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What Separates Me and You

Chapter 297
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Chapter 297 Nothing Like a Young Woman

A trace of impatience appeared on Lewis’ face. He retorted coldly, “You can go ahead and investigate

the incident if you want to know the truth. Even if I tell you anything right now, are you able to

guarantee that I’m being truthful to you?”

He was right.

The information which spilled from his lips might not be the absolute truth.

Hence, Seth decided to drop the question. Instead, he asked, “Based on what you just said, can I

assume that you already know what happened?”

“The things I know might not be the actual truth as well. That’s why I came to Hardington in the first


“Is it just so you can verify if the truth matches your assumptions?”

“That’s right.”

Seth narrowed his eyes while staring pointedly at Lewis. He looked like he was trying to determine

whether the latter was speaking the truth.

A while later, he chose to drop the topic.

He stated, “It doesn’t matter if the truth matches the bits and pieces of knowledge you harbor, Lewis.

You still owe her everything at the end of the day.”

Lewis’ gaze hardened immediately. “Mind your own business. Stop meddling in mine and Josephine’s


Seth couldn’t help but laugh. “What if I intend to stick my nose into them, hmm?”

“Then, I suppose this marks the end of our alliance.”

The other man could care less about their pathetic alliance, so he just shrugged in response.

“Whatever. You and Robert are bound to become mortal enemies with or without our alliance. What

does that have to do with me?”

Lewis’ lips curled into a cold smile, but it wasn’t obvious at all. “Did you bring Josephine here?

“If I were the one who brought her here, it’d be impossible for you to track her down.”

Seth paused momentarily before adding, “Besides, is it necessary for me to bring her here? What can

she remember at this point?”

For someone who couldn’t remember anything at all, she would never be able to retain the information

related to the truth behind the incident. Even if Seth or Lewis were to tell her who

the culprit was, she would never remember anything.

What was the use of having her around?

Lewis turned to glance at Josephine again, noting the daze and confusion in her eyes. She looked like

she was still trying to digest the information she had just obtained from their


He issued another order. “Come here.”

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Josephine snuck a look in Seth’s direction hesitantly.

This time, he no longer stopped her, so she mustered her courage and walked over to Lewis’


Suddenly, the latter reached out to grip her chin with so much force that she started tearing up from the


“Why did you run off on your own?”

Poor Josephine could only stare back with an aggrieved look on her face. Tears continued to brim in

her eyes as she did so.

She was unable to answer Lewis’ question because she had completely forgotten how she had arrived

at this mansion in the first place.

When Seth witnessed that scene, he couldn’t help but chuckle once again. “Oh, Lewis. You’re

such an actor.”

The moment his words fell, he walked past the couple and left the corridor without bothering to glance

at them.

When he reached the stairs, he paused in his tracks just to turn around and look at them.

“She doesn’t have much time left.”

Lewis’ eyes darkened even more upon hearing that sentence. His bearing turned dangerous and icy

instantly, giving people the illusion that he was about to go on a murderous rampage.

Josephine pursed her lips as well. She had no idea who Seth was talking about, but she had a feeling

that he was most likely referring to her.

Did she not have much time left?

After Seth left, Lewis and Josephine were the only ones left in the dimly lit corridor. The former gazed

into the latter’s eyes as he slowly released his grip on her chin. Instead, he moved to caress her cheek


Josephine raised her hands to gesture at him. “What did he mean by that?”

Lewis visibly relaxed as he continued to gaze into her eyes. He murmured, “Don’t listen to that


The young woman could only bite her bottom lip in response. Seth didn’t seem like he was spouting

nonsense at all. She didn’t dare to ask Lewis that question, opting to tuck it into the depths of her mind.

Perhaps she didn’t want to acknowledge Seth’s words as well. After all, it was very difficult for a dying

person to accept that fact.

Lewis let out a small sigh after that. Then, he pulled Josephine into his arms while stroking

her hair.

“You have plenty of time left in this world.”

The sunlight grew stronger as time passed. Even though the vines covering the walls were able to

block out most of the light, the mansion’s interior layout still grew brighter, thanks to the sunlight.

Josephine felt slightly reassured when she smelled Lewis’ familiar scent.

She didn’t sleep much during these two days. On the first night, Paul kept trying to scare her away. The

following day, she found it difficult to sleep due to starvation.

