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What? I Actually Reincarnated As Stepping Stone In Another World?

Chapter 105 Total Learning And Progress With Anna?
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With a determined gaze, he declared, "Naturally, the key to subduing them lies in acquiring more power!"

Anna was slightly surprised and looked at Arthur with curiosity.

"Do you mean more power that can suppress them all?" she asked, while gently holding her small chin.

Arthur placed his hands on his waist and nodded subtly.

"That's correct. I intend to establish a trading business centered around a single power, and you and I will be the ones conducting the operations, with my assistance behind the scenes," Arthur explained casually, as if it were an ordinary matter.

Upon hearing this, Anna's eyes filled with astonishment, but she quickly sensed that something was amiss.

She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips, directing her gaze at Arthur.

"Hmph! You want me to be the shop supervisor while you roam freely, don't you?" She asked with a frown, expressing her dissatisfaction.

She could clearly discern Arthur's perception, realizing that his intention was to place the majority of the responsibilities on herself so that Arthur himself could relax.

Witnessing Anna's reaction, Arthur was taken aback, realizing that Anna may have misunderstood his intentions.

Indeed, Arthur had intended for Anna to assume the role of the true overseer and controller due to her remarkable abilities and unwavering loyalty.

However, when viewed from Anna's perspective, it did seem as though he was burdening her with all the responsibilities, even though that wasn't his intention.

Arthur swiftly regained his composure and let out a chuckle, recognizing the misunderstanding.

"Of course it's not like that, my dear Anna," Arthur said, approaching her and gently pinching her cheek.

Anna was taken aback by Arthur's unexpected gesture, and the endearing term "My Anna" caused her cheeks to turn as red as a ripe apple.

"What do you mean by 'my Anna'?" Anna protested, her embarrassment evident as she turned her gaze away, her face blushing up to the base of her ears.

Arthur, observing Anna's reaction, simply smiled, released her cheeks, and settled back into his seat.

"Alright, I was just joking, hahaha!" Arthur laughed, his amusement slightly irritating Anna.

'Why do you always have to make jokes?' Anna muttered in annoyance, prompting Arthur to ask curiously.

"Did you say something just now?" Arthur inquired, confused by her mumbling.

However, Anna promptly shook her head and denied it.

"No! You must have misunderstood!" she replied with a slight frown, her tone sullen.

Arthur, of course, noticed Anna's strangeness, but he did not take action because he felt that the time was not right to start such things with Anna.

With his current vulnerable status, it was crucial for Arthur to prioritize fusion in order to accomplish some of his plans.

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After taking a deep breath, Arthur refocused and said, "Alright, let's get back on topic!"

Anna nodded earnestly, fully attentive to Arthur's words.

"Firstly, I want to clarify that I won't be as hands-off as you might think."

"I will actively assist you by creating various plans for you to implement in the future," Arthur explained, crossing his arms over his chest while slightly elevating his left leg and resting it on his right foot.

His posture and demeanor resembled those of a boss addressing his secretary, projecting a sense of authority.

"I see... I understand now." Anna nodded with a mixture of excitement and relief.

Initially, she had worried that Arthur was merely using her, which had made her feel a bit down.

However, it appeared that she had been overthinking things.

Soon, a bright idea sparked within her, and she became eager to share it with Arthur.

"Young Master Arthur! I've come up with a brilliant idea that will save us the trouble of going through the effort to stabilize those merchants!" Her face beamed with excitement, mixed with a touch of pride.

Unfortunately, it appeared that Arthur had already anticipated Anna's thoughts, and he responded with a playful smile, "Are you suggesting we leverage the power and resources of the Weis family?"

He observed Anna calmly, and as expected, her expression immediately froze, and she nodded stiffly.

"Yes, that's right. But how?" Her voice was laced with doubt, a stark contrast to her previous enthusiasm.

Initially, Anna entertained the idea of being a bit conceited and hoping for Arthur's praise.

However, her plan was foiled as Arthur had already foreseen her intentions, leaving her feeling slightly embarrassed.

Arthur nodded approvingly and responded, "Indeed, it's a great idea."

"But have you considered the potential risks associated with using the power of the Weis family or even the influence of Duke Asvold's mansion for my plan?"

Upon hearing Arthur's question, Anna pondered for a moment before hesitantly asking, "Are you saying that the consequences could be unfavorable?"

With a smile on his face, Arthur swiftly leaned forward and flicked her forehead playfully.

"Ouch! That hurts!" Anna exclaimed, reaching up to touch her forehead, which had been flicked by Arthur, and beginning to rub it gently.

However, before she could grow angry, Arthur swiftly interjected, his tone slightly scolding, "You, my dear, I can't fathom whether you're feigning ignorance or genuinely unaware."

"Are you not aware of the substantial risks associated with such a course of action?"

"Don't you realize how risky it would be to exert such power, like involving the Weis family, the influential pillars of trade in the entire southern region, or even Duke Asvold's mansion, a key authority in the south?" Arthur shook his head, expressing his frustration.

"Undoubtedly, such actions would drive away the existing merchants from the southern region, causing our economy to plummet rapidly!" Arthur emphasized that he was clearly aware of the potential consequences.

"While the impact may not be immediate, they will gradually abandon a region that offers them no benefits whatsoever," Arthur sighed, demonstrating his understanding of the situation.

