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Way of the Knights

Chapter 624 - Plans
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"...I can't think of any risk in this plan of yours. How about the rest of you?" The Sect Master asked the remaining people around.

"I have no objections as well. Only, I think it would be for the best if this plan remains hidden from everyone else." Henry commented. 

"I agree." Theo said while nodding, "Frankly, I don't want to be suspicious about our allies but what happened today is an eye-opener. We have to be careful." 

"It would be for the best we can continue brainstorming until we eventually come up with a solid plan with the rest. That plan and Raven's plan will work in conjunction, that way we can maximize our benefit." Charles added. 

"How about the rest of you?" The sect master looked at the people who still hadn't said a thing. "Do you have any objections about this?" 

"We have none, Sect Master." The rest of them said at the same time. 

"Very well." The Sect Master nodded and looked at his heir. "We will follow this plan of yours. Of course we will do it discretely and we would use the plan we will come up with as a cover to hide this operation." 

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The Sect Master clasped Raven's shoulders and said: "You did well, once again. Keep this up." 

Raven simply smiled and nodded, he then left to return to the captives in order to start the hidden operation he proposed. 

It is just like what they speculated. Raven indeed have an idea to maximize the lead they got from capturing the spies. He had just explained to them how it will work and nobody found any risk in this plan of his. The only reason why Raven didn't publicize his plan is because he wanted to be careful. 

Just like what Theo said, he too didn't want to think that their allies were suspicious. Doing so will only sow discord amongst them, something that their enemies will gladly take advantage off. That being said, what happened just now was truly an eye-opener. They were caught completely off-guard and nearly lost the war before it even began. 

It was thanks to Raven that they managed to prevent this outcome. With the chance he acquired for them, they could still recover from the incident and bounce back stronger than before. 

"Alright people. While Raven's busy making preparations for his plan, I will also give you some tasks." The Sect Master looked at his most trusted retainers. The people around him perked-up and listened to what the Sect Master had in mind. 

"According to what Raven told us, the Exiles are most likely aware of present and future plans. Thanks to the spies, they know just how much force we have and are probably doing something to neutralize our forces." 

"A change is required now that we caught the spies. I want you to discretely increase the fighting strength of the Units under you supervision. I will give you permission to mobilize greater amounts of resources to achieve this, but you have to remain vigilant."

"I will ask Raven to give you a batch of Tracking Runes that you can use to filter out the people under you. Well, knowing that kid, he'll probably give you something better so just wait for it." 

Some of them nodded to the Sect Master's last remark. 

"If you ever find any moles, let them be. Report it to me first or tell Raven about it. He'll decide whether we can use that mole to increase the effectiveness of his plans or not. As for the clean ones, don't hesitate to nurture them. The stronger they are the better our chances will be. Can you all do this?" 

"Yes, Sect Master." The people around him declared with utter confidence. 

"Very good. For now, let us see what transpired during Raven's mission at the Valley of Despair..."


The following weeks after the spy incident were busy for the sect. 

News about what happened spread throughout everyone, at this point almost all disciples knew about the incident already. There were a period of unrest in between but with the Sect Master's lead, the situation was pacified. 

Following that, was the public execution of the spies. It was a huge event that was attended by many disciples. However, what truly happened was not a public execution but instead a mass brainwashing lead by none other than Raven himself. 

Using the event as a distraction, he made a rune that made everyone forgot about the whole spy incident. Not even the Sect Elders were spared from it. Everyone's memories about the whole incident were wiped out by Raven since this is required for his plan to succeed. 

Once he made sure that everyone forgot about the whole thing. He set the captives free, but of course it wasn't that simple. 

These spies assumed their previous identities. None of them had any memories about their being captured and tortured for intel. In fact, they looked just like how they used to before their cover was blown. 

Additionally, they have no idea that they're dancing on top of Raven's palms. 

Aside from that incident, Raven aware also asked by the Sect Master to create some additional tracking runes as well. And just like what the Sect Master predicted, Raven indeed gave them something better. 

The tracking rune he gave them this time couldn't be seen by other aside from Raven and those he deem trustworthy. Simply put, the tracking runes he created is hidden in a form of a badge that the disciples have to wear. If they are clean, then the tracking rune wouldn't do a thing. If they weren't, then the tracking rune will release a unique signal that only Raven and a small group of individuals can see. 

These badges were given to the disciples that the War Gods and other officers will pick to nurture. In order to keep things private, the sect wouldn't hesitate to waste some resources nurturing even those who worked for the enemy in order to keep the other side in the dark about this operation. 

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More importantly, they simply can't afford to lose the chance to counter-attack. 

Raven remained rather busy, now that his plans were in motion, he had more things to keep in mind compared before. Thankfully, Kyrie was by his side and offered her help to alleviate some of his worries. With her help as well as some volunteers from his army as well as his own Avatars handling his matters, Raven could at least have some time to spend in seclusion. 

In the end, all meticulous plans crumble in the face of absolute strength. Even with Raven being rather careful about his plans, there's still a small chance of failure. The only way for him to make sure that he'll have another chance is if could survive and that's what raising his strength will guarantee to him. Therefore he can't slack-off.

Since that event, the plan was already in motion. Disciples are now working harder than before due to the sudden announcement that the War Gods are looking for new talents to foster. The flames of rivalry burned brightly, everyone was competing to enter the program. 

The fact this includes the War Gods who surmounted the Mount Olympus only made this whole event bigger. Disciples were clamoring to be accepted by either Henry, Logan, Theo or Charles, thinking to themselves that if any of these four received them as they personal disciples, then it is possible that they could become War Gods themselves. 

Who could stay calm after knowing that? 

Due to that, the War Gods had their hands full as well and can't take a break to relax. 

In between down times, Raven would occasionally slip in to infiltrate the Devil Emperor's Pagoda alone. Revising and fortifying the seals placed on each floors, going as far as he could before leaving and improving his craft once more. 

So far, he managed to revise and fortify seals on the 25th floor. Still a long way to go but with Raven's diligence, he'll eventually managed to climb to higher floors. 

He also figured that it's about time for him to settle the deal between him and Grand Elder Gin. 

Raven had long since mastered all the seals in the Ancestor Sealer's Rosary. He had no use for the item but he didn't return it yet. According to what the Grand Elder told him, the rosary is needed to free the Heavenly Elk trapped at the 89th floor. 

Right now, Raven is still too weak to go there. It would take him quite sometime before he can do so and that will only give him a mere chance to free the Heavenly Elk. If he wanted to have the absolute confidence to do that, then it'll take years before he gets to that level of strength. 

Right now though, he had other matters to attend to. He needed to focus on what's in front of him, additionally he had to patrol yet another danger zone. The next area is more, if not just as, dangerous than the Valley of Despair. 

He could only hope that this area wouldn't be as troublesome as the last area....