The young woman had been waiting for Paul to give her more food, but Seth and Lewis had tracked

her down instead.

Now that Josephine was able to relax, she found herself leaning into Lewis’ arms while her

consciousness gradually slipped away.

Once Lewis returned to the hotel, he could see Gerald pacing up and down in the lobby.

The latter was wearing a floral-patterned shirt which seemed quite tight on his form, courtesy of his

protruding belly. Whenever he walked, his stomach kept jiggling like bouncy jelly.

When Gerald saw Lewis returning to the hotel while carrying Josephine in his arms, the frown. on his

face vanished instantly. He heaved a huge sigh of relief before running over to meet the other man with

a grin on his face.

“You found Miss Vance! What a relief! Is she alright?”

“She’s fine. It’s just that she’s too exhausted from the ordeal. Contact a doctor right now.”

“Got it! I’ll ask some doctors to come right away!” Gerald pulled out his phone and called a bunch of

doctors to the hotel.

The large hotel room was soon filled with a crowd of doctors. Everyone took turns in giving Josephine a


Soon, they gave the same verdict to Lewis. She was overly exhausted and had been starving for a long


Lewis told the doctors to leave the room after that.

One of the female doctors decided to linger in the room even after her peers had left. She seemed like

she had something to tell Lewis.

The latter shot her a glance. “What is it?”

His gaze was quite unfriendly, which stressed the doctor out. Still, she forced herself to speak

“The young miss’ constitution is very weak.”


Lewis’ eyes glinted as he turned to gaze at the doctor properly. “Go on.”

“I’m not sure about the details, but it’s best if you take her to the hospital for a thorough check -up, sir.

There’s no harm in doing that.”

The man was silent for a moment.

“Tell me what you know about her constitution.”

“All I can see is that her body is extremely weak and fragile. In fact, her constitution doesn’t resemble

that of a typical young woman’s.”

“What else?”

“That’s all I know for now.”

The room was plunged into silence once the doctor stopped speaking.

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After that, she remained rooted to the spot for a very long time. Her legs were starting to go numb

during the process.

She didn’t know how much time had passed before the man finally waved at her, signaling her

to leave.

Only then did the doctor exhale in relief. After that, she left the room.

She knew that she shouldn’t have spoken up in the first place. The other doctors were clearly. being

vague about the patient’s condition by claiming that she was doing fine.

Lewis remained by Josephine’s side the whole time. The weather was beautiful today, with the white

clouds adorning the bright blue sky. It didn’t look like it would rain today.

A light breeze flowed into the room, causing the silk curtains to dance in the air.

The sunlight cascaded onto Josephine’s face, highlighting the paleness of her complexion. There was

barely any trace of color in her cheeks.

Suddenly, Lewis stood up and walked toward the balcony so that he could smoke there in


It had been an awfully long time since Josephine last rested, so she slept very soundly. At the same

time, she had many weird dreams.

There were all sorts of weird visages in her dreams which puzzled her.

The only thing that left a mark on her memory was her parents’ blurry face and their joyful laughter.

Somehow, that abandoned mansion was there too.

However, the mansion didn’t reveal its true form in her dreams. It still looked rundown, vacant, and


Paul’s burned face appeared in her dreams as well. That was when Josephine’s eyes flew open.

The darkness of her dreams receded, replaced by the bright light which filled the room. In fact, it was

so bright that it stung her eyes for a moment.

She quickly raised a hand to block out the blinding light. Once she finally felt better, she lowered her

hand before turning her head to look at the balcony.

All Josephine saw was a man’s slender figure.

He was wearing a white undershirt and a silver vest. The vest was form-fitting, showcasing his body’s

sleek outline.

The young woman looked stunned at that moment. She threw the covers off her body before.

approaching him barefoot.

Before she could do so, the man seemed to have sensed her presence. He suddenly turned around to

face her, his eyes gazing into hers during the process.

Josephine couldn’t help but look surprised as she stared at his handsome face.

“Why aren’t you wearing your slippers?”

The young woman looked down at her bare feet. The floor didn’t feel cold at all; in fact, it felt quite cool.

Still, Lewis walked back into the hotel room and grabbed a pair of slippers for her. Then, he led. her to

the swing on the balcony and sat her down.

He crouched in front of her and grasped one of her ankles before sliding her foot into a slipper.