way!

Tian Yang's face paled. He wanted to keep helping his disciple, but he truly couldn't withstand being so close to the Void Physique at the moment. He'd already been injured in the previous battle, and now he also had drives of Divinity he still had to digest before being able to properly use it.

His mind and body were filled with unwillingness, but he was still forced to withdraw.

Yet, the expansion surpassed his wildest expectations. Without warning, over 50,000 kilometers of space were enveloped in this power!

Space and Time Essence rampaged and exploded wildly as they were thrown into chaos by this force. The surrounding space became a minefield of danger.

Damien's body was like a dark star. Due to the intense suction force, he began developing his own gravitational pull on the scale of a small moon. Not only was essence thrown into confusion, but even the surrounding celestial bodies were also drawn in.

The Demigods retreated together. Whether it be the 12 in charge of the God Ensnaring Formation or the 7 that survived from the other group, a majority of them were no longer involved in the situation. Seeing things spiraling out of control, they anxiously held their breath.

They'd been injured more than they ever expected when responding to the reinforcements call. Now, instead of facing another unknown situation, they'd rather retreat and enter seclusion for a period of time to recuperate. However, they couldn't escape. If that boy's strange situation became even slightly more threatening…

They'd have to kill him for the sake of the Human Domain.