He was far from foolish.

Thoughts like these had naturally crossed his mind, but he had no desire to take such a risk.

After all, why would he go through all this trouble if that were the case?

Allowing such a scenario to unfold would bring the economy to a standstill, making it challenging to secure essential goods that only merchants could provide.

Furthermore, considering the impending war, it would be nothing short of self-destructive!

Anna had not anticipated the severity of the potential consequences, which left her feeling a slight chill.

It was not a reflection of her intelligence or lack thereof but rather a consequence of her innocent mindset, which had yet to experience practical situations.

Had it been the future version of Anna, the one within the , she would have undoubtedly been well aware of these implications and prepared accordingly.

This is precisely why Arthur wishes to personally teach and guide Anna, hoping she can rapidly develop her understanding.

The increasingly complicated plot had left him deeply unsettled.

"Please forgive me, Young Master Arthur, for my impulsive thinking!" Anna lowered her head, her expression filled with sadness and regret.

However, Arthur smiled warmly and reassured her, "It's alright, Anna."

"What you suggested isn't entirely incorrect; perhaps we can utilize the power at our disposal to exert some influence."

"However, we must exercise caution not to go too far, ensuring that they still perceive trading in the south as a profitable venture," Arthur explained patiently, providing detailed clarification to ease Anna's concerns.

Anna let out a sigh of relief, feeling somewhat reassured.

At the core of her being, Anna yearned for Arthur's admiration and the validation of her intelligence in his eyes.

Her affection for Arthur was so evident that she dreaded the thought of being perceived as foolish.

Arthur understood that Anna's intention was to demonstrate her expertise in the matter and provide him with detailed guidance, allowing her to develop critical thinking skills and advance further in the future.

With a gentle stroke of her hair, Arthur reassured her, saying, "Alright, let's continue."

Anna nodded, her smile softening in response.

The two of them engaged in a focused discussion, addressing the issues at hand and exploring various strategies to overcome challenges that may arise.

Throughout the discussion, it was Arthur who took the lead, posing crucial questions to Anna, urging her to think critically and grasp everything he presented, be it his plans or essential trade-related information.

While Anna occasionally stumbled and provided incorrect answers, Arthur would gently correct her, sometimes playfully flicking her forehead.

Nevertheless, Anna's responses were consistently impressive.

Gradually, Anna adeptly mastered the material she was presented with, surprising and astonishing Arthur.

In fact, had Anna been placed in his previous world and received the same economic learning materials as him, she might have surpassed him in genius and acumen.

This realization struck Arthur profoundly, as he now recognized Anna's truly exceptional and uncanny talent.

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"No wonder she managed to extend her influence beyond the boundaries of the Balka Empire and across the entire continent," Arthur silently reflected, gazing at Anna, who remained fully engaged, diligently taking notes on every topic he discussed.

The innocence that once adorned her gaze had transformed into an intense and fervent determination.

"Nevertheless, I'm grateful to have someone like her by my side." Arthur exhaled with a sense of relief.

Anna, who had been meticulously noting down every detail, paused and turned her gaze towards Arthur, almost as if inquiring, "Is there anything else?" It brought a lightheartedness to the moment.

Upon this realization, Arthur rose from his seat, stretching his waist as he declared, "That will be enough for now."

"Study everything diligently and begin from the foundation."

"I will handle the procurement of supplies and other essential matters, allowing you to initiate everything with a calm mind." His soothing tone brought a sense of contentment to Anna.

"Very well, leave it all to me, Young Master Arthur!" Anna exclaimed with enthusiasm, her excitement evident in her voice.

Arthur ran his fingers through his hair in a gentle manner as he locked eyes with Anna.

"You don't have to address me as 'young master Arthur' anymore, Anna," he said with a warm smile.

"Just call me Arthur, or feel free to use any other name that feels more familiar to you."

With his charming smile and tousled hair, Arthur's appeal seemed to intensify, causing Anna's face to redden at the sight.

Anna squirmed with a mixture of embarrassment and anticipation, stealing occasional glances at Arthur.

Finally, she mustered the courage to ask, "Um... can I address you in a more familiar way?"

Arthur shrugged nonchalantly and replied, "Sure, isn't that better than such a formal address?"

Biting her lip nervously, she whispered, "Brother Arthur?"

"How about that?" she asked, her face flushed with embarrassment.

Arthur's heart skipped a beat at the endearing address, and he cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Cough! Yeah, sure, whatever you're comfortable with," he replied, attempting to maintain a composed demeanor despite feeling a tinge of embarrassment himself.

Anna smiled warmly and nodded in excitement.

"Alright, brother Arthur!" she said softly.

Arthur returned her smile with a faint one of his own, finding the new address rather endearing.

He glanced out the window and noticed that the sky had already darkened.

"Well, I had some business with your father, and we discussed various matters," Arthur casually mentioned as he stretched his body.

Anna nodded in understanding and bid farewell, saying, "Goodbye, brother Arthur! Thank you for the lesson!"

With a gentle smile, Arthur responded, "You're welcome. I'll take my leave then."

He walked out of Anna's room and made his way to the living room, where he was supposed to meet Lucas.

Unbeknownst to him, Anna stood silently behind him, her gaze fixed on Arthur as he walked away.

A strange expression crossed her face, and she anxiously bit her lip, deep in thought.