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Walker Of The Worlds

Chapter 1285: A Clan Worship Temple
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Lin Mu didn't approach the place recklessly, instead prompting to survey it from a distance.

"Let's take a look from the top…" Lin Mu said before gathering strength in his legs.


The ground cracked under his legs and he soared high up into the sky. His eyes looked over the old damaged structure and saw that it actually composed of three parts. The outermost area was similar to the building he had seen underground, but the other two parts were different.

The second part was located in the middle of the structure and had high quality bricks making up several boundary walls. From their design, Lin Mu guessed that at one time they might have been a few tens of meters high.

But now they were barely five meters tall, most of them collapsed.

Another thing Lin Mu sensed was faint fluctuations of energies. They felt different than spirit qi and were a lot denser than it. But among them, Lin Mu also sensed something familial.

'There are formations placed on this brick walls for sure…' Lin Mu noted.


After seeing this much, Lin Mu fell back to the ground.

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"One more time." Lin Mu jumped up again, this time focusing on the third and last part of the structure.

"Oh? This is different." Lin Mu saw that the third part composed of a multi sided structure the roof of which was still intact.

There was a thick boundary wall composed of large bricks, with each brick being over a meter wide, equally thick and three meters in length. Such large bricks were usual and Lin Mu could tell they were made from some unusual material.

'Definitely need to check them closely.' He noted.

Then some distance from the thick boundary wall, Lin Mu saw four circular pillars that held up a roof. This sub-structure was barely five meters in size and looked quite small to the rest of it.

"It looks an awful lot like a temple campus doesn't it?" Lin Mu realized.

While the structure varied a lot from the temples Lin Mu had seen in the Xiaofan world, there were still some that he had read about in the memoirs of the Lost immortal. This was a common design too.

"Hmmm… is this a clan worship temple? If it is then that central structure should house the ancestral tablets shouldn't it?" Lin Mu recalled the description of such clan worship temples.

These were more common in the Immortal worlds since the people of those worlds would live a lot longer. The number of tablets placed in the temple would also be less, since only a few people would be qualified enough to have them put there.

This was unlike the ancestral worship temples of the mortal worlds that contained thousands if not tens of thousands of tablets. One could even call it the a temple of the 'elite'.

Having understood this, Lin Mu also knew that there was bound to be some good stuff in there.

"Let's check it out…" Lin Mu carefully entered the outer boundary of the clan worship temple.

The first area was safe and had nothing dangerous. But when he entered the second boundary wall made with high quality bricks, Lin Mu sensed danger.

"Crap!" Lin Mu stepped back, avoiding several beams of energy that stuck the place he was just standing at.

The ground was scorched and fine cracks spread on it.

"Heavens know how long this place has stood here, and the formations are still active despite them being this old and damaged." Lin Mu couldn't help but say.

"I need to be more careful…" Lin Mu decided to probe it out careful using a few spirit tools he had.

Twenty minutes and several broken spirit tools later, Lin Mu let out a breath of relief.

"That should be most of them…" Lin Mu wiped the sweat from his brow.

He had sacrificed several spirit tools in order to test out the attacks of the formations. Some of them were weak and could barely compare to that of qi refining realm cultivators but some of them were very strong and might even be enough to kill Lin Mu.

Thankfully, due to the fact that the formations had been damaged over a long time and were no longer in a unified array, they couldn't operate normally.

They could only track in a basic manner and lock onto whatever came into its range. Thus all Lin Mu needed to do was throw something and let it take the attack. Doing this he managed to figure out the formations and even noted them down in a jade slip.

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He intended to study them later when he had free time.

'These are all made with the use of Dao script and are different than the other formations I've used. They will come in handy later.' Lin Mu thought to himself.

Finally getting to check the bricks closely, he realized that they were actually composed of several materials. Some of them were high quality ores, but the most surprising thing was that there were ground up peak quality spirit stones mixed in as well.

Not just that, but each of the bricks had a few such peak quality spirit stones mixed into it. Such an expense would be simply unthinkable to Lin Mu before but now he understood the standard of the immortal worlds.

'To use such a high quantity of peak grade spirit stones to make mere bricks, this must have been a great clan.' Lin Mu reckoned. "It's a shame that these bricks are useless after the formations within them are activated." He said and touched a brick.


As if it were made out of chalk, the brick crumbled into dust and fell apart.

"Let's see what the third area holds…" Lin Mu walked further, having prepared more spirit tools for sacrifice.


He threw out a small dagger waiting for it to be attacked.

"Oh? There are no offensive formations here?" Lin Mu was surprised.

He observed the large bricks closely finding them to be made out of a single material.